I have five elf brothers

Chapter 56: Burning in Anger

"Brother, are you kidding us with this broken door? It's so small, it can't be pierced, it can't be pierced, it doesn't look like you've cast a spell or set up a barrier. How did the master and that living overlord get in?"

When Shen Yuan knocked on the door, Ye Yu kept adjusting his position to avoid the dust.Shen Yuan simply stopped doing stupid things after seeing that it was useless to break the door.

Because this small red door seemed to be getting more and more courageous, absorbing Shen Yuan's attacks continuously, without even a single scratch, let alone shifting and opening.

But the impatience and furrowed brows on Shen Yuan's face made Ye Yu feel nervous, fearing that if he was not careful, Shen Yuan would be even more angry.

After he asked Jin Cheng, he didn't dare to speak loudly.

Jin Cheng withdrew his left hand and held her usual dagger in his right. He was thinking about poking it, but was interrupted by Ye Yu's loud voice.

She silently glared at Ye Yu.

Ye Yu was suppressed by the two senior brothers at the same time, and he didn't dare to breathe out. He held his breath and shrank to the side to squat, waiting for the senior brothers to think of a way.

"If sharp weapons can't pierce the door, should we think of other ways?" Jin Cheng suggested.

"Right on my mind."

Shen Yuan withdrew the Thunder Chu sword, took a deep breath, and repeatedly recalled the details before Master and Young Master Sanyu disappeared.

Yu Xiangtai is the territory of Mr. Sanyu, but the master knows how to get in.That means that opening this door is within Master's ability.

At that time, the master did not slash the door with the sword, but directly raised his breath and flew forward for a certain distance before disappearing into a white mist...

Shen Yuan observed its terrain.

The gate of Yu Xiangtai is located under a hillside, in front of the hillside, the gate is like a tombstone.

In the eyes of mortals, it would have been called unlucky, but in Shen Yuan's view, this kind of terrain, which is higher than the first level, seems to tell them the answer to enter the door.

The image of Master flying over flashed in Shen Yuan's mind, and he finally remembered that at that time, because of the distance and being blocked by the red rocks unique to the underworld, what they saw was only the upper body of Master.

When the master flew to the door, he paused obviously.

Excluding the possibility of Master's flight being unstable, the only remaining reason is...

Shen Yuan walked to the door, but on the top of the door at his waist, interlaced gray traces confirmed his guess.

"Eldest brother, Ye Yu, come with me."

Shen Yuan said these words in a cold voice, staring at the door with both eyes, but his body started from the front of the door and kept moving backwards.

Jin Cheng followed behind him, imitating his appearance, and retreated a certain distance.Then, Shen Yuan took off suddenly, stood in the air, just waited for Jin Cheng and Ye Yu to catch up, and rushed straight to the gate of Yu Xiangtai.

When he reached the top of the door, he stretched out his foot and stepped on the top of the door. In an instant, he felt that he was lifted upwards by a force from bottom to top, making him stop on the hillside behind the door. superior.

At the same time, he found himself standing in the fog, with the red soil on the hillside under his feet, but the small door was no longer behind him.

And the most conspicuous thing in front of him was the vermilion door covered in dust that Jiu You entered not long ago.

Jin Cheng and Ye Yu came later, and Ye Yu was very excited, "I didn't expect that we solved a difficult problem so easily. If Master knows, why don't you give us a good compliment?"

When they came out of the canyon before, Lord Youming let them know that after returning to the Five Elements Sect, they would be rewarded.

At that time, Jin Cheng had already been possessed by the puppet witch, and Shen Yuan asked You Mingjun for the magic trick.

Because he was afraid that Jiuyou would abuse the magic power to solve the problem, and sooner or later something big would happen.And if the technique of expressing spirit is scattered, then the technique of illusion is the corresponding convergence, which can help Jiuyou regain his senses.

What Ye Yu wants is to ask Lord You Ming to cast a spell on his frequently used small notebook so that he can never finish writing it.

After this request was made, everyone looked at him with shock.And although Lord Youming fulfilled his request with a cold face, he walked away immediately after finishing.
It was obvious that he was angry because of his disappointment.

So Jin Cheng rolled his eyes, and said to him angrily, "We didn't solve it, but the third one alone. You have a dilapidated notebook, and you only know how to write. What can you do? Praise Shen Yuan ?"


Ye Yu cheerfully opened the small notebook and began to record, completely ignoring Jin Cheng's distaste for what he said.

Shen Yuan just racked his brains before entering the small door.Unexpectedly, there was another door waiting for him.

He suppressed his anger, and wanted to use the door-opening technique common in the underworld to try to break the door, but unexpectedly found that the door opened slowly and automatically as soon as he reached the steps in front of the door.

One, two, three, there are three steps in front of the door.

Including the door and hillside just stepped on, there are five levels in total.

What does this mean?
Up the stairs?

Shen Yuan walked into the door and saw a door on the left, middle and right sides.The thick white mist blocked his vision, and he had to look at his feet while walking to find some traces.

Walking to the door on the right, he saw a "you" character that could not be erased. On the white wall, there was a faint red light.

This is a mark that Lord Youming often makes, and only those he wants to see will see it.

But there are none on the left and middle walls.

Shen Yuan resolutely chose this door.

Inside the door, unlike the lively scene Jiuyou saw when he came in, what the three of them saw now was an endless gravel road.

They could see no house or human presence except beneath their feet.Ye Yu couldn't help but wonder if Yu Xiangtai is the legendary [-]th floor of hell, which can make ghosts lose their way, make every day unresponsible, and make the earth not work.

Jin Cheng patiently explained to him: "First of all, there are [-] hells, literally. Before we came in, we went up five levels. The number and direction are not right. How can we confuse them? ?”

Ye Yu was successfully appeased by her, and his fear of the unknown dissipated a little, and he turned to think positively, he is so cute, he never hurts the world, let alone not dead, even if he died, he would not be punished to the eighteenth level of hell.

Shen Yuan opened the way ahead, not missing any marks set by Lord You Ming.When the three of them finally came to a place that could be regarded as the end, Shen Yuan saw Young Master Sanyu standing with his hands behind his back in a mist.

Shen Yuan immediately rushed forward, pulled out the Thunder Chu sword, and stabbed at Young Master Sanyu with all his strength.

But Young Master Sanyu didn't even take out his hands, he turned his back and turned to avoid Shen Yuan's sword.

Shen Yuan didn't stop, he held the sword in his right hand, and gathered water in his left hand. The water was getting more and more, forming a momentum of soaring into the sky, and then pouring down at a high speed, it rushed straight to the top of San Yu's head.

Young Master Sanyu didn't raise his head, but the water was only a few millimeters away from his head, and it stopped still.

Shen Yuan was about to exert his strength again when he heard a familiar footstep.

He didn't turn around, and looked at the place where the footsteps came from out of the corner of his eye, but was surprised to find that it was Jiu You running towards him quickly.

Shen Yuan didn't understand what happened until he caught Jiu You who plunged into his arms.

He fished Jiuyou out of his arms, and carefully inspected Jiuyou's whole body.

Jiuyou's clothes were still clean and undamaged.He tried to pinch Jiuyou's arm, but it didn't prevent Jiuyou from smiling coquettishly but said coquettishly, "I'm fine, don't worry about it."

Shen Yuan couldn't say a word, but quietly took Jiuyou into his arms.

He thought, it's great that Jiuyou won't obviously have a sore spot on his body but don't cry out for it.

She is so kind, without him having to think about it, she will smile and tell him her truth: there is nothing to worry about, everything is fine with her.

Ye Yu and Jin Cheng also stepped forward to surround Jiu You, knowing that Jiu You was fine, Jin Cheng stretched out his right hand and pushed Jiu You's forehead.

Jiuyou pouted and rubbed his forehead, and said angrily, "Oh, what about it?"

"Of course!"

In front of the only junior sister, Ye Yu put on the airs of a senior brother, and pointed at Jiuyou with his index finger, "Children are most afraid of leaving the sight of adults, and you have been kidnapped for such a long time, and nothing happened. Happened. To be honest, did Master and his elders arrive in time and rescue you? What happened in detail? Can you tell me about it?"

After Jiu Youren finished speaking, he took out his small notebook and wanted to record new material.Armed with Shen Yuan in one arm and Jin Cheng in the other, she swaggered into Manzhushahua's courtyard in front of Mr. Sanyu.

Ye Yu resentfully put away the small notebook, and in the blink of an eye, he saw that Young Master Sanyu was still standing not far away, like a door god, he quickly jumped a few steps, and followed behind his brothers and sisters.

In the yard, Lord Youming was standing with all the fairies.

Different from what Jiuyou saw just now, the blind fairies now lined up in a long line to let Mr. Youming check their eyes one by one.

Originally, Jiuyou thought that the disabilities of fairies were born, and they couldn't solve them after ascension, so they changed from blind people to blind immortals.

But Manzhushahua was someone she knew. He had normal eyes before, but he was blind due to an accident the day after tomorrow.

Just now Lord Youming checked Manzhushahua's eyes, but he didn't immediately draw a conclusion. Instead, he checked the eyes of several fairies nearby, only to find out that their eyes all had the same symptoms.

The same gray pupils.

Same lackluster.

Even more so, the eyeballs cannot move flexibly with the light source.

And this kind of eyes is so familiar to the disciple of the Five Elements Master who has dealt with the puppet witch twice.

Lord Youming turned around, watching all the fairies take off the cloth strips covering their faces one after another, revealing eyes that couldn't be moved like puppets, just like Jiuyou who knew what was going on when he saw Manzhushahua's eyes, angry from his heart rise.

The first time I saw Jiu You and her limp legs that day, I could see her identity as a dead soul at a glance, and knew that as long as she had a spirit body, she could be cured.

But the situation he faced today was that he knew that the godless eyes of the fairies were caused by the puppet witch.He did not know the specific cause and could not treat it symptomatically.

This was a rare scene of powerlessness that he had encountered in his long years as a high god.

Monsters create monsters, and indeed, the demon world should completely disappear from the six realms.

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