It's really strange, after Zhan Hanjue heard Zhui Ming say "the tsunami is coming again", his hands loosened a little.

Seeing that Zhan Hanjue's strength loosened a bit, Zhuiming quickly took Zhan Hanjue's hand away from Stina's neck.

Stina fell to the ground with a "whoosh", and she was panting heavily on the ground.

Good guy, I was almost strangled to death by this dog man.

When Zhan Hanyang said it was too late, he quickly ran up and helped Stina up. Seeing her neck was red and swollen by his brother, his heart ached instantly.

"Brother, stop now! The people on Beiyang need you to save them. Let's wait until the tsunami is resolved!"

Zhan Hanyang supported Stina, looked at her tears, and instantly understood.

It turned out that Stina shed the blue tear last time.

Stina's tears are blue, could it be that she has something to do with the tsunami?
Zhan Hanyang thought in her heart, seeing Stina still crying, in order to prove her conjecture, she could only offend Stina.

She pushed Stina violently to the ground, only to see that Stina's head hit the hard stone next to her.

After a while, the blue blood soaked the entire stone, and Stina fainted like this.

After Zhan Hanjue saw the pool of blue blood, he suddenly came back to his senses.

Not allowing him to think so much, he picked up the fainted Stina and ran away.

A group of people were left behind looking at him in astonishment as they walked away.

Zhuiming Shuofeng shook his head and looked at Zhan Hanyang in puzzlement.

"Miss, you seemed to have gone too far just now."

Zhui Ming sighed, and after leaving this sentence, he and Shuo Feng followed and left.

What did Yin Shangxiang see just now?Blue tears, blue blood?
Isn't she Stina human?
Miyai Han also saw the pool of blue blood on the stone, and he squatted down curiously to touch it, but his index finger was quickly corroded by the blue blood.

Looking at the bloody index finger, Miyai felt the pain in his heart. Enduring the pain, he turned his hand away and roared at Zhan Tingjun:
"Brother Zhan, you can go, I agree to dissolve the engagement between Zhan Hanjue and Xiao'er.

I don't want my daughter to marry a lunatic like Zhan Hanjue. What if one day he goes crazy again and takes my daughter's life?
Therefore, from today onwards, my Gong family and your Zhan family have no contact with each other, the friendship has been broken, and neither owes each other. "

Miyai Han's injured finger was not seen by others. He endured the excruciating pain and had no choice but to issue an order to evict the guest.

"Walk slowly without sending."

Then he left quickly, and ordered his servants to wash the blue blood off the stone with cold water.

Gong Tingyu saw that his father had left in anger, so he couldn't say anything. In short, Gong Tingxiao would never have the chance to marry into the Zhanfu again, but that's good, and he didn't have to suffer like Stina.

Zhan Tingjun also saw the pool of blue blood. It was the first time in his life that he saw the same human but non-human blood.

what on earth is it?

Zhan Tingjun and Yin Shangxiang also left the palace in desperation.

Strange to say, when Stina fainted, the ocean tsunami stopped abruptly.

It's just that the few dolphins that were washed into the city by the sea were caught by Zhan Hanyang's servants.

Put them in their own aquarium for feeding.

Zhan Hanyang is more convinced of one thing, that is, Stina's tears will cause a tsunami.

She remembered that after Stina came to her house, every time she saw her cry, it seemed that the ocean was not calm.

The successive tsunamis were actually caused by Stina's crying, but what I don't understand is, how could Stina have such a function?

Blue tears, blue blood, tears can cause a tsunami, including allergy rashes are blue.

All these signs indicate that Stina is not human...

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