eccentric favoritism

Chapter 111: Early pregnancy test paper (3)

Gu Zhiru looked out the window, and it was confirmed that Xiaoju and Lao Chen belonged to Bai Ziheng, but Bai Ziheng's information seemed to be blocked, and he couldn't find out at all. When he grew up, he naturally couldn't compare with the kind of friends who met halfway, but the mastermind behind this civil turmoil is Bai Ziheng, what is Bai Ziheng's motive, Bai Ziheng is the vice president of the Ye family, and he controls the power of the Ye family , it can be regarded as one person under one person and above ten thousand people. To achieve this position is connected with the relationship between him and Ye Linran from childhood to adulthood, which shouldn't be the case at all.

The corn pork ribs soup on the table was brought by Ye Chen as an extra meal. It had been a while, but when Gu Zhiru brought it up, it smelled very strong of pork ribs. Gu Zhiru frowned, but didn't care. At the thought of eating it, she clutched her chest, feeling a little nauseous.

Gu Zhiru frowned, and basically confirmed her previous thoughts. She should go buy test strips, Gu Zhiru thought in her heart, but the previous thoughts echoed in her mind again and again. Can Bai Ziheng use it now? She is also not sure, if someone who can be used is killed by her, it will be a great disadvantage to her, and it will even have a great impact on the follow-up, and it is not easy to deal with, weighing the pros and cons, the people under Bai Ziheng Can't move for now.Gu Zhiru thought silently in her heart, besides, she was reluctant to part with this child.

Gu Zhiru smiled wryly, the indecisive and indecisive woman she looked down upon the most in the past is now vividly manifested in her.

Gu Zhiru took a thick woolen coat from the closet and called Ye Chen.

The black Maybach was speeding on the road, Gu Zhiru always liked to look out the window, she was stunned for a moment when she passed by Ye Shi, but she soon lost her mind because Ye Chen was calling her.


"what happened?"

"I think it's better to go to the hospital."

"You are the one who knows Ye Linran's ability best. He can be said to cover the sky with one hand in city A. The Ye family is almost forming an industrial chain. How many hospitals in city A are owned by the Ye family. Even if they are not, they are related to the companies above those hospitals. Cooperation relationship, how many dinner parties have I accompanied him, how could those people not know me, do you think I can hide the fact that I went to the hospital?"

Ye Chen didn't answer, it was indeed because he didn't think carefully, Gu Zhiru's analysis was right, but the only thing that puzzled him was why Gu Zhiru didn't let Ye Linran know about the existence of this child, this child would make Ye Linran Letting their guard down will do them more good than harm.

"Ma'am, I..." Ye Chen opened his mouth after thinking again and again.

"I know what you're going to ask," Gu Zhiru's gaze remained calm, "I have my own thoughts, this child is useful."

Ye Chen opened his mouth, but he only uttered the word "um".

Ye Chen drove the car to a remote old community. There was a row of commercial buildings in front of the community. Gu Zhiru lowered his hat and walked in.

Soon Gu Zhiru came out in the same posture. She was wearing a lot of clothes, and she looked a little bloated from the back. Her delicate face was covered with a thin layer of sweat. If she was not familiar with it, she would definitely not be able to see it. , but this Maybach is still too eye-catching in such a community, people passing by can't help but look at it more.

Gu Zhiru went home and took off her clothes layer by layer. She no longer wore the cheongsam that could show off her proud figure, but wore a loose and fleece home dress. She opened the early pregnancy test paper and put it in. After entering the bathroom, she was obviously ready, but her hand holding the piece of paper was still trembling faintly.


Gu Zhiru was lying on the bed, the moon and stars were sparse outside, but she saw that there was no big fluctuation in her heart, she sighed slightly, maybe she also wanted this child in her heart.

"Why didn't you go down to eat?"

A steady voice came, Shi Ye came back awe-inspiringly.

Gu Zhiru got up slowly: "Why are you back tonight?"

Ye Linran took off his coat and sat down beside the bed: "Why, I'm not allowed to come back?"

Although his voice was tired, his words were slightly reproachful, but there was a hint of pampering.

Gu Zhiru cooperated with him, smiling deliberately to flatter him, as if deliberately disgusting him: "Master, how dare I."

Gu Zhiru's voice was charming, and his hands were like those in TV dramas, as he spoke, he put them on Ye Linran's shoulders.

Ye Linran was amused by her ridiculous action: "Where did I learn these unscrupulous things?"

Gu Zhiru looked up at him solemnly: "There are everything in TV dramas."

Ye Linran's smile deepened, he patted Gu Zhiru's forehead, annoyed and funny: "I'm not at home, what movies do you watch yourself, and see what you learned, if you don't learn well."

Gu Zhiru turned his face away and snorted coldly, "No, I'm not as obscene as you men watching those low-level action movies, I watch them very seriously, okay?"

Ye Lin smiled and slapped her: "Who told you that your husband watches this kind of film."


Gu Zhiru was so startled by the "husband" he called himself that he couldn't speak for a while, she coughed and coughed to relieve the awkward atmosphere, she laughed a few times, but couldn't think of how to reply.


"Ang?" Gu Zhiru looked up at him blankly, "What's wrong?"

"I don't like watching those movies. After all, the long-distance water can't quench the near-thirst. Ma'am, what do you think?"

Ye Linran's words meant something, how could Gu Zhiru not understand it, it's just that she is only a month old now, if she really obeys him, she still doesn't know how serious the consequences will be, Gu Zhiru lowered her eyes and didn't speak.

"What's wrong?" Ye Linran watched her lower her head, feeling that she was a little depressed, and he couldn't help but worry.

Gu Zhiru is still racking her brains to find a reason to delay, but she is pregnant and won't have her menstrual period, so she really can't think of anything that will work.

She raised her head suddenly, her eyes were slightly moist, and she looked like she was about to cry: "You haven't been back for a long time, and when you came back, you were full of such things, and you didn't want to spend time with me. I was raised in a golden cage by you. Is it the sparrow in the house?"

Ye Linran was frightened by her sudden reaction, and he hurriedly wiped her tears: "Okay, why did I become emotional all of a sudden, I'm not as lustful as you said, I just miss you so much, but You're right, I haven't been back for a long time, so whatever you want, I'll be with you, if you want to go to heaven or earth, I'll do whatever you want."

Ye Linran was in the same state of life and death, and Gu Zhiru almost couldn't hold back.

"Then you can chat with me." Gu Zhiru leaned on Ye Linran's shoulder.

"What are you talking about?"

Ye Linran's EQ fluctuates from time to time, especially at this time, he is as confused as a kid who just left school.

"What are you up to lately?"

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