The decoration of Xu’s house is in a Chinese style. The furniture and the chandeliers on the roof are all retro. Walking in is a bit like going back to the 30s.It's still early and the guests haven't arrived yet.

Tang Shaoqing came early in the morning with Xu Le'an and Xu Ruo. Today, Xu Ruo changed into a dark blue striped suit with a small bow tie. He thought very much of the young master in old Shanghai.

Xu Le'an wore a purple mermaid dress with blue silk pulled lightly, calm and gentle, her smooth back was exposed in the air, her skin was whiter than snow, smelled of violet perfume, long diamond earrings and a diamond necklace around her neck sparkled under the light The brilliance added a woman's sense of maturity to her.Her steps are graceful and calm, and her long earrings shake slightly, making her more dignified.

Tang Shaoqing has been preparing for this day for a long time. The black custom-made suit is matched with sharp-edged features, perfect jawline, and the corners of the lips are raised just right, as if smiling at any time.

Xu Le'an adjusted the tie for him.Tang Shaoqing looked around and asked curiously, "Why don't you see your third uncle?"

"Eh?" Xu Le'an's face was full of embarrassment, and he was ashamed to speak. He faltered and told Tang Shaoqing that the third uncle didn't know why he went out to find the lady. He was carried out by the police on a stretcher.It was photographed on the Internet again, and it became a trending search. Although it was mosaiced, people familiar with it still recognized that it was the third uncle.His father felt ashamed and sent him back to his hometown.

"What's stuck and can't come out?" Tang Shaoqing asked knowingly, deliberately teasing her.She looks so shy and cute.

Xu Le'an gave him a blank look, tried hard to search for words in his mind, blushed for a long time and choked out a sentence, "Male genitalia."

Tang Shaoqing smiled even more when he heard the words, and he didn't waste those jars of tonic wine.The old man leaned on his old man in front of him, drank those jars of wine, and still wanted/burned himself, went out to look for the lady every day, his health is really good at such an old age!

"Hold out your hand." Tang Shaoqing suddenly held her finger.

"Why?" Xu Le'an glanced at him suspiciously.

"Do a full set of acting." Tang Shaoqing took out a pair of wedding rings, and put the women's one on the ring finger of her left hand.He handed her another male ring and motioned her to put it on for him.

Xu Le'an suddenly became nervous and couldn't put it on several times. It took two or three attempts before he succeeded.

Rubbing the ring on her ring finger, she suddenly had a different feeling. She stared at it for a long time, and never thought that she would have the opportunity to wear a ring in this life. Although it is fake, it can be regarded as a life experience.

In another book, Xu Shiheng and his wife are also well dressed. Xu Shiheng is wearing a gray suit, and Su Jinxiu is wearing an embroidered cheongsam.

"Uncle, aunt." Tang Shaoqing was polite and respectful.

Xu Shiheng made a serious face, frowned, and reprimanded him, "You're still called Uncle and Aunt?"

Tang Shaoqing was startled for a moment, but he was overjoyed, and then changed his voice and shouted loudly: "Dad, Mom!"

"Oh." Su Jinxiu replied with a pleasant smile.

"En." Xu Shiheng responded lightly, with a smile on his brow.

Tang Shaoqing and Xu Le'an looked at each other, and held her hand tightly, neither of them knew that something was quietly developing a chemical reaction.

"By the way, Dad, this is a birthday present from me and Le'an. I wish you good luck like Donghai Shoubi Nanshan." Tang Shaoqing took out the prepared gift.

Xu Shiheng glanced at him suspiciously, and opened it to find a pair of Hetian jade go chess, with a little light in his brown eyes, he pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, rubbed the chess pieces, and the heavy cold penetrated into his body.

"Isn't this chess piece made of black jade and suet jade?" Xu Shiheng asked in amazement.

Hetian jade is scarce, and the materials for making this set of Go are even rarer, and they must be carefully selected.

"Yes, the master who made this Go set spent a lot of effort." Xu Le'an said.

"It's too extravagant and expensive. There is no other Go game like this." Xu Shiheng sighed and closed the box. "Just this time, it's all a family. Next time, don't spend so much money."

Su Jinxiu rounded things up and said: "Look at you, the child knows that you like playing chess, I think this gift has been put into consideration."

"Yes, Dad, this is what Le'an and I want." Tang Shaoqing quickly echoed.

"Well, play a few games with me tonight." The smile on Xu Shiheng's face grew wider. He liked this gift.

Tang Shaoqing put a lot of thought into it, and both gifts were delivered to his heart.The total price of the tube of Pu'er tea cakes and Hetian jade go is over 15.00 million.Le'an said that Tang Shaoqing gave her [-]% of Shengkang's shares, maybe because he was too concerned.

"Okay, okay, I see you are happy, the guests are here, let's go down." Su Jinxiu urged.

Xu Shiheng handed the chess to Wang Ma and told her to put it away carefully.

The family of five went downstairs together, and many guests had already arrived.At the moment, the hall was luxurious and chaotic, bustling with people. Many relatives from the Xu family and the Su family had arrived, and they all held important positions. Xu Shiheng invited Tang Shaoqing to socialize with him, which was to allow him to get in touch with these people more.

Xu Le'an received the female guests with his mother, and Xu Ruo ran into a few children who were about the same age, and they soon played together.

It was my mentor's [-]th birthday, and many students came here, some of whom were not in the field of research, but also held positions related to medicine or engaged in related work.

Xu Le'an followed his mother absent-mindedly to entertain the guests, but his peripheral vision was on Tang Shaoqing, worried that he would be overwhelmed.As the owner of an entertainment company, Tang Shaoqing responded calmly, neither humble nor overbearing.Xu Le'an's heart was only slightly let go.

Xu Shiheng initially looked down on Tang Shaoqing, the leader of an actor, this is his definition of Tang Shaoqing, he used to dislike dealing with entertainers, the circle is too chaotic.

Several times of contact, coupled with the fact that Tang Shaoqing was polite to the guests just now, dealt with them properly, and has a handsome appearance, it is not easy to get to where he is today from scratch.After several comparisons, Xu Shiheng gradually became satisfied with this son-in-law.

The boy from Ouyang's family who was originally booked for his daughter, did not expect that such a thing happened before marriage, and it was also destined.His family made a mistake first, Xu Shiheng was more polite to Ouyang Haoyu and Ouyang Bai who came to pay their respects, and there was a little regret and apology in his words.

"Shaoqing, this is your uncle Ouyang, and this is Haoyu." Xu Shiheng introduced Tang Shaoqing.

"Hello, Uncle Ouyang, I'm Tang Shaoqing." Tang Shaoqing stepped forward and offered his hand.

The corners of Ouyang Bai's lips curled into a smile, he took a look at Tang Shaoqing, and boasted: "The young man is young and promising, Lao Xu has found a good son-in-law!"

Xu Shiheng smiled, noncommittal.

Tang Shaoqing moved his eyes to Ouyang Haoyu again, looked at him calmly, stretched out his hand, and smiled politely: "Mr. Ouyang, please take care of me when we meet for the first time." This seemingly gentle man is Xu Le'an's ex-fiance?Don't you have good eyesight?

A smile appeared on Ouyang Haoyu's gentle face, "Hello, I'm Ouyang Haoyu."

The two held their hands together, unconsciously increasing their strength, secretly competing with each other, but there was a smile on the corner of their mouths.

Xu Shiheng, who didn't know the truth, was the first to break this contest, and signaled Tang Shaoqing to go with him to receive other guests.

"Excuse me." Tang Shaoqing let go of his hand first, the corners of his lips slightly raised, with a trace of contempt.

Ouyang Haoyu withdrew his hand, looked at Tang Shaoqing's leaving back, and sneered.Xu Le'an was the proprietress of the food stall last month, and she became Tang Shaoqing's wife in the blink of an eye.If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

"Thank you all my relatives and friends for coming to my humble house for my birthday party today. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce my son-in-law Tang Shaoqing to everyone." Xu Shiheng suddenly walked to the center of the banquet and raised his glass to introduce to everyone, "Shaoqing, come here to let everyone know." one time."

Tang Shaoqing went straight to Xu Shiheng's side, "Guests, I'm Tang Shaoqing, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend Lao Taishan's birthday party." He was a little surprised that Xu Shiheng would introduce him in front of all the guests.This tells everyone in disguise that the Xu family and the Su family are behind Sheng Kang.

Xu Shiheng looked at Tang Shaoqing with more appreciation in his eyes.Although this son-in-law was not chosen by himself, but a half-son-in-law, an old professor with deep-rooted traditional concepts like Xu Shiheng naturally praised his only son-in-law to the sky, not to mention that this son-in-law is extraordinary, successful in his career, courteous and courteous.

He has seen through a lot. Tang Shaoqing made him very happy and gave him enough face. Although it was rumored that Tang Shaoqing's birth was not glorious, but no one is perfect. Her daughter is unmarried and has children. It is not easy to find a perfect man. .Based on the overall score, Tang Shaoqing is considered the best candidate for a son-in-law.What's more, Le'an is simple-minded, and it's not a bad thing to have a shrewd and capable husband to help out.

Tang Shaoqing, an entertainer who dared to enter the medical industry to get a share, turned out to have the support of Lao Taishan behind him, and the guests knew it well.With Xu Shiheng's support, Shengkang Group is like an aircraft carrier escort.

The belated guests rushed up to toast, hoping to leave a good impression on the upstart in the medical industry.

Tang Shaoqing had a smile in his eyes, feeling in his heart that people are really realistic. A few months ago, many of the guests turned him away, and even insinuated himself in professional magazines accusing him of "playing the piano indiscriminately" and "actors misleading the country" and so on. .Now that everyone is rushing to curry favor with him, he is making the right move in this move.

There are a bunch of reporters outside. Tomorrow, the front pages of the major media will hype this news, and Shengkang's shares will definitely rise by then.

One step closer to defeating Bo Yuan, Tang Shaoqing took a sip of red wine, a smile appeared on Tang Shaoqing's lips inadvertently, and a coldness flashed in his black eyes.

Everyone thought that Sheng Kang's chess move was played by Xu Shiheng behind the scenes. Only Ouyang Haoyu felt that there was a conspiracy in it.He had never met Tang Shaoqing before, and it was the first time he met him today. He felt that this person was very evil and would do anything to achieve his goals.

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