eccentric favoritism

Chapter 119: Departure to go abroad

This time I went abroad in a hurry. Ye Linran just told her about it that night, and asked Gu Zhiru to pack her luggage the next afternoon. Before the two of them had time to eat dinner, they set off to go abroad. Ye Dingran's private jet, Jue Xinan and Bai Ziheng went with them.

Gu Zhiru felt a little sleepy, she leaned against the seat, and put her hands on her lower abdomen lightly, it was a habit she had formed since she knew she was pregnant.

"Know it."

Gu Zhiru opened his eyes slightly: "What's wrong?"

Ye Linran put the broken pills on her phone, and handed her a glass of warm water: "I haven't taken folic acid today."

Gu Zhiru vaguely remembered that since she was pregnant, she had been taking some tonics one after another, and she really didn't take it today, so Gu Zhiru took it and put it in her mouth and drank it down.

"Sleep when you're sleepy, and you'll be there when you wake up."

Ye Linran straightened her hair, his movements were as gentle as a feather brushing, Gu Zhiru felt a little itchy, couldn't help arching into his arms, Ye Linran was a little helpless, and let her make trouble, I just felt like I was holding a pink and fragrant sleeping pig in my arms.

Bai Ziheng was used to this kind of scene, but Jue Xinan felt a little uncomfortable. Bai Ziheng patted him on the shoulder, and Jue Xinan coughed lightly before slowly raising his head.

"What's wrong."

"Don't be nervous, just get used to it."

Jue Xinan smiled: "We should buy air tickets, now we are brighter than it."

Jue Xinan pointed to the exceptionally bright lights above his head.

"Don't say it, I feel that this lamp is mocking us when you say it."

Bai Ziheng looked in the direction he pointed, and the light was indeed brighter than the ones he usually saw. He was amused by Jue Xinan, and Jue Xinan looked at him, but accidentally looked at each other. The two were depressed. With a tacit smile, she turned her head away.

It's already the second night after getting off the plane. Gu Zhiru didn't wake up much that day. He just felt extremely weak. This child is not as honest as usual today. He is active and sometimes even has a dull pain in his stomach. , Gu Zhiru frowned with a faint uneasiness in his heart.

When Gu Zhiru woke up again, he was already in the same room.The room is designed in a traditional Chinese style, which is different from the modern Chinese style in Yuanhu. It exudes an antique flavor, which makes people's hearts inexplicably bound. Gu Zhi got off the bed and saw the servant's face after walking out of the room. brought to Southeast Asia.

Seeing her coming down, Ye Linran came over to support her, Gu Zhiru was a little amused, glanced at the people on the sofa, and said coquettishly, "What is this for? It's not that I can't leave, there are still guests at home?"

Ye Linran smiled and did not explain much or introduce the people sitting in the living room. Instead, he helped her to the restaurant, and the restaurant had already prepared some local specialties. Gu Zhiru Sitting down, Ye Linran left, Gu Zhiru looked at the dishes laid out in front of him, and looked at the back of Ye Linran walking towards the living room, frowning slightly.

Gu Zhiru lowered his head and took a sip of the soup. This soup was very fresh, but somehow it didn't suit her taste. Gu Zhiru never picks food, but the taste that she can choose is probably unusual. Gu Zhiru looked at the soup , I suddenly admired the chef's cooking skills, what kind of technology can make it taste good and taste bad.

Gu Zhiru was slurping the glutinous rice in front of him while listening to the news from the living room. The living room and the dining room are connected and there is no barrier, so it is not difficult to hear, but they communicate in Southeast Asia, mixed with Chinese. Gu Zhiru listened to some slang words for a while and then gave up. There were a lot of food on the table, probably because Ye Linran was afraid that she would not be used to the taste here, so he also asked people to cook some Chinese food. When the glutinous rice was almost finished, , Gu Zhiru, who lowered his head, glanced over to the living room. They seemed to have finished training. Ye Linran watched them leave and then walked over to this side. Gu Zhiru hurriedly looked away.

Ye Linran walked up behind her, pressed his forehead against her neck, the faint fragrance of shower gel penetrated into the tip of his nose, Ye Linran squinted his eyes comfortably, and rubbed against her like a kitten.

"After listening for so long, do you understand?"

Ye Linran's voice was slightly hoarse, and when he spoke, he was magnetic, charming and very dangerous, like a beautiful abyss paved by someone.

Gu Zhiru didn't say a word, but she knew that Ye Linran would notice her little movements, because she didn't avoid him on purpose, her eyes collided in the air a few times, facing Shang Ye Linran's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Gu Zhiru If you know you didn't run away.

"Do you want to know what we're talking about?"

Ye Linran gently scratched Gu Zhiru's earlobe, as if flirting, but Gu Zhiru ignored him and continued eating the remaining mangoes on the plate.

"Do you know who those people who just left are?"

Gu Zhiru frowned, she didn't see clearly when she went downstairs, she took a quick glance, but there were two people who impressed her deeply, one was fat and big-eared, with a fierce face, wearing a boy trendy brand, the other man It also looks very square, and the contrast between the two of them is very strong, so Gu Zhiru wrote it down.

"do not know."

"They," Ye Ding smiled lowly, "one is a gangster with countless criminal records, and the other is the director of the Public Security Bureau."

What Ye Linran said was unclear, but Gu Zhiru was not a fool, she secretly tightened her hands holding the chopsticks, waiting for Ye Linran's next words.

"That's right, you don't like to pay attention to things on the Internet, but it's good to keep the pure land in your heart, so that you can keep the beauty of this world and this country's ideals, black and white."

Gu Zhiru's hands trembled a little: "What do you mean?"

Ye Linran's hand caressed Gu Zhiru's cheek in the morning, his smile deepened a bit, but it was also evil: "I'll tell you a story."

Gu Zhiru didn't say a word, Ye Linran just thought she agreed.

Ye Linran told the story very calmly, described it objectively, and asked Gu Zhiru's opinion from time to time, but Gu Zhiru's heart became colder and colder. She turned her head, her body trembling uncontrollably. In the end, she completely substituted, Couldn't hear what he was saying.

Ye Linran touched her loose hair in a comforting manner, but his voice did not fluctuate because of Gu Zhiru's reaction, and he continued to narrate calmly: "Later, the Internet went crazy, but it took so long , the official media said a few words, you are writing, you naturally know a thing called word games.”

The pair of silver chopsticks slipped from Gu Zhiru's hands and fell on the white jade plate, making a crisp sound, the sound echoed in Gu Zhiru's ears, just like her heart, she knew that Ye Linran didn't need to be in this kind of thing lie to her.

Ye Linran seemed very satisfied with Gu Zhiru's reaction, his voice was light and ethereal, and to him, this seemed to be just the tip of the iceberg he saw.

"Gu Qiu, you're 28 years old, you shouldn't be that innocent anymore."

When Gu Zhiru heard this title, she turned her head suddenly. She didn't expect Ye Linran to even find out this level. When she confessed at the beginning, she only thought that Ye Linran only knew about her identity as an undercover agent. It occurred to him that he knew everything about her.That's right, who is Ye Linran, if he can dig out a corner, naturally he won't be satisfied just by getting this corner.

"Silly girl, don't be so surprised, I know everything about you."

"So, don't be too attached to some things, stand in the world of an ordinary person and look at the world more, instead of applying a filter of justice to it."

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