I have five elf brothers

Chapter 50: Down to earth

"Da da da da da".

"Da da".

"Da da da".

Jin Cheng looked at Jiuyou whose legs had returned to normal with a headache, put on the little boots with the hardest soles that she had chosen after trying them one by one, and ran up and down the Five Elements School.

Not only did she choose the noisiest shoes, but she also chose places where noise could be heard, the louder the noise, the better.

"Xiao Liu'er, aren't you tired? I understand that your legs need to be exercised after they return to normal, but can you stop clicking when I want to rest after the cockatiel has twittered?"

"Ah? What did you say?"

When Jin Cheng was talking, Jiu You ran away for a certain distance, and she ran back only when she saw Jin Cheng's mouth moving.

Jin Cheng had no choice but to repeat what he had said. Jiuyou, who had a blushing face, panted heavily, tried hard to digest what Jin Cheng had expressed, and then pointed an index finger at the sky, "Understood! I'll run somewhere else! "

The footsteps of "da da da" gradually faded away, and Jin Cheng was finally able to complete his plan to have a good sleep before departure.

Yes, for the convenience of going out, Lord Youming decided to heal Jiuyou's leg when Songbai was absent.

As early as the day of apprenticeship, he made a decision on Jiu You's leg, that is, Jiu You's leg can definitely be cured.

Judging by the naked eye, Jiu You does have legs of the same normal length as most people.Only Jiu You knew how much her muscles had shrunk because she couldn't walk.Let her be like a baby before learning to walk, unable to stand on two legs, let alone walk, and can only crawl with hands and feet.

The medicine Songbai collected in the canyon is placed in his room and in the Qiankun bag respectively. As a master, You Mingjun just needs to barge in and get it.

After collecting the medicinal materials, Lord Youming brought Jiuyou and two well-trained female spirit servants to Jasper Lake. Lord Youming was in charge of giving orders, and the female spirit servants were respectively responsible for giving Jiuyou a leg injection.

Before Jiuyou got the needle, after one, two and three sticks of incense, he drank three bowls of different medicines. His stomach was full of medicines, and his whole body became hot.

Of the three bowls of medicine, the first bowl is used to ensure that Jiuyou does not lose temperature, the second bowl is used to control her blood, and the third bowl is aimed at her skin and flesh.

Even at the bottom of Jasper Lake, where the body temperature should be lowered, Jiuyou still couldn't feel the heat drop.

But when the female spiritual servant gave the needle, there was no anesthetic.One liang wouldn't make Jiuyou cry at all, but after her legs were densely covered with silver needles, she couldn't help her legs, her spirit was floating, the flesh on her face was trembling, and she was in a semi-conscious state .

The spiritual power in Jasper Lake was slowly introduced into her body along with the silver needles. She closed her eyes tightly, and despite the barrier outside her body, she could still feel the tears flowing freely on her face.

She felt like a bunch of meat being grilled repeatedly in the oven, and the scorching gas made it difficult for her to roll her throat.The skin repeatedly swelled and shrank between dehydration and temperature return, until she finally felt the numbness rising from the soles of her feet to her entire legs, and she slowly realized that it was over, right?
After taking off the silver needle, her legs were wrapped layer by layer by the female spiritual servants, the wide fan felt bigger, and with the help of Lord Youming's spiritual power, she returned to Yinghua Courtyard under the protection of Shen Yuan.

Everyone stood outside her bedroom, anxiously waiting for news.

And after "peeling off" layers of cloth strips, she saw her new-born legs, first carefully knocked on her two knees, and then moved her legs after she noticed her eager feet, and stood beside the bed. Sitting up straight, the waist and neck are correspondingly straightened a lot.

She took a deep breath, put her hands on her knees, and stood up like she had done countless times before.

Once, twice, three times, her limp legs finally felt the recovery of strength, supporting her light upper body.

She didn't wear shoes, because she clearly felt that her feet were a little longer than before.

The first time her feet hit the ground, her toes curled up because the ground wasn't warm.Afraid of cramps in her feet, she hurriedly found out her socks and put on several layers to keep her feet from feeling the heat of the ground.

Then she froze for a while.

——Because she actually walked back and forth just now to get the socks!
Happy Jiuyou even joked with himself in his heart, is it like this before, ignoring the fact that his legs can't walk, and giving a command that makes him anxious, will he be able to stimulate his potential?

But she no longer had to assume the consequences of the joke.

She walked up and down the ground contentedly, even tried leg raises and splits, and did some warm-up exercises that she used to do in her previous life when practicing dance.

When Jiuyou opened the door in anticipation of everyone, everyone was surprised that she put on a strange and reasonable dress.

What is strange is that the dress is of an odd shape and seems to fit her body tightly; what makes sense is that it is loose enough to allow her to move freely.

The industrious spiritual servants had prepared new clothes for her when she first returned to the Five Elements Sect. She picked and chose this one.

She walked out of the door and stood in the center of Yinghua Courtyard. She recalled the classical dance she danced most often in her previous life, and danced for a while with her sleeves that were not too long.

Her young body has almost no fat, even if the ligaments are not deliberately opened, her limbs and waist are still soft.After the dance, everyone stared blankly.

Ye You opened her mouth wide during the whole process, clapping her hands vigorously as soon as she finished;

Lord Youming stroked his beard with two fingers, his face was filled with the satisfaction of "my apprentice has just grown up";

Jin Cheng had shed tears several times during Jiuyou's dance, and clapped his hands higher and higher with his red nose, trying to cover his tear-filled eyes, both moved and envious;
And Shen Yuan always had a smile on his face, showing a sense of leisure in his indifference, as if he knew that Jiu You could move freely.

Even if he had rehearsed it thousands of times in his mind, the expression on Jiu You's face after he was able to walk was no match for his most authentic reaction at the moment.

That is the trust in Lord Youming, and it is also the determination that Jiuyou will overcome difficulties.

So after Jiuyou finished dancing, seeing his reaction like this, she subconsciously ran to his side and kicked his leg.

Shen Yuan was wearing a pure white tuxedo uniform today, and Jiuyou's footprints were particularly obvious on his trousers.

He smiled lightly, didn't look at the footprints, but said softly, "Good kick."

Before the official departure, Jiuyou did two things.

The first thing is to go to Yinghua Courtyard to meet with Yan.

Suan lived in the last room of Yinghua Courtyard, and was cared for carefree by the spiritual servants.I don't know if it's Jiuyou's psychological effect, but she always feels that Tan Tan seems to have gained weight.

According to the descriptions of the spirit servants, Tan Tan eats and sleeps every day, or plays with the occasional white crane.For many days, she didn't learn much words, but her friendship with Bai Lianghe has improved a lot.

Yan Tan didn't respond to Jiu You who had grown into a ten-year-old, and it was not surprising that she could walk suddenly. What she couldn't help playing with was the feather of Bai Lianghe.

Birds of God also shed their hair.Jiuyou sighed.

As a star spirit fairy, even if her spiritual wisdom is immature, her spiritual power is still there.With her control, the crane feathers dance in the air, changing colors.It's just a simple spell, and she can play it for a long time.

Jiuyou thinks, Mr. Suyou's job is to teach elves, but now his future wife has become a "little" elf, and Kui'er was also his student before. It's interesting to think about the fate of reincarnation.

"I'm leaving, kid. Be obedient and wait for us to come back in Yinghua Courtyard. Maybe if I'm in a good mood, I'll bring you something more fun than Crane Feather."

After Jiuyou finished speaking, she thought that if the rescue operation was successful, wouldn't the one she brought back be Suyoujun?At that time, wouldn't she want to introduce to Tan Tan and say, "Hey, this is your future husband"?Or say to Su Youjun, "My future teacher, please check it"?
Of course, the most likely scenario is that Mr. Suyou has mixed feelings when he sees his lover whom he has not seen for hundreds of years.However, Yan Tian was ignorant and didn't know what happened.

Because the spirit servant mentioned the crane feather to Tan Tan, when Jiu You mentioned the crane feather, Tan Tan finally gave Jiu You a little attention.

Jiuyou was afraid that she would be autistic if she didn't see people, but seeing her respond to her words, it meant that she just didn't want to pay attention to people she didn't know well.

This is also good, it can prevent her from being abducted by bad guys too easily.

The second thing was to meet Mu Jin, whose stomach was visible to the naked eye and whose growth rate had slowed down.

She and Wu Mu lived in the last room in Changke Courtyard. This room was so big that Jiuyou created a baby room for the child who was about to be born.

But when she came to the baby's room expectantly, everything in front of her eyes, not to mention shocking her well-informed, she still couldn't hold back, and opened her mouth to say, "It's amazing."

Wu Mu, who was struggling to clean the baby's room, heard the sound and looked over. He shook his head, brushed off the long hair that was unknowingly hanging in front of his eyes, and asked her out of breath, "What did you say?"

Jiuyou said quietly: "It's nothing, you can do whatever you want."

Then quietly closed the door and left.

After these two incidents, when Jiu You finally came to the gate of Mingyan Hall and joined the crowd, the others had been waiting for her for a long time.

So as soon as they met, Ye Yu told her with winks, "We almost thought that the purpose of your apprenticeship was to heal your leg. Now that you have cured it, you are in great trouble, so you ran away."

Jiu You exaggeratedly raised his forehead: "This senior brother, please don't be so greasy. Also, don't get used to slandering others, not everyone is so good-tempered that they don't care about your mouth."

Ye Yu understood Jiuyou's words, but he didn't get angry because of it, but chose to write it down in his small notebook with a smile.

He also said excitedly: "I have a strong hunch that this trip will give me a lot of script inspiration!"

After speaking, he picked up a pen and wrote down a few words in the small notebook.

Jiu You didn't need to look at it to know that what he memorized must be words like "Little Junior Sister said I was greasy", "A new journey is about to start".

Shen Yuan came over and took Jiu You's hand.He was tall, and Jiuyou was standing beside him, the top of his head was less than his shoulders.

Jiuyou stretched out his hand and gestured a few times, then put it down resentfully, when Shen Yuan couldn't help touching her head, he couldn't help jumping up to fight back, but accidentally hit Jin Cheng.

Jin Cheng covered his nose, Jiuyou was so frightened that he put his hand to his mouth and dared not look at it, Shen Yuan shook his head lightly.

And Ye Jie swiped his pen: Little Liu'er bullied the senior brother, and the senior senior brother's nose bleeds.If you want to know what will happen next, just listen to the little old man in the industry——

Break it down next time.

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