The people who got together quickly dispersed, discussing right and wrong behind their backs, which was really disgraceful, and the atmosphere fell into embarrassment for a while.

"We are discussing to play script killing together later." Han Lin'an had an idea and held up a booklet.

Others joined in.The resort puts script killing booklets in the villas for guests to pass the time.

Xu Le'an glanced at the booklet that said "Scary Night" and didn't ask any more questions.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. I don't know how Tang Shaoqing enlightened her. She seemed to be in a much better mood, and the haze just now was swept away.

After eating, the rain outside did not stop, but it was getting bigger and bigger.It landed on the window sill, splashing white mist.

It was still early, Su Nian flipped through the booklet, the plot of the story is based on the interior of the villa, set one by one in reality.Being idle is also idle, so I suggest that everyone play together.

The two little girls were very excited, and the others didn't have much opinion.One of the eight people was the former owner of this villa, and the other seven people were more or less involved in this villa.On a rainy night, the eight people met again in the villa, but a murder occurred in the villa. The old housekeeper of the villa was suddenly hanged in the utility room.

The only small bridge connected to the outside world was also destroyed, the communication was also disturbed, the villa became an isolated island, and the murderer's revenge plan continued.Find the murderer within the agreed time, otherwise the murderer will continue to kill.

The scripts of the eight people are all random, and one of them is the murderer. Except for the murderer himself, no one knows which one is the murderer.Every half hour, they will identify the murderer in their hearts. If the person with the most votes is not the murderer, then this person will be eliminated.

If the murderer wins within the specified time, he will receive a mysterious gift from the resort.

Everyone looked at the script in their hands, and with the thunderstorm outside, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

A woman's scream came from the direction of the storage room, and everyone ran over from their rooms when they heard the movement.Fang Ziyu's face was pale, and he pointed to the dark storage room with horror in his eyes.Fu Jingchuan turned on the light, and saw a person hanging from the chandelier in the storage room. He was the "housekeeper" of the villa. When everyone put "him" down, the other person had already lost his breath.The estimated time of death was within one hour.

At the time of the incident, Su Nian and Han Linan were watching TV in the living room, during which Su Nian went to the bathroom; Han Chen was on the phone, as evidenced by the call records; Fu Jingchuan and Chen Beitang were playing chess on the second floor and never left; Xu Le'an was chatting in the room, and they could prove their absence to each other, but Tang Shaoqing went to take a shower during the period; Fang Ziyu was cutting fruit in the kitchen, and ran over when he heard movement in the storage room.

They each stated what happened when their crime happened, and the first round of identifying the murderer began.

"I think it's Han Chen. After all, call records can be faked." Fang Ziyu pointed out.

Chen Beitang suspected that either Su Nian or Han Lin'an must have been away from each other's sight for a period of time, and the living room was very close to the storage room, so they had plenty of time to commit crimes.

Su Nian thought it was Tang Shaoqing, who could have "killed" people in the storage room while taking a bath.

Xu Le'an has a different opinion. She believes that the "murderer" is Fang Ziyu. The reason is that the first person who appears at the murder scene is often the most suspicious.

Fu Jingchuan and Han Chen felt that it made sense, and it was not surprising that "thieves shouted "stop thief".

Voting begins.Han Chen had one vote, Su Nian had two, Tang Shaoqing had two, and Fang Ziyu had three.

Fang Ziyu sighed helplessly, had no choice but to get out, and announced his identity. He used to be the tutor of this villa. Because of his ambiguous relationship with the master of this house, he got a sum of money and was kicked out.

"I died unjustly." Fang Ziyu said helplessly.Now she is already a "dead person", and she sits helplessly on the stool in the corner.

Everyone went back to the room. A moment later, a man's screams came from the second floor, and Tang Shaoqing, who was in the same room as Xu Le'an, was killed.

Everyone went upstairs following the sound, and Tang Shaoqing fell into a pool of blood, with the murder weapon stuck in his chest, killing him with one blow.

Xu Le'an, who was in the same room with him, was very suspicious, and she was looking at the corpse with a look of fear at the moment.

"I think the 'murderer' is Le'an." Chen Beitang said firmly.

The living people also believed that the murderer was Xu Le'an, after all, she had no alibi and shared the same room with the deceased.

"But Brother Han and Beitang both came to look for Shaoqing on the way, and how can I, a woman, kill a big man." Xu Le'an defended in a low voice.

Everyone suddenly realized that the murderer might be a man. The "housekeeper" weighed more than 130 kilograms. How could a woman hang him on the chandelier with ease.

"I think the murderer is Chen Beitang." Han Linan said confidently.

"Why? (Why?)" Chen Beitang looked innocent.

Han Lin'an rolled his eyes, "Because I don't like you."

Chen Beitang shook his head helplessly, this little girl just likes to fight against him.He insisted that the murderer was Xu Le'an.

Everyone has begun to waver and has identified the murderer as a man.Chen Beitang and Han Chen, who went to see Tang Shaoqing, were seriously suspected, and Fu Jingchuan was also not innocent because he did not have an alibi.

A new round of voting has begun.

Xu Le'an had one vote, Han Chen and Chen Beitang each had two votes.The two need to prove their innocence to everyone and then vote again.

"I was wronged." Chen Beitang said angrily with his head down.

Han Chen curled his lips and said calmly, "I'm not a murderer."

Everyone unanimously testified against Chen Beitang as the murderer.

"I'm really not a murderer." Chen Beitang looked helpless.

Facts have proved that he is not. Tang Shaoqing's identity is the former driver of this villa, and Chen Beitang's identity is the former secretary of the owner.

"Look, look, I said I was wronged." Chen Beitang, who was out of the game, said angrily.

Han Lin'an muttered in dissatisfaction: "Who made you look so annoying."

Chen Beitang: ...

The three people who were eliminated sat in the corner and watched the remaining five people quietly.

The rain outside was heavier, and the house was silent and gloomy. From time to time, the howling of the dark wind could be heard, a window was blown open without warning, raindrops came in, a black shadow flashed past, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Fu Jingchuan suggested that in order to prevent the murderer from "killing" again, they should go together. This proposal was unanimously approved by everyone.They were quickly divided into groups, Xu Le'an and Han Chen were in a group, Su Nian, Han Lin'an and Fu Jingchuan were in a group.

Time passed by every minute and every second, maybe the method of companionship worked. Half an hour passed, and the "murderer" did not come out to kill. Just as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the villa was suddenly dark, and all the lights and electrical appliances were gone. All stopped working.

"What's going on?" Everyone was shocked, why is the power cut off?

A bolt of lightning struck, and light shone into the villa through the open window.With the light of the lightning, Fu Jingchuan suddenly yelled, "It's not good."

Five people suddenly became four, Su Nian disappeared, is she the murderer?Or did the murderer take advantage of the power outage to "kill" her?
Resort staff quickly came over and checked the circuit, which had just tripped.

After a short period of darkness, the house regained light.Just as everyone was searching for Su Nian, she came out of the bathroom. She just went to the bathroom just now.

She left alone, but the murderer did not attack her, which made everyone doubt her identity.

"Why are you looking at me? I'm not a murderer." Su Nian was a little anxious.

Han Lin'an looked around her, approached her suddenly, and asked sinisterly, "It's not a murderer, why are you so anxious? Tell me, what were you doing alone just now?"

"I, I just went to the bathroom?" Su Nian was a little flustered.

This reason obviously couldn't convince Han Linan, she sniffed Su Nian like a police dog, as if she wanted to smell "killing".

Su Nian was made unnatural by her, and shrank back uncomfortably.

"The murderer is not Nian Nian." Xu Le'an said suddenly.

"Why?" Han Linan asked in surprise.

Xu Le'an analyzed: "First, Nian Nian didn't have the strength to hang the butler up; second, she had an alibi when Shaoqing was killed; third, she would not damage the wires; fourth, and most importantly, we The purpose of suspecting the murderer is to set the blame and make us mistakenly think that Nian Nian is the murderer."

Han Linan was discouraged, "Then who do you think is the murderer?"

Xu Le'an shook her head, she didn't know either.

"Yeah, it's like I didn't say anything." Han Linan sighed.

The game continued, and no one left together according to the grouping just now.

Horror came again, and the murder happened again. Han Linan was attacked from behind when he went downstairs to pour water, and strangled to death with a hemp rope.

"I was playing games when the incident happened." Fu Jingchuan showed off his phone.

"My clothes were stained with red wine, so I went back to my room to change." Su Nian said.

Everyone saw that she did change clothes.

Xu Le'an and Han Chen have been chatting in the study, and they can prove each other.Fu Jingchuan and Su Nian are both alone, and game friends naturally cannot prove their innocence.

"Who killed me?" Han Lin'an, who had become a "corpse", said angrily. She was too miserable. Not to mention being killed in a daze, she didn't even see the murderer's face.

Chen Beitang roared in a low voice: "Shut up, you are already a 'dead man'!"

Han Linan pouted and gave him a hard look.

A new round of voting began, and now there are only four of the eight people left, Han Chen, Su Nian, Xu Le'an, and Fu Jingchuan. There is no doubt that the murderer is among these four.Among them, Fu Jingchuan and Su Nian were the most suspected.

"I think Su Nian is the most suspect. She doesn't have an alibi." Han Chen spoke first.

Fu Jingchuan thought for a moment and voted for Su Nian as well, so that Su Nian would have two votes, and he could survive this round wisely.

Su Nian sighed helplessly, and put her hope on her cousin Xu Le'an. If she identified Fu Jingchuan as the murderer, plus her own vote, she would have the same votes as Fu Jingchuan.

But Xu Le'an, who defended Su Nian in the previous round, also voted for him.Three to one, Su Nian was out.

"My God, I died unjustly." Su Nian announced her identity, the illegitimate daughter of the owner of this villa.

Now there are only three people left, the scope has narrowed down a lot, but the real culprit is still not found!

small theater

Aunt: Guess who is the murderer?

Fu Jingchuan: Second sister-in-law has a problem?
Han Chen: How could An An be a murderer if she is so weak?
Xu Le'an: Huh, I didn't kill anyone

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