Today's business seems to be particularly good. It just opened for business, and after a while, several tables of guests came.

Sun Xiaojie was cooking in full swing in the kitchen, Xu Le'an was busy ordering dishes for the guests, Guoguo sat quietly on his exclusive small bench and gnawed the big apple in his hand.Everything seemed to have returned to the normal before, as if nothing had happened, the crew had never come, Han Lin'an had never come to chase the stars, Tang Shaoqing had never appeared, and Ouyang Haoyu had never reunited with him.

Xu Le'an thinks that this kind of life is actually quite good and comfortable.She doesn't like a vigorous life, and she has never done anything earth-shattering. If there is one thing to count, it is to give birth to her son Guoguo.

Painful groans suddenly came from the table in front of the stall.

"Oh, my stomach hurts. There's something wrong with this dish." A table of guests suddenly screamed in pain while clutching their stomachs, and then several other tables of guests also began to groan.

"What's wrong?" Xu Le'an panicked, put down the work in his hand and went to check.

I saw the guests at several tables laughing their stomachs to the end, their complexions turned pale and foaming at the mouth.When the people around heard the movement, a group of onlookers surrounded the three floors inside and outside, and some of them had already dialed the hospital and the police.

The police took the food back for testing, saying that the food was not clean and caused food poisoning.Facing the inspection results, Xu Le'an couldn't argue with anything. Her ingredients were all fresh, and she had never eaten the same food overnight. She, Xiaojie and Guoguo ate the same food, but they were fine.Such a reason can only convince oneself, and it can convince the guests and their families.

As the boss Xu Le'an took his son busy, from the infusion room to the CT room to the toll office.In the middle of the night, the family members of the guests refused to let her go home. Her son Guoguo had already fallen asleep lying on her back.

Sun Xiaojie, as a cook, is still under investigation at the police station, and Xu Ji's home cooking restaurant has been closed.The white seal on the shutter door of the food stall is particularly eye-catching, like a white ghost in the night.

The night is like a huge monster, as if it wants to devour this poor woman bit by bit.This food poisoning incident seemed to be like a leech, sucking up the last penny in her wallet and draining the last deposit in her card. Microloan and Huabei borrowed everything that could be borrowed, and the victim's family still Don't give up.

Xiaojie is still waiting for the bail, Xu Le'an is exhausted and helpless.

She went to the study, took out the watch, walked into her son's room, gently covered the sleeping son with a blanket, touched his little face and murmured, "Son, after selling this watch, maybe you will never buy it again." I can't find my father, and I'm sorry for you, mother." From a mother's guilt towards her son, the poor child has never seen his own father, and he doesn't even know who his own father is?Now even the only thing related to his father has to be sold by himself.

Time seems to have returned to the night before graduation four years ago. In order to save her best friend Chu Yuran, she went to the bar alone. After being forced to drink a glass of wine, she felt dizzy and hot all over.

Four or five men of African descent surrounded her, blatantly pulling her clothes in full view.She struggled hard, trying to get rid of the restraint, but then it seemed that a man came over in the haze. He was very skilled and beat those people away.

"Are you all right?" the man asked.

She smiled, her eyes narrowed into a crescent shape, dimples appeared on her cheeks, she waved her hand and said, "No, it's all right."

Seeing her staggering a few steps, the man stepped forward to support her, "I'll take you to the hospital."

Her cheeks were flushed, and she smiled foolishly: "No, you don't need to go to the hospital." Standing on tiptoe, she leaned into the man's ear and said mysteriously, "Go to the hotel, the hotel."

After speaking, he staggered a few more steps, the man reached out to help her, and she suddenly entangled him like an octopus.

In a daze, Xu Le'an felt like a fish lying in a dry pond, dying, and urgently needed sweet spring water to save him.The man is like a flood of spring water, nourishing herself, and she sucks it greedily.

Like a sharp knife splitting her body, she couldn't help frowning, and gradually she seemed to have come to the clouds again, and her whole body was floating like a fairy.

She fell asleep, and vaguely saw several scars on the man's back.When she woke up the next day, the man was no longer in the room, her whole body was sore. The red mark on the white sheet and a green water ghost watch on the sink told her that last night was not a dream.

She met a man, and she ran away after the man fell asleep. She didn't know his name, what country he was from, how old he was, and she didn't even see his face clearly.

All she has left is this watch.

"Where did you get it, do you have an invoice?" The owner of the second-hand luxury store saw her take out the watch, his eyes widened.

Xu Le'an shook his head and asked the boss how much money he could make?
The boss sized her up, pretending to be embarrassed, "There is no invoice, so I'm afraid you have come from a wrong place."

Being questioned, Xu Le'an looked anxious and said, "This is my son's father's watch."

The owner of the second-hand luxury store saw that she was in a hurry to spend money, rolled his eyes, and quoted a price, and he was only willing to charge more than 10,000 for a watch worth 1+.

Although Xu's family is not considered a wealthy family, they are quite wealthy. Xu Le'an has also come into contact with a lot of famous watches. This is a classic limited edition, which preserves its value, but now the other party is only willing to pay one-tenth of the price for it.

"Beauty, more than 1 yuan is already a lot. You are saying that you don't have an invoice here, and this watch is engraved. The price can't be sold. If you think the price is low, you can go to other places to look." Seeing that Xu Le'an was short of money, the owner of the second-hand store refused to back down even a single step, and pretended to return the watch to her.

Xiaojie is still in the police station, and there is no way to release him on bail without money.It was the first time that I was so worried about money when I grew up so big.

Xu Le'an bit his lip, and sold the watch ruthlessly.Persevere, there are always more solutions than difficulties, "Boss, can you sell this watch later, I will redeem it when I have money." At this moment, Xu Le'an is still full of expectations for life, imagining that in a short time The watch can be redeemed.

The owner of the second-hand store promised indiscriminately that this watch could be sold for [-] to [-] yuan if it changed hands.The ghost will keep her.

Both the money and the goods, the cash given by the boss, she put the money in her backpack, went out to scan a shared bicycle, full of thoughts to go to the police station to release Sun Xiaojie on bail, but did not notice a man wearing a mask riding a bicycle behind him Follow yourself all the way.There was a lot of dust outside, and wearing a mask when going out was a common thing, and Xu Le'an didn't care.

The car rode to a remote park corridor. In order to save time, she deliberately took a shortcut. The man behind suddenly accelerated and pulled her backpack forcefully when she was parallel to her. Xu Le'an suddenly lost his center of gravity. The man fell to the ground, his skinned palm felt a dull pain, and then he looked up to see that the man had disappeared without a trace.

She reported to the police, but there was no surveillance in the area where the incident happened. She described the other party's back and height to the police. The police made a registration and said that they would catch the robber as soon as possible, but what should I do now?The police told her to go back and have a good rest, and wait for news.

Xu Le'an returned to the rental room in a daze, only to find that his luggage, Guoguo's toys, and his medical books were randomly scattered at the door. Could it be that the house has recruited thieves?She habitually took out her mobile phone and wanted to call the police, but found that her mobile phone was robbed just now along with her wallet and ID.

The door slammed open. The landlord was a fat woman in her 50s, with fluffy curly hair. From a distance, she looked like a walking bird's nest. "Your rent is due, and all your things are in Is it here? I will deduct the deposit to pay the utility bills. You see your son messed up my house, and your computer will be used as compensation for the damage to my house. It’s not necessarily enough. If I knew it, I wouldn’t have rented it to you. Yes. If I didn’t see you as a woman with a child, I would have deducted all these things from you.” A series of words came out of the landlord’s blood-red lips, which opened and closed like a man-eating beast. .

"Auntie, I will pay the rent, so you can wait for a few days." Xu Le'an begged bitterly, the food stalls were blocked, Sun Xiaojie hadn't been released on bail, and his wallet, mobile phone, and documents were all robbed. Without it, she and her son would be completely homeless.

"Grace for a few days, where did you get the money? I heard that your food stall has been closed for eating dead people. Hurry up and don't hinder me from finding a new tenant." After renting this house at double the rent, of course I couldn't wait to drive people out, who would have trouble with money.

I found a few discarded bags, packed up the books and my son's toys scattered on the floor, and dragged the suitcase down the stairs with difficulty.After picking up the son, the mother and son walked aimlessly on the street.The child does not know what happened?She obediently stayed behind her mother with her little schoolbag on her back.

"Mom, I'm hungry, I can't walk anymore." Guoguo raised her head and said pitifully, with a trace of tiredness on her chubby little face.

Xu Le'an realized that he didn't have to eat, but Guoguo was still a child, so he couldn't be hungry. After searching all over his body, he only found two yuan, which was originally reserved for taking the bus. He bent down and picked up his son. "Guoguo, mother will take you to earn money to buy food."

"Great, mom, are we going to the food stall to earn money?" The child asked naively. He didn't know that the food stall had been closed, and he didn't know the meaning of the two crossed white papers.

"We won't go back to the food stall. Mom will take you to another place to earn money." Xu Le'an said softly after kissing his son in his arms.

She remembered that there was a waste collection station near here, and these medical books should be able to sell some money by selling waste paper.Waste steel, iron wire, and cardboard boxes were tied up and piled up randomly on a field. The owner of the waste collection station was a dark man. When he saw someone coming, he called out loudly, "Beauty, what do you want to sell?"

"Book." Xu Le'an put down his son, pursed his lips, and took off the book hanging on the suitcase with great difficulty and handed it to the man.The man didn't read it either, he dragged the scale and threw the book on it.

Xu Le'an was a little distressed. She had carefully selected and bought these books, and some of them were brought back from abroad by entrusting someone with the English version. The shipping cost alone was several hundred.

"Today's waste paper is 8 cents a catty, 33 catties, 26.4 yuan in total. It's not easy for you as a woman with a child, so I'll give you 27 yuan." The change was handed over, "The book doesn't look like much, but it's pretty heavy on the scale."

Xu Le'an accepted the money blankly. These books were all world-renowned hospital works, and one was written by his supervisor Professor Finley. They just sold it as waste paper at 8 cents a catty.

She said to herself in her heart, Xu Le'an, be realistic, keeping these books won't fill your son's stomach, and will consume your strength.

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