Lord Zhan, your cute wife is not human

Chapter 209 Returning to the Sea

Yu Sen parked the car on the side of the road. When he saw Zhan Hanjue getting out of the car with Stina in his arms, he saw the fishtail under the skirt.

He could only cover his mouth, for fear that he would scream out loud.

This is the first time I see the young mistress is not human...

He watched Zhan Hanjue, who was holding Stina, walking towards the sea gradually, although he was curious why the young mistress was a mermaid.

But curiosity is curiosity, he can't ask, and he doesn't dare to ask.

I just feel that there are really mermaids in this world, which is so rare.

When Zhan Hanjue's tall back gradually disappeared from Yu Sen's sight, he opened the car door and sat in.

"Master Zhan, after knowing my identity, why are you so calm? Are you not afraid of me?"

Stina tightly hooked Zhan Hanjue's neck, because she asked Zhan Hanjue three questions in one breath just now, but she didn't get an answer.

So she asked again unwillingly, she knew that her appearance had made Zhan Hanjue lose interest in her.

No, maybe he never had any interest in himself from the beginning.

Otherwise, why would he treat her like that?
The image of Zhan Hanjue strangling her neck was vivid in her mind, and her memory was still fresh.

Just arriving on the beach, she saw that Zhan Hanjue was still turning a blind eye to her question and not listening to it.

Coupled with the fact that Zhan Hanjue had strangled her neck before, she was full of anger and had nowhere to vent her anger.

Seeing that Zhan Hanjue had walked into the sea with her in his arms, she tried her best to jump down and swim towards the sea.

Before Zhan Hanjue came back to his senses, the person in his arms had long since disappeared.

When he took a closer look at the sea, through the hazy moonlight, he saw that Stina was swimming freely in the sea, enjoying herself.

Her golden curly hair has fallen, the crown on her head has long since fallen into the sea, and the dress she was wearing was taken off by Zhan Hanjue when she got off the car. At that time, she was swimming happily in the sea water, splashing layers of white waves, which was very beautiful...

Simply not too beautiful.

Zhan Hanjue just quietly watched Stina swim farther and farther, suddenly he thought of something, and shouted into the sea:
"Nana, I'm not afraid of you, because you are the one I'm looking for..."

No matter how loud his voice was, Stina couldn't hear it, because she was free and unrestrained once she was in the sea, and it was impossible to hear what Zhan Hanjue said.

It's a pity that Zhan Hanjue said such a sentence too late after all.

After such a night, he also sat down on the soft sand exhausted, staring intently at the calm sea.

But there was no sign of Stina, and he always thought that Stina just wanted to go back to the sea to recover her strength, and she would come back after she had recharged her energy.

But he waited patiently for a long time, but he never saw Stina come back...

Is it...

He took off his clothes and leather shoes and wanted to jump into the sea to find Stina, because he couldn't believe she was gone forever.

When he plucked up the courage to go farther and farther into the sea, Zhan Hanyang and his four confidants rushed to the seaside together.

When they came to the beach, they didn't see Stina, but saw Zhan Hanjue walking farther and farther into the sea.

In the quiet night, except for a few stars in the sky, there is only the hazy moonlight. The vast sea seems to be connected with the sky, and the surging sea water hits the reef, making a thunderous sound.

Zhan Hanyang saw the desperate Zhan Hanjue, she tried her best to shout to Zhan Hanjue who was going away: "Brother, what are you doing?"

Leng Xue also found that the situation was not good. Not only did he not see Stina, but he also saw Zhan Hanjue heading into the sea.

"Miss, do you think Lord Zhan is going to die for love? Could it be that the young lady has returned to the sea, so Lord Zhan wants to go to the sea to find her?"

When Zhan Hanyang heard Leng Xue say this, his body trembled and his heart collapsed. Her brother actually wanted to "jump into the sea" for Stina?
"Cold-blooded, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and go to the sea to save Lord Zhan!"

Zhan Hanyang didn't care about that much anymore, at this moment her brother was about to merge with the sea water, how could she care about the image of a lady.

When Leng Xue heard what Zhan Hanyang said, the four of them went into the sea one after another and dragged Zhan Hanjue, who was nearly submerged, onto the beach.

Zhan Hanjue's eyes were dull, his expression was bleak, his whole body was drenched, his white shirt was so wet that the skin inside could be seen through naked eyes.

"Brother, where is Nana? Why are you going to the sea?"

Zhan Hanyang was very distressed, she knew that Stina had returned from the beginning, and the first thing she said when she came back was to call Zhan Hanjue the dog man.

She also saw Stina fall into the pool, and then witnessed a pair of human legs gradually turning into a shimmering fluorescent fishtail.

At first, she thought it was a real mermaid, but when Zhan Hanjue saw Stina transformed into a mermaid, he would definitely recognize that the unwelcome mermaid was the one who saved him back then.

But who knew that when Stina fell into the water, not only did she return to her original shape, but the original Stina also appeared.

It also means that Zhan Hanjue will only think that this Stina is the one who saved him, not the real mermaid?
So the real mermaid no longer exists?really dead?It's no longer possible for someone to take her to the mysterious palace at the bottom of the ocean?

Thinking of this, Zhan Hanyang's eyes turned red slightly, she was very sad and sad, although she liked both Stinas, but when she thought of the later Stinas who hadn't had time to recognize her brother, she just disappeared like this gone.

Huh... Zhan Hanyang burst into tears, and the tears couldn't stop falling down.

Hearing the loud weeping, Zhan Hanjue yelled in dismay: "Why are you crying? Why are you here?"

When Zhan Hanyang was yelled at by her brother, she shuddered in fright, sucked her nose, and muttered:
"I miss Nana! When I think that she hasn't had time..."


"Miss, don't be sad, I believe the young mistress just left temporarily."

Tieshou patted Zhan Hanyang's shoulder and said in relief.

"That's enough, you all go back and rest! I have to wait for Nana to come back. I believe she will come back. I haven't had time to tell her that she was the one who saved me back then."

Zhan Hanyang gradually stopped crying: Brother, this Stina didn't save you!The one who saved you was the Nana who was hurt by you...

Zhan Hanyang cried more and more sadly while thinking in his heart, and the big teardrops fell down like a kite with a broken string.

But Zhan Hanjue will never know that Zhan Hanyang's sadness is not for Stina who broke into his life in the first place.

It was the one who knew that it was you who saved him back then, but when he wanted to recognize each other, it was difficult for him to fall into the water once...

"Cold-blooded, send Miss back to rest, if she continues to cry like this, what should I do if I scare Nana?"

With an order from Zhan Hanjue, Leng Xue took Zhan Hanyang away.

At this moment, he was the only one left on the beach. He looked up at the gray sky, and smiled wryly: "I thought you just wanted to take this opportunity to return to the sea to recover your strength, but I didn't expect you..."

Zhan Hanjue lay on the beach like this, even though the beach was wet, despite the "squeak" sound from the sea breeze, even though the sea was empty, even though Stina would never come back...

He was still lying on his back on the wet and soft sand, looking at the hazy Crescent Bay with dull eyes.

He carefully recalled the whole process of the two being together, it seems that he didn't do anything that made Stina want to escape, right?
What can I do?She finally came back, but left again...

The more Zhan Hanjue thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt, and the more panicked he became. He really didn't know why Stina lied to him to take her to the seaside, and left just like that...

Thinking of this, he felt hot liquid passing by the corner of his eyes. He reached out and touched it, and it turned out to be tears.

Zhan Hanjue had never shed a tear for anyone in his life, but he shed a tear for a woman who was not a human being.

It is said that mermaids are cold-tempered, ruthless and ungrateful, and I don't know if it is true.

He just lay quietly on the beach, Stina's voice kept echoing in his mind.

"Battle Lord."

"Dog man."

"The Lord of War."


In this world, only Stina dared to treat him so rampantly. There was no need to shy away from his reputation, and she was not afraid that he would kill her if he turned fierce.

At this moment, he clutched his shattered heart, jumped up from the beach, and ran frantically into the sea.

Facing the rough sea, she kept shouting: "Stina, you crazy woman, you stole my heart, why don't you give me a chance to explain...

Do you know how much I love you, how much I want to cherish you, from the first time I found out that something was wrong with you, but I still believed in you...

But why?Why do you leave without saying a word..."

Zhan Hanjue roared crazily, slapping the sea water, tears streaming down his cheeks involuntarily.

Suddenly there was a loud bang in the sky, lightning and thunder, and the pouring rain slanted down, hitting Zhan Hanjue's body, causing pain in the diaphragm, as if the skin had been torn.

He didn't want to leave even when it was raining heavily, and he was grateful for the timely rain, because he knew that whenever it rained, Stina would appear.

However, this is just rain, not a tsunami.

There was a sea breeze instead of a strong wind on the sea, Stina didn't cry, she actually left without leaving a single tear.

Hearing a "plop", Zhan Hanjue knelt in the sea water, like a puppet possessed by himself, and let the raindrops hit him, he just quietly waited all night in the rain with tears in his eyes .

After a night of heavy rain, the whole city exudes a faint fragrance. No matter the flowers, plants or trees, they have been washed clean by the rain.

They drank water all night, and they looked fuller, more beautiful, and full of vitality.

But Zhan Hanjue was the only one still kneeling in the sea, staring blankly at the sea...

In order to wait for Stina's return, he only relied on a sliver of faith to support until now...

Zhan Hanyang woke up early in the morning and didn't even have time to eat breakfast. Seeing that Zhan Hanjue hadn't returned all night, he anxiously called Zhan Hanjue's four confidants to come straight to the sea.

"Zhan Hanjue, are you desperate? For a woman who abandoned you, you were willing to soak in the sea all night, and even drenched in the rain all night..."

Zhan Hanyang tried his best to rush to Zhan Hanjue, complaining and ridiculing for a while, feeling very sad and feeling sorry for her brother.

When has her brother been so decadent...

"Master Zhan, if Young Mistress wants to avoid you, you can't find it no matter what, let's go home!"

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