eccentric favoritism

Chapter 103: Birthday (1)

As soon as Gu Zhiru opened his eyes, he met Ye Linran's eyes. When the morning sun shone into the room, Ye Linran's eyes were bright, but it was the longing for the future in the eyes of some teenagers.

"Wake up so early?"

"Well, I went to bed early yesterday."

Ye Linran pushed back the strands of hair scattered on her forehead: "Get up, I cooked tremella pear soup for you yesterday, you eat it first, and then I'll make longevity noodles for you."

Gu Zhiru was taken aback, and an unbelievable smile appeared on Shuran's face: "You know how to make longevity noodles."

Ye sternly flicked her head: "What are you talking about, your Mr. Ye is omnipotent, he can do anything."

In fact, it was only later that Gu Zhiru found out that Ye Linran never knew how to cook, he had a fixed cook just like the scene she saw when she first came to Yuanhu, a group of people surrounded him, elegant and respectful Zhanyang Chunshui, just learned to make a lot of snacks and desserts after meeting her, even for a period of time, visiting some chefs, soaking in the kitchen for a long time, when socializing, the original faint mint flavor will become faint of oily smoke.

Gu Zhiru originally wanted to follow Ye Linran to the kitchen to help, but Ye Linran resolutely refused, and asked Ye Chen to bring a beautiful gift box and hand it over.

"Although there are only the two of us today, birthdays should be beautiful."

Ye Lin smiled and patted Gu Zhiru's head.

"I will not give you the sense of ritual that you should have at all."

"Happy birthday, Zhiru."

Gu Zhiru was shy for a while by his sudden sweet talk, she covered her face, not daring to meet his eyes, snatched the gift box from Ye Chen's arms in a hurry, and ran to the changing room in a hurry. The throbbing of the past quietly appeared, sweet surprise but faint panic.

Gu Zhiru opened the box. This is not a formal dress, it is made of light gauze material. It is probably because of the consideration of movement. This dress is not as heavy-handed as the dress she prepared for her on the first anniversary the night before. However, the details are handled with great care and precision.This is a skirt based on the one-shoulder design. Both shoulders are designed with bow ribbons. The edges of the main body of the bow and the edges of the ribbons are inlaid with irregular diamonds. The hollow design at the waist is the finishing touch. , highlighting Gu Zhiru's beautiful waistline, the big bow on the back makes her look a little more petite and exquisite, the skirt is above Gu Zhiru's knees, and the two straight and white legs make her look sweet At the same time, it is a little more spicy that is not easy to detect.

Gu Zhiru suddenly felt that this dress was tailor-made for her. This idea was sudden and conceited, but this idea seemed to have been stamped in her mind, and it never dissipated.

Because of her height, Gu Zhiru rarely tried this sweet and cute style. She tried to buy a few sets before, but no matter how you looked at it, she felt like she was pretending to be tender. Later, she slowly let go of it, and she has always been light. Familiar with the sex style, but unexpectedly suitable for her, the slightly spicy feeling made her feel very fond of it. After meeting Ye Linran, she tried many styles that she had never tried before.

Gu Zhiru took off the hairpin, and at the moment when her hair fell down, she looked at herself in the mirror, a little amazement flashed in her eyes, she took off the bean paste-colored lipstick on her mouth, and looked at herself in the mirror. The original makeup has been slightly modified, bright and lively.

Sure enough, people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles, Gu Zhiru's face was slightly hot.

Gu Zhi went downstairs, and Ye Chen who was at the top of the stairs had gone somewhere, but there were two more people on the sofa.

"Mr. Jue, Mr. Bai."

Gu Zhiru would not become as shy as a young girl because of a piece of clothing, some maturity is not because of the clothes, but the calm and steady temperament after going through many things, Gu Zhiru Luoluo Walking over generously, because it was a bit cold, Gu Zhiru also wore a velvet shawl with ancient paintings outside, adding a bit of classical Chinese elegance to the western romance.

The two were still talking, but the moment they saw Gu Zhiru, they stopped at the same time, the living room was quiet for a while, and then they heard Ye Linran's voice approaching from a distance, coming out of the kitchen.

"Why are you staring at your sister-in-law like this?"

Jue Xinan first realized that they were rude, and he smiled: "I rarely see my sister-in-law wearing this kind of clothes."

Gu Zhiru also followed suit: "Isn't it good-looking? Most of my clothes are chosen by Ye Linran. He knows my dressing style, but sometimes he will fix some things that I dare not try."

"No, no, it's very beautiful and amazing. Vice President Bai is so surprised that he is speechless now."

Gu Zhiru was amused by him.

"Okay, come over for dinner. Today is Zhiru's birthday, and I made hand-rolled noodles." Ye Linran wiped the flour sticking to his face with the back of his hand.

Because Gu Zhiru's clothes are really nice today, Jue Xinan and Bai Ziheng didn't notice Ye Linran until they saw Ye Linran wipe off the flour on his face. He wore a black apron in his home clothes, his face and even his hair were covered with a layer of white flour. It is not an exaggeration to use the word "worry" to describe it.

At the same time, Gu Zhiru took a clean handkerchief in the bathroom, wet it with water, and helped him wipe it gently. Her eyes were not calculating or sharp, but there was tenderness in those watery eyes, maybe she hadn't noticed it herself. , Bai Ziheng looked away from the two of them, he sighed slightly, the pity in his eyes was covered by eyelashes, Jue Xinan glanced at Bai Ziheng, he could see what Bai Ziheng was thinking at this time, because He is the same, it is rare that their ideas are so unified.

Two people who know they can't love each other but both fall in love. This is not a fairy tale but a tragedy.

Gu Zhiru wiped the flour on Ye Linran's body roughly, seeing that there was no way to wipe it off completely, she took off the apron on Ye Linran's body, and the flour on it scattered in the air, Gu Zhiru took a sharp breath and choked and coughed , Ye Dingran gently patted him on the back, took the apron from her hand: "You go to eat first, and I'll take a shower."

"it is good."

Gu Zhiru wanted to bring over the dishes from the kitchen, but was stopped by Ye Renyan: "How do you carry this skirt, just let Bai Ziheng and Jue Xinan go, you go to the dining table and wait."

Jue Xinan quickly agreed: "That's right, let's go, my sister-in-law sit here and wait for a while."

This actually made Gu Zhiru feel a little embarrassed, no matter how they are both guests, there is no reason to let the guests do things anyway, but even though the two of them are fighting and fighting, they still obey Ye Linran's words, and she is also having a hard time If you interfere more, you can only show an apologetic smile.

"By the way, where is Ye Chen?"

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