Stina stopped after hearing this aggressive question.

"Nana, what's the matter? Why don't you leave?"

Stina turned around and made a silent gesture to Zhan Hanyang.

"Master, have you fallen in love with this young lady?"

Audrey stood in front of the Zhan Hanjue, yelling unbalanced in her heart.

Zhan Hanjue was wearing a well-tailored suit and spotless leather shoes, and he tapped his fingers on the table with his legs crossed.

"Master, what about the daughter of the Gong family? You said you saw her when you woke up, so she must be the one you are looking for?"

When Zhan Hanjue heard the words "Gong Family's Daughter", he immediately frowned, his face was covered with frost, and the cold air was overwhelming.

Stina turned her head again and asked curiously: "What happened back then that Audrey said?"

Zhan Hanyang rolled his eyeballs, pulled Stina closer, and whispered in her ear:
"It's a long story back then, let me tell you slowly in the future!"

Zhan Hanyang didn't dare to tell Stina, because Zhan Hanjue ordered his death back then, and no one could mention his distress at sea, otherwise...

Hey, Zhan Hanyang shuddered, quickly collected himself and continued, "Okay, Nana, if you don't go out, it's time for my brother to invite you."

Zhan Hanyang took Stina's hand and appeared in front of Zhan Hanjue, "Brother, we are here."

Audrey turned her head to look at Stina, who was being held back. She was dressed in a casual style, with delicate makeup on her face, and her piercing blue eyes were very distinctive, especially the golden ball head, which was very cute and cute.

Master, do you like this kind of cute and playful style?

No, maybe I was wrong.

Zhan Hanjue calmly did not look at Stina, but asked indifferently: "What are you waiting for, it took you so long to come out."

"Brother, Nana is very confused about choosing clothes for today's outing, she is actually wearing all black, she looks like you!"

Zhan Hanyang walked to Zhan Hanjue's side, looked into his deep eyes and joked.

Zhan Hanjue was suddenly aroused by his sister's words, and raised his head to look at Stina who was standing uncomfortable in front of him.

This outfit really has my style.

The corners of his mouth raised unconsciously, and he smiled peacefully.

Naturally, no one noticed this small expression.

He put down his left leg, stood up abruptly, took the black sunglasses handed to him by the servant, and put them on aggressively.

"You have nothing to do here, go down!"

"Yu Sen, drive to the Moduo bar in Hurricane City!"

Yu Sen parked the enhanced black Masara Emperor at the door, opened the car door for Zhan Hanjue, Zhan Hanjue went in first, Stina went in behind, and Zhan Hanyang sat in the co-pilot's seat tactfully.

"That warlord, why did you go to the Moduo bar?"

The domineering and mighty Zhan Hanjue ignored Stina's question, and took a sip of the red wine on the car.

What a shame, I even lowered my status and asked in a low voice without answering.

Only Zhan Hanyang can see people's hearts anytime and anywhere, he turned around and said to Stina with a hippie smile:

"Nana, my brother has always been like this. He doesn't talk too much. If he doesn't want to talk to you, it's useless if you ask more. You have to get used to it!"

Zhan Hanyang finished speaking with a smile, and continued to stare at the front, but did not see Stina's distorted face.

Fuck, let me get used to it, I'm used to it, he doesn't like to talk, I don't care about talking to him!
Stina complained indignantly, closed her eyes tightly and pretended to sleep.

Only then did Zhan Hanjue turn his head and take a peek at Stina.

"What kind of woman is so unfeminine?..."

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