eccentric favoritism

Chapter 44: Hiding from the Rain

Gu Zhiru walked outside a few times with Ye Linran, because the place has not been fully developed, most of it still retains its original appearance, and the wild fruits everywhere reveal sweet and sour in the air, which makes people feel unconscious It's also a little bit better.

"Are these wild fruits edible?"

Ye Linran didn't answer her directly, but said with a smile: "You can try."

"Huh?" Gu Zhiru looked at him puzzled.

Ye Linran did not stop, but picked a yellow fruit and threw it to her: "You can taste it, if you are lucky, this fruit is sweet and sour, you can get a new experience, if you are not lucky If it's good, you can also go to the sky to see the Jade Emperor."


The fruit that Gu Zhiru had just caught suddenly felt that it weighed more than a dozen catties, and she couldn't lift her hands because of the weight.

"Try it, this fruit is edible." Ye awe-inspiring.Seeing his nervous appearance, he stopped teasing her and talked to him calmly.

"I... I won't eat it, you should eat more." Gu Zhiru said dryly.

The sky gradually darkened, dark clouds covered the sky, and it was about to rain, Gu Zhiru reminded: "Why don't we go back early."

Before Gu Zhiru could finish speaking, big raindrops fell from the sky, and then changed from one drop to countless, hitting the hair and clothes of the two of them.


Ye Linran seemed to hate this kind of wet weather, he couldn't help but frowned, he was quite familiar with this area, after all it was his private island, he led Gu Zhiru to turn left and right into a cave.

The cave is not very big, but enough for two people to hide in it.The cave was densely covered with spider webs, and there were traces of snakes, insects, rats and ants crawling over. Gu Zhiru swallowed. She somewhat disliked the environment here, but when she turned around to see the rain outside, it was getting heavier and heavier. Wanting to become smaller, she endured the nausea and followed Ye Linran into the room.

The inside was obviously much cleaner, and the air was not so humid anymore. Ye Linran picked up a few piles of firewood from somewhere, lit them with the lighter he carried, and the surroundings instantly brightened.

Gu Zhiru sat down on the spot, the flames reflected in her eyes, and her eyes became brighter: "Take off your clothes."

Ye Linran was still fiddling with firewood, but he was obviously taken aback when he heard this, and all the firewood in his hand fell to the ground.

"Take off your clothes." Gu Zhiru repeated.

"Want it?" Ye Linran said without hesitation.

"You can't take it off if you love it, so you'll be frozen to death." Gu Zhiru snorted coldly.

Ye Linran is also a man of integrity, he really just sat down like this, didn't clean up the firewood, didn't take off his clothes, just sat there and warmed himself by the fire and ignored Gu Zhiru.

Gu Zhiru didn't intend to continue talking to him, but instead.You are drowsy on the wall behind.

"Don't fall asleep, maybe a centipede mouse will come out and bite you." Ye Linran didn't know whether he wanted to scare him or not.


Gu Zhiru was also very useful, she became sober all of a sudden, she couldn't help but give him a blank look, a little angrily: .

As time went by, the fire gradually dimmed, the rain outside still had no tendency to become smaller, Ye Linran was also a little sleepy, and Yan was already on the wall behind, like a chicken pecking at rice.

Ye Linran's breathing gradually calmed down, but Gu Zhiru couldn't fall asleep because of his words. She nodded, walked to his side in small steps, squatted down, her restless little hands trembled, But it still climbed up to his nose, and then pinched it fiercely, Ye Lin's steady breathing was disrupted, and his eyes opened suddenly.

Gu Zhiru was stunned by his stare, and withdrew his hand embarrassingly, and was about to sneak away when Ye Linran pulled him into his arms.

"What are you running for? Do you dare to do it or not?" Ye Linran probably felt a little cold, his voice was a little hoarse, and he was particularly alluring in such a dark and ambiguous atmosphere.

Gu Zhiru swallowed strategically, the fear in his eyes gradually revealed.

"You, you, you... don't get excited." Gu Zhiru was so nervous that he couldn't speak clearly.

"Well, not excited." The desire in Ye Linran's eyes diffused from the center.

The two looked at each other, and suddenly Ye turned over awe-inspiringly.

Gu Zhiru cried out in fright.

"You, you, calm down!!"

"This is in the wild!!"

"Don't worry, there is no one here except us." Ye Lin said calmly.

Ye Linran kissed her, probably because she hadn't been intimate for a long time, and soon the air heated up straightly, a warm current flowed across Gu Zhiru's lower abdomen, and a strange feeling numbs her whole body.

Ye Linran peeled off Gu Zhiru's clothes, a large area of ​​skin was eroded by the cold air, the outside was cold and the inside was hot, the two of them moved more violently.


"Mr. Ye finally found..." You guys...

The three of them froze in place, and Ye Chen was the first to react, covering the eyes of the two little girls who hadn't been human yet. At the same time, he quickly closed his own eyes, in case he saw something Things that shouldn't be seen.


Ye Linran's face was extremely ugly, and he softened instantly when the heat was interrupted, and he said gloomyly: "You all get out!"

His voice was unusually indifferent, obviously agitated, Gu Zhiru grabbed his clothes fiercely, wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, his body trembled.

Ye Chen was quite considerate. Before he left, he left two umbrellas on the ground. He was afraid that both of them would catch a cold when they came out. After returning, they would probably be punished. If he was concerned about these two people who were burning with firewood, Rather he was saving his own life by making amends.


After those three people left, the air seemed even more awkward.

Gu Zhiru deliberately raised his eyebrows, and joked: "There will always be shadows at night."

"Do you need to see a doctor?"

"It won't do the nightclub any good if you don't spread the word. It will probably be the laughing stock of your life."

Gu Zhiru said as much as he said, but he still looked gloating. Ye Linran wanted to hold back, but seeing her now, he couldn't help it anymore. He always had to give her some punishment to make her behave like this. Open your mouth and remember, Ye Linran thought silently in his heart.

Ye Linran's hands became restless again, and the two of them quickly fought fiercely again. I don't know if it was because they haven't touched each other for a long time or because of Ye Linran's deliberate revenge. The sound became louder and louder, Ye Chen and the two little girls were almost numb at the entrance of the cave, watching the heavy rain outside, either leaving or staying, all he could do was silently pray for the president of his family to hurry up, and hurry up.

The faces of Xiaoju and Yu'er were flushed. They had never eaten pork and had seen pigs running, but it was the first time for them to watch and listen to it up close.

"Well, why do I feel that Miss is in pain."

Ye Chen: "..."

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