Lord Zhan, your cute wife is not human

Chapter 130 I really like it

"What are you doing in Western Ocean?"

"I'm traveling here in Iron Hand!"

Zhan Hanyang felt guilty, stood up and walked to the French windows, watching the beautiful sunset, and said the most against his will.

"Very well, why did you go on a trip?"

"Brother, I finished attending my classmate's wedding, and I thought I'd have a good time since I'm out. It's not the closest to Xiyang, so I came to play with Iron Hands. By the way, I can see what my brother's workplace is like, hehe!"

Zhan Hanyang thought to keep it as long as she could, anyway, she was going to Dongyang with Shuofeng in the afternoon.

"Don't play too long, go home when you've had enough, I'm afraid Nana will miss you if she wakes up and won't see you."

Zhan Hanjue sat on the sofa next to him, and while talking on the phone with Zhan Hanyang, he looked at Stina who was sleeping extremely charmingly.

"Okay, brother, I'll be back in two days, you have to take good care of my sister-in-law!"

After Zhan Hanyang finished speaking, he quickly hung up the phone with a guilty conscience, and casually put the phone on the computer desk.

She rubbed her temples, sat back in front of the computer, and continued to look up the information.

"Miss, are we going to Dongyang that afternoon?"

Shuo Feng, who suddenly opened the door and walked in, gave Zhan Hanyang a stack of documents and put them in front of her.

"Well, you will go back to the hotel to pack up later and we will set off in the afternoon."

Zhan Hanyang saw the stack of documents in front of him, frowned, and said with displeasure:

"Is this iron hand going to be the shopkeeper? Since I came, he has been happy and happy, and he has hardly been seen."

"Miss, the Western affairs have not been resolved yet, and we are going to Dongyang. When can we return to Beiyang?"

Shuo Feng turned over page after page of folders and asked Zhan Hanyang to sign the documents, and Zhan Hanyang talked freely while signing.

"Xiyang is fine at the moment. If you know what caused the creature to be harmed, let the iron hand handle it yourself. Is it possible that I have to do everything myself?"

Zhan Hanyang signed a large pile of documents, then turned off the computer, picked up his coat, and left the building with ten centimeter high heels.

Shuo Feng withdrew his mouth, not daring to say a word, thinking to himself: Is this more and more like Zhan Hanjue?
Mighty, domineering, sideways.

The Gong family - Miyai Han's study.

"How are things going?"

Facing Miyai Han's questioning, Gong Ting Yu swaggered and sat on the sofa, poured himself a glass of water, took a sip, and then said slowly:

"I just sent people to do something in Xiyang and Dongyang, but I didn't expect to alarm Zhan Hanyang. Presumably Zhan Hanjue didn't know that something happened in the two oceans, otherwise he wouldn't let Zhan Hanyang run around like a woman let's go."

Gong Tingyu smiled very sinisterly, because Zhan Hanyang went to the West, so in order not to startle the snake, he had already ordered people not to be too rampant, enough is enough.

That's why Xiyang didn't report any more creatures being killed, because his focus has never been on the matter of confronting Zhan Hanjue.

So a small punishment and a big commandment to destroy Zhan Hanjue's prestige.

"I don't care what you do. I want you to find ways to get that woman's blood. This is very important."

Miyai Han stroked the celadon teacup in his hand, and said decisively.

"Don't worry! I know how to do it. Recently, I've been going to Zhan Mansion frequently to see if Miss Stina is awake, but every time I go, I'm turned away by Zhan Hanjue. .”

Gong Tingyu discussed this matter with his father. It has been so long, and he hasn't even seen Stina. I don't know what happened to her?

"You really like that woman?"


"Is not it?"

Gong Tingyu was at a loss for words when he was asked by his father suddenly, and he didn't know how to answer.

If he admits it, I'm afraid he thinks it will affect the efficiency of his work. If he doesn't admit it, then he will have no chance to express his mind in the future.


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