eccentric favoritism

Chapter 84: Don't you want a child?

After that day, although Ye Linran would still go back to Yuanhu Lake, he rarely met Gu Zhiru again. Even if Ye Linran didn't say anything, Gu Zhiru knew that he was deliberately avoiding her. There are a lot of things, and there are some things that she wants to open. She wants to avenge Lin Shuang's revenge, and she wants to perform the tasks of the organization. In short, she can't go on like this anymore.

Standing in front of the mirror, she was wearing a black see-through outfit with light makeup, like a wild rose, hot and fatally charming.

Gu Zhiru frowned calmly, let down her curled hair, and put on a coat calmly.

She stood in front of the door, with the cold wind pouring into her coat, Gu Zhiru endured the coldness and struggled repeatedly in her heart, then opened the door.

"Just put the file there, I'll look at it later."

Ye Linran didn't look up, he thought it was Ye Chen who came.

Seeing that there was no response from the other party, and the door was still not closed, Ye Linran raised his head.

The eyes of the two collided in the air, and Ye Linran looked down, seeing her tightly wrapped in the coat, Gu Zhiru seemed to be aware of the probing in Ye Linran's eyes, she walked over, and slowly took off the coat.

"Don't you want a baby?"

Her voice floated softly into Ye Dingran's ears, fluttering like a soft feather at the tip of his heart, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, his eyes became less innocent, he lowered his head, his voice was tainted A layer of hoarseness, like the mist after the autumn rain, coated with a layer of mystery.

"doing what?"

Gu Zhiru doesn't seem to be very familiar with this kind of thing, her eyes are vague, she clearly knows that she is asking out of knowledge, she has clearly stated it just now, and it can even be said to be on the bright side, Ye Linran still pretends She looked like she couldn't understand, and she didn't know how to continue talking.

"What's the idea?" Seeing that she was silent, Ye Linran asked directly.

The door was not completely closed, and the cold wind from the corridor poured in gusts. Gu Zhiru couldn't help shivering after standing like this for a long time, even though she was trying very hard to endure it.

"Is it fear or cold."


Ye Linran sighed and waved to her: "Come here."

Gu Zhiru walked over, she was a little nervous, holding the lace on the skirt tightly with her hands, suddenly she plunged into a wide and warm embrace, he squatted down, picked up the coat, put it on her again, and dragged her back to the bedroom .

"Go to bed."


Seeing her demented look, Ye Linran bent over and picked her up, then threw her on the bed without hesitation.

"..." Do you need to be so direct and rough.

Just when Gu Zhiru thought that he would make the next move, he saw that he bent down and covered her with the quilt, only his head was exposed, so he turned around and pulled a chair, and then very dignifiedly sit in front of her.


Ye Dingran's hands were crossed on the intertwined legs, and he narrowed his eyes slightly, as elegant and distant as when they first met.


Gu Zhiru just opened his mouth, but before he could speak, Ye Linran interrupted, "Let's talk."

Gu Zhiru nodded dully, but her heart became more and more restless.

"What do you want to talk about."

Gu Zhiru was extremely nervous. A few days ago she was so crazy that she didn't even know what she was doing. It was as if her identity had been exposed without knowing it. This was one of the reasons why she went to him to ask for peace.

Ye Lin looked down at her, his eyes didn't contain much warmth, they looked a little cold, his knuckles knocked on the armrest of the chair one after another, and the cold and rhythmic syllables hit Gu Zhiru hard. Apex.

"I hope it's you who confesses."

Of course Gu Zhiru knew what the "confession" Ye Linran said was a confession, she knew that it didn't really matter whether she said it or not, he already knew it.


What can she say, pack up her identity and purpose and present it or strip her old man for him to watch, obviously she can't do both, she looks at the determination and coldness in his eyes, keeping silent is the only thing she can do now done.

"Is it so difficult?"

Ye Linran suddenly laughed out loud, especially strange in this stalemate atmosphere, Gu Zhiru looked at him, his smile was superficial and did not reach the bottom of the eye, a little contemptuous and disdainful.

Gu Zhiru looked at him, as if he wanted to dig out some information from the bottom of his eyes, but his eyes were too deep, and if he was not careful, he would fall into his way and get stuck in it. It's a bit difficult to do everything, Gu Zhiru thought to himself, the corners of his mouth twitched with bitterness.

Ye Lin looked at her, and his tone became relaxed: "I give you two choices."

Gu Zhiru looked at him puzzled, she didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Ye Linran's gourd: "What?"

"First, lock you here with an iron chain. You can't go anywhere except this room. You want to give birth to me."

Ye Linran took a look at Gu Zhiru, and saw her looking at him calmly, waiting for his next choice.

"Second," Ye Linran's eyes darkened a little, he paused, obviously he was also hesitating about this condition, "accompany my brothers on the road to sleep, you are always on call, you can enter and leave Yuanhu freely."

Gu Zhiru couldn't believe it, what was he talking about, did he know what he was talking about!
Gu Zhiru's eyes were slightly sour, she turned her face away and took a deep breath, slowly turned her head, and said with a sneer, "Then Master Jiu thinks which one should I choose?"

Gu Zhiru threw the question back to Ye Linran, Ye Linran spread his hands, raised his eyebrows, and smiled helplessly: "Your choice is naturally up to you to decide."

"Whatever you want, I'm tired."

Gu Zhiru lay down, the patience in her autumn-like eyes disappeared, she turned off the desk lamp, closed her eyes, and turned her back to Ye Linran.

Ye Linran's face was plunged into darkness, his dark eyes were like a ghost seeking his life in the dark, and his voice was terrible: "Gu Zhiru, do you think you are still qualified to play petty temper with me now?"

Gu Zhiru didn't speak.

"Do you think I'll tease you again?"

Ye Linran wiped Sig Sauer in his hand, the cold metal glowed bloodthirsty under the pale moonlight, as if the next moment it was not lying in Ye Linran's hand obediently, but in front of Gu Zhiru's chest.

"Gu Zhiru, clarify your position." Ye Linran stood up and stroked the dust on his collar, "I only give you one night."

"If you don't choose, then you will voluntarily become the free plaything of those people."

The sound of Ye Linran's footsteps gradually faded away, but his words were still playing back in Gu Zhiru's ears over and over again. She sat up and hugged herself tightly. She thought he would kill her neatly and silence her , but he didn't want him to torture her like this, giving her two choices that would make her life worse than death. This is indeed his style, but how did he come to this point...

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