The night falls quietly, the crescent moon is like a hook outside the window, the lights of thousands of houses, and a few stars accompany the twinkling full moon.A light breeze blew past, rolled up the past events on the mat, and the dim lights on the bustling streets reflected the faces of the returning home crowd.

The aroma of the dinners with lights on in the community came to Han Chen's ears along with the laughter. He was exhausted, and he dragged his heavy steps back to his residence.

Xu Le'an, who was curled up on the sofa, immediately went up to meet him when he came back, and asked with concern, "How is it?"

Han Chen held her sallow cheeks and kissed her smooth forehead, his voice was hoarse, "I taught him a lesson and stopped all cooperation with him."

The light in Xu Le'an's eyes dimmed, "My son is gone, why should he live well?"

Even if he doesn't cooperate with Han Chen, Tang Shaoqing still lives well, and the business has not been damaged at all.Xu Le'an, who had lost his son, was already insane, and all the blame was placed on Tang Shaoqing, and he wished to tear his body into pieces.

The only little old relationship disappeared. She thought that Han Chen would have the same thoughts as him, but the other party just canceled the cooperation without pain, which disappointed her greatly.

"Le'an, I know, but the child is gone. No matter what we do, the son will never come back." Han Chen felt sad, but he was a little more sensible than Xu Le'an, "We will have children in the future."

Xu Le'an pushed him away angrily, and accused him with wide eyes: "You don't care about your son's life or death at all. You never gave birth to him or raised him, so you don't think it matters."

"Why do you think so?" Han Chen looked at her in disbelief.

"Han Chen, if you don't avenge your son, I'll go myself." The haggard face became ferocious, and she looked at Han Chen furiously, without a trace of warmth in her bloodshot eyes.

Han Chen frowned, "What can you do?" The police have identified the accident, which has no direct relationship with Tang Shaoqing legally.

"That's my own business." She gritted her teeth and looked at Han Chen coldly, "You really let me down." Tang Shaoqing wanted to take away his wife and indirectly kill his child, but he was indifferent.

Han Chen knew that she was still immersed in the pain of losing her child, and worried that she would not be able to bear the blow.Han Chen didn't dare to provoke her, so he could only promise that he would find a way to make Tang Shaoqing feel better.

Xu Le'an's mood stabilized a bit, but she still didn't quite trust Han Chen.After all, he and Han Chen have been brothers for so many years, and they will still be soft-hearted and miss the old relationship.

Everyone can't be relied on, but she can only rely on herself. She wants to avenge her son with her own hands and make Tang Shaoqing's life worse than death.

Tang Shaoqing had three ribs broken by Han Chen and had to rest in the hospital for a month.Chen Beitang and Fu Jingchuan would visit him every day. His mental state was not very good and he was depressed.

Falling into endless pain, although Xu Ruo was not his own, but he had called him father for so long, he already regarded the child as his own.

"Second brother, it's not your fault, it's an accident." Chen Beitang persuaded.

Tang Shaoqing closed her eyes slightly and said nothing.

"That's right, second brother, no one wants to." Fu Jingchuan also comforted him.

"How is Le'an?" Tang Shaoqing opened his eyes, thinking about Xu Le'an.

He didn't dare to see her, knowing that she must resent him very much.

"Brother has been with her all the time, nothing will happen." Chen Beitang said.

With a face full of bruises, it was difficult to hide the sadness. Tang Shaoqing said bitterly: "I have harmed Guoguo. If I hadn't insisted on taking their mother and child with them, the child would have been fine."

Chen Beitang said a few more words of comfort to him.

"Don't you think this is a bit strange?" Fu Jingchuan said.

"What?" Tang Shaoqing and Chen Beitang were a little confused.

Fu Jingchuan shook his head, and felt that he was overthinking again, "From what angle can the driver crush the child's face, making the child completely unrecognizable."

As soon as this remark came out, the two also felt a little surprised. The child's face was completely ruined. How could they recognize it as Xu Ruo's?
"The child is the same size as Guoguo, and is wearing Guoguo's clothes. The monitoring also confirmed that the child ran out from the airport." Tang Shaoqing recalled the situation at that time.

"Have you had a DNA test?" Fu Jingchuan has always been thoughtful, and he always thinks more than others.

Tang Shaoqing shook his head. Xu Le'an was crying so much that he was about to faint. Han Chen looked at Xu Le'an again. According to the autopsy report and monitoring, there was no verification.

Now that Fu Jingchuan said so, there are indeed many doubts.If it is true, does that mean that Guoguo is still alive?

He glanced at Chen Beitang.

Chen Beitang understood, "I'll investigate now."


A small courtyard away from the city, quiet and elegant, with some sweet-scented osmanthus trees planted inside, refreshing.There is a small tea room at the back of the yard, with bamboo chairs and tables inside, and bamboo shadows outside, fresh and elegant.

The purple sand tea cup is yellow-green tea soup, with a mellow taste and a strong tea aroma.

Xu Le'an took a sip and looked much better with light makeup on, but her eyes were still swollen.

"An'an, I've heard about Guoguo." Ouyang Haoyu's face was stained with sadness, and he tried to comfort her, "Death can't be resurrected, so let's mourn by the way."

Xu Le'an's fingertips turned white while holding the teacup. It had been more than a month, but she still couldn't let it go. The child was her heart and her life.She woke up countless times from the dream that her son was still alive, but when she woke up, she could only see the cold picture of her son.

"Thank you." Xu Le'an couldn't cheer up.

"Actually, both of us are innocent. These things have nothing to do with us, but we have to bear the consequences." Ouyang Haoyu said dejectedly.

Xu Le'an smiled bitterly, "Maybe, this is fate."

Without Su Nian, Chu Yuran would not have seduced Ouyang Haoyu and led her to the bar, and she would not have known Han Chen.If Han Chen didn't let Tang Shaoqing arrest Han Lin'an, she wouldn't know Tang Shaoqing, fall into his trap, and what happened later would not happen, and her Guoguo would not die.

"An'an, are you willing?" Ouyang Haoyu looked pained, "My family is ruined, the company is on the verge of bankruptcy, and your child is gone."

"So what if you're not willing?" Han Chen didn't want to do anything, what could she do?
Ouyang Haoyu smiled, and poured her a cup of tea, "Have you heard the saying? An enemy's enemy is a friend."

He has already received the news that Han Chen and Tang Shaoqing have completely turned against each other.Han Chen broke Tang Shaoqing's three ribs, and cut off all cooperation with the Tang Group.

The so-called "Brotherhood" has collapsed, existing in name only.Now as long as he has strong financial support, he can make a comeback.What's more, Xu Le'an still has something he wants.

"You want to cooperate with me?" Xu Le'an raised his eyebrows.

"Why not? Let's work together to make Tang Shaoqing's life worse than death." Ouyang Haoyu gritted his teeth with hatred when Tang Shaoqing was mentioned.

Xu Le'an lowered her head in thought, she was hesitating.

Ouyang Haoyu knew that she had been shaken.His bony palm rested on her round shoulder and squeezed it lightly. He was waiting for her to make a decision.

Xu Le'an was still hesitating, Ouyang Haoyu leaned over and bewitched her ear: "Otherwise, you think Han Chen will avenge you? If he makes a move, Tang Shaoqing can still live well now?"

His voice was like Satan in hell, "Only me, An An, and only your Brother Haoyu will stand with you in the united front."

Xu Le'an's lips turned white, his fingers dug into the flesh, and finally raised his head slowly, "How do you want me to help you?"

Ouyang Haoyu smiled, but he was not as sunny as when he was young, but more like a gentle scum.

"I need to re-establish the corporate image, a good reputation, and a financing." Ouyang Haoyu thinks that Xu Le'an is completely in his hands.

"I see." Xu Le'an didn't show any expression on his face.

It's not necessary to be unfaithful once, and Ouyang Haoyu has betrayed her before, so he doesn't trust him [-]% in Xu Le'an.Although Su Nian tricked Chu Yuran to seduce Ouyang Haoyu, but if he took good care of his lower body, how could he allow others to take advantage of him.

After coming out of the tea room, Xu Le'an made a call.

When I got home, it was getting late.

She opened the door, and the smell of food filled her nostrils, making her mouth water.

Through the dim light, she saw Han Chen who was wearing an apron and busy in front of the stove.

"Are you back?" Seeing her, Han Chen turned his head and said with a smile, "The meal will be ready soon."

This warm feeling gave her the illusion that nothing had changed.The three of them are still living happily together.

She hugged his muscular waist from behind, put her face on his back, and whispered: "Ah Chen, let's have a baby!"

Han Chen's hands paused, his Adam's apple rolled, "Okay."

He felt that Xu Le'an seemed a little abnormal. After going out for a trip, his whole person changed.

"What's delicious?" Xu Le'an pestered him and asked.

"Sweet and sour pork ribs, scrambled eggs with green peppers, ground delicacies, and fish head tofu soup are all your favorites." Han Chen brought the dishes to the table and filled her with a bowl of soup.

Xu Le'an took a sip, then pouted and said, "I want to eat pineapple sweet and sour meat, can you make it for me?"

"Okay." Han Chen got up, rubbed her face lovingly, and went to the kitchen.

"I still want to drink Tremella Chuanbei Sydney Soup." Xu Le'an followed.

Han Chen smiled and said, "I'll ask Zhao Ningyu to send it over, okay? It took too long to do that, my husband is worried that you will be in a hurry."

"Order takeaway, don't trouble Tezhu Zhao so late." She said understandingly.

"Okay, let me order." Han Chen took out his phone.

Xu Le'an bit her lip, watching him hesitate to speak.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Han Chen asked with a smile.

"May I ask you to borrow something?" She summoned up her courage.

Han Chen smiled, "All my things are yours, why are you borrowing them?"

"I want you to authorize me with 11.00% of the shares of Tang Films and [-]% of the shares of Shengkang." She didn't know if Han Chen would agree. These shares add up to a market value of nearly one hundred [-] million.

Han Chen was taken aback for a moment, guessing what she was thinking, she wanted to deal with Tang Shaoqing.

"Don't worry, I will return it to you." I will return it to you when it is used up.

"I'll ask Zhao Ningyu to prepare the power of attorney later." He didn't pierce her thoughts.

She can do whatever she wants, if she doesn't do something, she probably won't feel well.For Xu Le'an, his eyes and heart are full of connivance.

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