Stina felt a pair of fiery eyes staring at her, and suddenly opened her eyes.

"Yo, are you here?"

"Why? Waiting for me here early in the morning?"

Stina rubbed her sleepy eyes, remembering that she was just sitting on the sofa waiting, but she was dazedly waiting to fall asleep.

"Mr. Gong, is your bar short of people?"

Stina got down to business and got straight to the point.

"Miss Shi, are you looking for a job?"

Gong Tingyu just looked straight at Stina's unique pair of blue eyes, and asked with a wicked smile.


Stina answered bluntly.

"Aren't you afraid that Zhan Hanjue will know that you are out to work? I heard that the Zhan family is famous for not letting women show their faces!"

Gong Tingyu suddenly became interested. He didn't expect this woman to come out to look for a job, and even found him here.

"What are you afraid of? I'm just a homeless person adopted by the Zhan family."

"Homeless? Where do you start?"

When Gong Tingyu heard this, he became more interested, and his curiosity forced him to continue to break the casserole and ask the end.

"It's a long story. Let me tell you slowly in the future. The question now is whether you are still short of people here? If there is no shortage of people, I will go elsewhere and ask."

Stina has always disliked others prying into her privacy, let alone beating around the bush.

In particular, she hates others trying to figure out her thoughts.

"Hey, is Miss Shi here to find a job or to vent my anger on me? Please have a better attitude!"

Seeing that Stina's tone and attitude were not right, the imperial court knew that she was in a hurry, so she deliberately joked.

"I don't want to waste my time, if not, then I'll bother you, goodbye!"

Stina stood up abruptly, ready to leave the bar.

Unexpectedly, the imperial court grabbed her by the corner of her clothes and took her to his office.

"Miss Shi has such a temper?"

He closed the office door, let Stina sit on the sofa, and sat opposite her.

"Mr. Gong, what are you doing here?"

"No reason! I just want to chat with Miss Shi alone."

Stina raised her blue eyes and scanned all the corners of the office.

Good guy, as expected of a noble son of a famous family, even the office of the bar is so high-profile, luxurious and connotative.

"Mr. Gong should have more than just this bar, right? There should be other businesses, right? Otherwise, how can you support yourself with a big family?"

"Yo, not bad! Ms. Shi really has a delicate mind.

I am only in charge of this bar temporarily, and the ownership will still be transferred to Xiao'er in the future.

My father manages a real estate company. I, of course, have other jobs. Of course, I can't compare with Zhan Han Jue! "

The royal palace got up and poured a glass of water for Stina and handed it to her, "Tell me? What will you do?"

"I... want to be the resident singer of your bar?"

Stina accidentally heard Gong Tingxiao's voice last time, and it was indeed very good. The song "Tears of the Polaris" was deeply moved by her singing.

She thought, she wouldn't be too bad either.

"Yo, Miss Stina can still sing?"

This really made Gong Tingyu unbelievable, and looked at Stina's serious face in surprise.

"Of course, I like singing very much. Why don't you let me come on stage and sing you a song?"

Stina said boldly.

"Then, Miss Stina, please move to the music station."

Gong Tingyu stretched out his right hand in a gentlemanly manner, bent down and made a "please" gesture.

Stina strode forward with her head held high.

"What song do you want to listen to?"

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