Tang Shaoqing didn't expect Xu Le'an to be able to persist for three days, and she could persist with only a few tens of dollars in her hand.At the same time, he also felt vaguely uneasy. Xu Le'an found an Internet cafe and posted his resume online, which might even be sent to his opponent, Boyuan Biotechnology.

This is definitely not a good thing for him. He has read Xu Le'an's resume. At the age of 16, he has already studied with the top research and development team in China, and published professional papers in some authoritative magazines. At the age of 20, many famous foreign research institutes ran to her With an olive branch, he has a unique insight in breathing the heart and lungs, and has won numerous awards.

Such a resume is enough to find a satisfactory position in any domestic biotechnology company.

The sun outside was scorching, Xu Le'an delivered his resume, took his son out of the Internet cafe, and put on sunscreen for his son.A five or six-year-old girl held a cone in her hand, and white ice cream flowed down.Xu Ruo watched helplessly, swallowed his saliva, but he didn't ask for it, his two short legs seemed to be filled with lead, and he couldn't walk.

Xu Le'an followed his son's gaze, lowered his head and touched his pocket, heartbroken, and dragged his son away.

"Mom, I'm thirsty." Three-year-old Xu Ruo said pitifully.

"Hey, mommy will go to the station to get you some boiled water in a cup, okay?" She knelt down and comforted her son softly.

Xu Ruo nodded, then whispered, "Mom, I want to eat ice cream."

The son is so old, she has never refused any request from him, and now she can't satisfy even such a small request. The ancient saying "you are a scholar without a hundred uses" is really a wise saying. What's the use of reading so many books?

The only hope right now is to get a reply to those submitted resumes as soon as possible, but how did she know that none of the companies received the resumes she submitted, and they have been secretly intercepted.

There are some billboards promoting blood donation under the blue tent on the square, and there is a blood donation car beside it.Xu Le'an looked down at his son, licked his dry lips, and walked over with the child.

She was very thin, 1.6 meters tall, and weighed less than [-] kg. The medical staff looked at her worriedly, saw that she persisted, but didn't say anything, did a blood type test, and took [-] ml of blood.Dark red liquid flowed into the blood bag from the white and slender arm, and soon the deflated transparent blood bag bulged.

Holding the 350 yuan in cash and a bag of milk biscuits in his hands, Xu Le'an showed a wry smile on his pale face.On a hot day, my fingertips are cold, my head is heavy, and my body feels fluttering.The exhaustion of running around for several days made her physically and mentally exhausted. In addition, she had been drawn blood just now, and her already thin body was crumbling at this moment.

Fine beads of sweat oozed from her forehead, and cold sweat broke out from her palms. She told herself not to fall down, never to fall down.If she has something to do, no one will take care of her son, and Xiaojie is still waiting for her to be released on bail.

She bought an ice cream for her son, and saw him eating it sweetly, a smile appeared on her bloodless face.

Tang Shaoqing, who had been watching her secretly, just picked up the phone and saw her get off the blood donation vehicle as soon as she looked up.The fingers holding the steering wheel couldn't help tightening, and there was a dangerous breath in the dark eyes.

Xu Le'an, who doesn't like pork liver, found a small restaurant and ordered a bowl of pork liver soup for herself. The smell was so strong that she held her breath and swallowed it.

There was a lot of ice cream on her son's chubby face, and she got up to wipe it off for him.A man wearing a hat next to him also stood up suddenly, and the two of them pretended to be together.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Xu Le'an apologized quickly.

The other party did not speak, lowered the brim of his hat, and walked out of the small restaurant.

Xu Le'an didn't care, carefully wiped off the ice cream stains for his son with a paper towel, and prepared to check out and leave.

"A total of 28." The owner of the small restaurant looked up.

She reached for the money in her pocket, her complexion suddenly changed, a small hole was cut in the pocket of her jeans, and the money she just got disappeared.Yes, the person who hit him just now stole his money.

Xu Le'an woke up like a dream, and chased him out, but there was no sign of that person.

"Boss, can I pay you on credit? I promise I will pay you back." She lacked confidence, lowered her head, and begged in a low voice.

The boss only heard the word "credit account", and immediately became furious. He sat up with a bang, and shouted, "What? Credit account?"

She looked at her carefully again, and said sarcastically: "You are so young, you still have a child, and you still eat free food like others? You don't go out to inquire, is this a place where I eat free food? Money, hurry up, or I'll call the police and arrest you."

Xu Le'an was robbed by the boss, and felt ashamed.

The boss was not forgiving, and greeted the diners in the store, "Everyone, come and see, this female liar, she doesn't pay for meals, she is young and has hands and feet, she can't do anything, she cheats on food and drinks."

"My money was stolen by that person just now." She lowered her head, her voice was as soft as a mosquito, she pinched her fingers helplessly, her nails dug into her flesh, facing the boss' accusation, she didn't even have the courage to refute .

The diners who ate in the store surrounded and pointed.

"You look pretty, why are you a liar?"

"That's right, bring this child along to cheat."

"Nowadays, people know people, know face, but don't know heart!"


Facing everyone's pointing and pointing, Xu Le'an's face was flushed, his eyes gradually became foggy, and he couldn't see things clearly. Tears seemed to fall from the corner of his mouth, and he was supported by that little self-esteem.

She opened the suitcase and searched, her clothes were messed up by the meal, she wanted to find something valuable to make up for the meal.A ceramic piglet rolled out. It was her son's piggy bank. She bit her lip, unplugged the piggy bank, and poured out the coins inside.

Now Xu Le'an just wanted to get out of the wrong place as soon as possible. The more anxious she was, the coins got stuck in it and she couldn't get it out. She simply put the whole piggy bank on the boss' cashier, closed the suitcase, and took her son out.

"Are you enough?" the boss shouted from behind.

Seeing that there was no excitement to watch, everyone sat back to their seats one after another.

"Mom, that's my piggy bank." The son looked up at her in confusion.

Xu Le'an wiped the corners of his eyes, tried not to let the tears flow down, adjusted his mood, lowered his head and smiled at his son: "The boss uncle just now is very poor, he likes your little pig, he will be sad without the little pig. Is he okay? Mom will buy you a big one."

"Yeah." The child was instantly happy, his piggy bank made that uncle happy, although he didn't like that uncle, he bullied his mother.

Looking at the innocent son, Xu Le'an looked up at the sky with a stick in her throat. There were tears in her eyes, which seemed to fall in the next second, but she just pursed her lips and smiled, swallowing the tears back into her eyes.

This woman can really resist!Not far away, Tang Shaoqing took a sip of water, and threw the water bottle into the trash can, with contempt and disdain in his well-understood eyes. On a scorching summer day, he seemed to be surrounded by a cold breath.

Even the son's piggy bank was taken out, and it's time to go to the end of the road, it's the end of the road!
"Mom, are we still staying at KFC tonight?" the child asked in a low voice.

"Well, does Guoguo like living in KFC?" Xu Le'an asked with a smile.

The child shook his head, he likes to sleep in his crib, not KFC.

Xu Le'an smiled and patted his head.

"Mom, I miss Uncle Xiaojie, shall we go find Uncle Xiaojie?" The child didn't know that his dear Uncle Xiaojie was still waiting for his mother to release him on bail at the police station.

Jay, Jay.Xu Le'an almost collapsed.

She wanted to go home and beg her parents to help her, but now that she was like this, how could she expect them to forgive her, and how could she have the face to see them.

As night falls, the city is rendered colorfully by lights, and the sky is like a pure black curtain, with no stars or bright moon.The neon lights on both sides of the street flashed brilliantly and colorfully periodically.

A nearby bar named Ye Shi was busy, and many young girls in scantily clad clothes were standing by the side of the road waiting for something.There were many luxury cars parked at the door, and the noisy roar of the engine was deafening one after another, which made people frown.

"Mom, where is this?" The child was full of curiosity about everything.

Xu Le'an glanced at it, and said casually, "A place where adults drink."

"Then can I go when I grow up?" Xu Ruo asked naively.

"En." Xu Le'an responded casually, and added, "It's best not to go."

The child blinked his round eyes, half understanding.

"Beauty, do you want to come in and play?" A man in a black suit followed her.

Xu Le'an shook his head.

The man in uniform looked her up and down, and asked tentatively, "Looking for a job? No place to live?"

Xu Le'an nodded slightly, and shrank back, deliberately keeping a distance from the man.

The man didn't care, and handed her a business card, claiming to be the manager of the club, responsible for recruitment.

Xu Le'an glanced at him vigilantly, reached out to take the business card and glanced at it, then returned it to him, shook his head and said, "I, I won't do it." There can be a few serious people who come to this kind of place.

Growing up so big, she only sneaked there once with Ouyang Haoyu and Chu Yuran when she was in the United States. As soon as she entered, she saw several couples hugging and kissing each other. The three blushed and fled away.

The man smiled and explained: "You misunderstood, we are very formal here, and you don't have a place to go with a child, you might as well come in and have a try, a guarantee of [-] a night, selling things or something, good luck earning a night A thousand pieces is no problem."

Xu Le'an pursed her lips and hesitated, she really needed money to save Sun Xiaojie.

Without waiting for her to agree, the man took the suitcase in her hand and entered the club with the child in his arms.

Xu Le'an had no choice but to follow.

small theater

Aunt: Xiao Tang, what are you doing?
Male lead: Didn't you arrange this?

Aunt: Don't push me, or I'll let the male second take over!

Male protagonist: ...

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