Stina's bright and beautiful eyes blinked twice, and her slender and white index finger poked on the man's muscular chest, making Zhan Hanjue's tall body slightly away from her, her eyes were speechless: "Do you want More, I wouldn't think so!"

Obviously he answered very plainly, but it made Zhan Hanjue's handsome face become violent, and the slender long hands that had been protecting the back of Stina's head were slightly closed, and the corners of his mouth curled up: "Really? How about I kiss you? "

When Stina heard this, suspicion and shock flashed across her beautiful eyes, and then quickly disappeared: "No, no, Lord Zhan, I was wrong!"

Stina was still wondering if she was about to be slammed by the wall just now, but suddenly she shrank and admitted cowardly.

Zhan Hanjue snickered: "It turns out that you are also afraid sometimes? Don't you usually have a lot of guts? Can you even break into the confinement by mistake?"

"Oh, after that incident, I never dared to touch that thing again. I'm still in a panic even now. If you hadn't appeared in time, I'm afraid I would have died already."

Stina opened her exquisite blue eyes and looked at Zhan Hanjue's falcon-like eyes with a smile.

"Emma, ​​if you look at it again, you may not be able to bear it and you will kiss me? No, no, no..."

Stina has been cornered by Zhan Hanjue all the time, preventing her from breaking free. She is too close to Zhan Hanjue, especially that handsome face and thin lips, I really want to Take a bite.

But she knew she couldn't do it.

Because she had an agreement with Zhan Hanjue that there should be no physical contact within a year. If she kissed for no reason, it might anger the lion.

Besides, she has never talked about a boyfriend, so how can she just give her her first kiss casually?
She doesn't want to kiss someone who doesn't love her casually.

Stina thought about it and felt her cheeks burning hot, she closed her eyes tightly and stopped looking at him.

"Give me your ID card."

In the end, Zhan Hanjue took her by the arm again and sat down on the sofa next to her, asking aloud.

"That Lord Zhan, I don't have a household registration booklet and ID card, what should I do? Why does Lord Zhan suddenly want my ID card and ID card?"

Stina sat on the sofa, feeling uneasy.

She somehow came through the book, she was the mermaid princess, she had never even been to the ocean, how could the princess have a household registration book and ID card?

I buy Karma, too funny, right?
"How? By the way, I haven't had time to ask you, where is your home? Where are your parents?"

What did Zhan Hanjue suddenly think of?Start checking accounts.

"Ah, this..."

Stina is a little hard to say, she is from another world, her parents must still be there!
But how to tell him this?
Could it be possible to tell him: "Master Zhan, I'm not from this world, so I don't have a household registration book and ID card?"

No, he might not believe it if he said it so bluntly.

Maybe he will hand her over to the police uncle and sue her for breaking into a private house?
So if I don't tell the truth, how should I answer?

"What's the matter? Did you encounter something? Why did Audrey meet you at the beach, and you didn't wear clothes?"

Zhan Hanjue recalled that Audrey told him that Stina met at the seaside of Beiyang, and wanted to bring it back for confirmation.

As a result, the woman was not wearing any clothes, but was covered with banana leaves.

Therefore, Zhan Hanjue has always been suspicious of Stina's identity, but because of too many things recently, he almost forgot about it.

If it wasn't for the fact that the two were about to become a partner, he would not have mentioned this matter again. After all, Stina had a pure heart and had no other thoughts.

"That... that... Master Zhan, I... I was alone that day and went to the beach to enjoy the breeze when I was bored, but who knew that I accidentally slipped and fell into the sea. Fortunately, I can swim to save myself, otherwise I probably wouldn't be here." It will appear in front of Lord Zhan!"

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