Because Stina came through the book, of course the first task is to find the prince and change the ending of the mermaid.

She didn't want to be stuck here forever.

"Just tell me, is there a kingdom here?"

Zhan Hanjue was amused by her antics, secretly raised the corners of his mouth slightly, curving an arc like the moon.

"There is no kingdom, and no prince you want."

After Stina got the answer, although she had some doubts, she still murmured dejectedly:
"It's a pity, how can the prince go back without me?"


"What did you say?"

Zhan Hanjue looked at the sullen Stina and asked with a puzzled face.

"No, Master Zhan, can you let me out? Although what you said is not unreasonable, I still want to go outside and have a look?"

Stina held Zhan Hanjue's arm with both hands, begging.

Zhan Hanjue felt the warmth of the woman's hand penetrate through the sleeves of his suit and get close to his skin.

Why on earth did this woman appear by the sea?And why are you looking for some prince?
"Could it be that the prince in your mouth is more important than me?"

Zhan Hanjue probably didn't expect that he would ask such a question suddenly.


Stina was overwhelmed by the sudden question, shrank back under the quilt in embarrassment, and stopped looking at Zhan Hanjue's charming face.

"Master, put breakfast on the table or..."

The maid came in with breakfast.

"give it to me!"

Zhan Hanjue took the bowl from the maid and asked.

"What are you doing miss?"

"Miss is having breakfast."

Seeing that Zhan Hanjue had nothing to order, the maid turned around and left, standing by the door for orders at any time.

"Come on, get up and eat something."

Stina poked her head out secretly, her eyes rolled back and forth, staring at Zhan Hanjue's dark face, and said with a smile on her face:
"Master Zhan, give it to me."

She tried to snatch the bowl from Zhan Hanjue's hand with both hands, but she didn't know that Zhan Hanjue didn't want to let go.

Nima, how can you eat if you don't give me?
"Lie down like this, and I'll feed you."

"This... is not good!"

Stina felt that the atmosphere was not right. Where did the person who treated her fiercely before go?

Today, this one has completely lost his domineering majesty. Is this still the frightening Zhan Hanjue?

Zhan Hanjue took a piece of fish and blew it to Stina's mouth.

Stina opened her mouth in embarrassment and took the piece of fish, "Actually, I can do it myself."

Zhan Hanjue kept silent, but fed her fish meat gently and domineeringly mouthful after mouthful.

No, how can anyone eat fish in the morning?

"Enough, enough, I'm full."

Stina felt the pain from her legs, and quickly refused.

"Eat so little? You didn't eat all day yesterday, come and eat more."

Zhan Hanjue continued to feed Stina and let her take a sip of fish soup.

"Is your family happy to eat fish in the morning?"

No more, Stina's legs hurt so much that she broke out in a cold sweat, she quickly changed the subject and refused to continue eating fish.

"No, it's just that you were too weak last night. I asked the kitchen to prepare it for you, to invigorate Qi and blood."


"Master Zhan, could you please go out for a while?"


"I'm going to get up and take a shower."

"it is good."

Zhan Hanjue put the bowl on the bedside table, put on his sunglasses and said to Stina, "Hurry up, today I will show you the world you want to see with great mercy."

When Stina heard what he said, she almost jumped up happily.

It's just that these legs are really painful...

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