eccentric favoritism

Chapter 1: Give Yourself to Him

The cold moonlight shrouded the feasting city, black roses climbed around the fence and covered the outside of this magnificent cage, and the villa was luxurious and full of music and music every night.

More than half of the dignitaries from city A gathered in the villa, and the flowery girl leaned against the arms of those well-dressed old men, her immature face was mostly covered by heavy makeup, imposing a maturity that didn't match her age.

The woman walks among the hungry wolves, her white swan neck is covered by big black waves, her proud figure is outlined in a burgundy fishtail skirt, her slender heels make a crisp sound when they touch the apricot white floor, the man is caught She was attracted, regardless of the coquettishness of the beauty in her arms, cast a greedy look, the woman walked to the corner steadily and unhurriedly, sat down slowly, disdain to pay attention to these disgusting thoughts.

"Gu Qiu, are you here?"

Gu Ju heard the sound and raised his head slightly, looking at the target upstairs.The man chair is sitting on the flamboyant purple chaise longue, with slender legs crossed, a black high-tailored suit casually draped over his body, his stern face is sharp-edged, and the gold wire frame is on the tall bridge of the nose, like a deep pool of ink Shen Mou looked at her with a hint of probing... her.

Gu Ju withdrew his gaze, and lightly parted his red lips, but only let out a "hmm" in his throat.

"Obey orders and don't be emotional."


Gu Jiu opened her hand, and in her palm was a pink pill. She slowly closed her eyes, as if she was obliged to do so, but the hurdle in her heart still couldn't be overcome after all.

After a while, she summoned the waiter who had been arranged in advance. The waiter took a look at her and put the medicine in his sleeve while passing the wine.

Gu Jiu raised his head and took a big sip, his body gradually became hot and dry.

Gu Jiu knew that the organization had been prepared years ago, and her task was to surrender herself tonight and lurk by that man's side.

The dark clouds gradually swallowed the cold moonlight, and the noisy villa gradually returned to silence.A small piece of orange on the head of the bed in the room illuminated the handsome man on the bed.

The man sensed Gu Qiu's action, and the man suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were sharp and clear.

Gu Jiu received the gaze, raised his eyes slightly, and the two looked at each other.

Gu Jiu's heart sank to the bottom, and he was seen through.

"Oh, it's delivered to your door."

The man's bloodthirsty eyes fell on the woman's red lips.

"Then fill it up."

The moon is hidden among the clouds, the roses on the fence are swaying with the wind, and the faint fragrance is scattered through the window. The two people on the bed are reflected in the orange, and the delicate voice dissipates in the air.

The next day
Gu Ju looked at the man beside him, and the swelling pain reminded her all the time that her innocence was gone.Her innocence was given to the man beside her on her own initiative, the president of the night market, the boss on the road, Ye Dingran.

Gu Jiu became cruel, stroking the man's thin cheeks slender and delicate, without much emotion, her cherry pink lips covered the bulge in her throat, if she bit down hard...

She can't do that.

Ye Linran frowned fiercely, what the hell is this woman doing! ?

He wanted to see what kind of medicine this woman had buried in the gourd, but it turned out that he never dreamed that after doing it all night and starting to act like a demon again early in the morning, this woman would not feel tired at all?


A gloomy voice rang in Gu Jiu's ears, Gu Jiu trembled slightly, and he clenched his hands a little.

Ye Linran's face turned pale, "Woman, you're playing with fire again."

"Yeah, don't you like nightclubs?" Gu Ju's breathing was a little heavy, his cheeks were covered with an inexplicable blush, and the originally cold voice was now soft and soft like water, which made people very excited.

From Ye Linran's point of view, Gu Jiu's heavy breathing is felt, as long as Gu Jiu knows how flustered she is now, she knows that after today, she will never be able to stand in that place again.

"Then I will satisfy you."


It was already noon when Gu Jiu woke up, and the tearing pain caused several physiological tears to flow down the corners of her eyes.

"I've already taken the initiative to climb into the man's bed, what are you pretending to do?"

Gu Jiu didn't refute.This was not her original intention, but Gu Jiu knew it was the truth. She was not qualified to take up this point, and she would do it every day in the future. What could she use to refute it...

Gu Jiu stumbled and staggered while leaning on the wall, almost crawling to the bathroom, but she didn't know it, the original whiteness was now covered with bruises, and the slap marks were red, swollen and bloody, all implying that she was fierce and unbearable last night.

She held back her tears, brushed a mark with her pink fingertips, and tried her best to clean herself inside and out. She soaked in the bathtub and let the bubbles of shower gel drown her.Gu Jiu knew that she had to get used to all of this slowly, because this was just the beginning.

Gu Jiu dragged his tired body out of the water. The hot water cleaned her up, but failed to relieve her of the night's sleepiness. She opened the door, and a mixture of mint and hormones penetrated into her nostrils. Raising her eyes slightly, a clean towel was placed on her head, and the two looked at each other, Gu Jiu's heart trembled, saying that she was not afraid would be a lie.

"Go downstairs and eat."

This was the second time they looked at each other within 24 hours, but the surprise from the first time turned to contempt.Gu Jiu felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Gu Chu's legs trembled as soon as she stepped down a step, and the tearing sensation in her lower body made her dare not move any more.Going down the stairs, Ye Linran saw that Gu Jiu hadn't followed, looked up, frowned, and saw Gu Jiu curled up in a ball in the corner of the stairs.

Ye Ding stood for a while, and finally strode forward, bending down in front of Gu Jiu.

"It hurts?"

After a while, Ye Linran coldly choked out these two words.


The girl was crying, her voice was nasal but soft and pitiful, like a frightened little rabbit, but her demeanor was exceptionally calm, Ye's awe-inspiring eyes were stained with a bloodthirsty smile.


He couldn't help but think of the girl's aloofness and pride at yesterday's banquet. The cry from last night was still echoing in his ears, and the corners of his mouth gradually widened. They were really two faces.

Ye Linran bent down and gently hugged her, holding her in his arms, close to the place closest to the heart: "What's your name?"

"Gu Zhiru." Gu Ju added after pondering for a while, "Knowing the book and respecting the etiquette is like Wan like a flower."

"It sounds good."

Gu Jiu was held in Ye's arms, and he couldn't tell what it was like. Yesterday's one-night stand seemed to be unable to make her really hate this man to the bone.

Gu Qiu was surprised at the thoughts in her heart just now, her palms felt a little cold, what happened to her, how could it be possible, how could such thoughts appear in her heart, no, no!

Gu Jiu wanted to break free from this embrace, but her rationality told her that she couldn't do so. If she wanted to lurk beside this man, she had to win his heart first, and the weakness and helplessness afterwards could stir up ripples in the man's heart the most.

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