Host, pick up your character

Chapter 53 The Cruel School Bully and His Pseudo-Good School Bully (22)

Hearing this, Shen Jiuyuan lifted his collar up a little without any trace, covering up the scar that Shen Jiuan accidentally injured himself last night, "Did you read some horror novel last night?"

Shen Jiuan quickly denied it, "How can I have time to read novels when I can't finish all my homework?" Shen Jiuyuan smiled, brought out the breakfast he had made before, poured the hot milk into the cup, and brought it to In front of Shen Jiuan, "Okay, stop thinking about it, and have breakfast."

Shen Jiuan nodded, and answered vaguely, "Okay."

inside the classroom.

Mo Yuhuan looked at the haggard Shen Jiuan in front of him, feeling inexplicably distressed, "Jiuan, what's wrong with you, why do you look so haggard? Did you not sleep well?" Shen Jiuan pressed her temples, trying to ignore the discomfort caused by the headache, " I had a bad nightmare, it’s okay, it’s probably because I did too many physics problems before, and I had a nightmare.”

Mo Yuhuan had a question mark on his face: "Huh? You can still have nightmares after doing too many physics problems? It's the first time I've heard that such a thing exists." Shen Jiuan dealt with it casually, "It's probably because I'm prone to thinking wildly and have nightmares, it's okay. Class begins."

Shen Jiuan didn't realize that the reason for her discomfort was that she caught a cold from someone's ice technique last night.The first math class was fine, Shen Jiuan could last for a while, but in the fourth Chinese class, Shen Jiuan could barely open her eyes and her forehead was hot.

203: "It is detected that the host's body temperature is too high, and there is an influenza virus in the body causing the host to catch a cold. Do you want to start treatment?"

Shen Jiuan didn't reply, because she was so feverish that she fell unconscious on the table.Mo Yuhuan felt something was wrong, so he reached out to touch Shen Jiuan, only to find that Shen Jiuan's forehead was hot, and he was shocked immediately, "Teacher Shen Jiuan has a fever!!!"

The Chinese teacher was still immersed in the content of his lecture, but suddenly heard someone shouting from under the podium. He wanted to scold him, but after hearing the content, he immediately said: "Hurry up, take her to the infirmary!" Mo Yu Huan hurriedly got up to help Shen Jiuan and walked out the door, "Jiu'an, don't sleep yet! Let's go to the infirmary!"

When Mo Yuhuan supported Shen Jiuan and just walked to the stairs, Shen Jiuan was embraced by a pair of slender hands first, "Leave it to me, you go to the doctor first." It was Gu Huaiyun.When Mo Yuhuan saw that it was Gu Huaiyun, she subconsciously hugged Shen Jiuan tightly, "What are you doing! She is a patient now and cannot be bullied..."

"Don't be so talkative!" Gu Huaiyun immediately lost his temper, and immediately shouted, "Hurry up and give her to me!" He immediately hugged Shen Jiuan, put her on his back, and carried her like a [-]-meter sprint. "Shen Jiu'an! Shen Jiu'an, wake up for my master!"

Shen Jiuan's head hurt even more from the noise, and he slapped Gu Huaiyun on the back of the head, "Don't make noise, it's just a cold, why are you so nervous?"

"Drip! The threat value of the target plane is +4%, and the current threat value is 76%."

Shen Jiuan: "203, it seems that the environment is too mild, and I didn't even realize that I was sick. Next time, I will change to a more dangerous plane, so I will be a little more vigilant."

203: "The host's request has been accepted, do you want to start treatment?"

Shen Jiuan: "Turn it on, if it continues like this, I'm afraid I'll have a meal."

So, when we arrived at the school doctor's office, when the school doctor put on the drip, Shen Jiuan's fever began to subside, "It's okay, she has already started to have a fever, so you don't need to be like this... You are facing a big enemy," the school doctor snapped. Patting Gu Huaiyun on the shoulder, "I've never seen you so nervous. You are a regular visitor here, but today is the first time I see you coming here with another identity."

Gu Huaiyun glanced at him, "If you have something to say, it's okay to get out, why are there so many nonsense." The school doctor shook his head after hearing this, "Tsk tsk tsk, she is still so irritable. It seems that this girl means a lot to you?" Gu Huaiyun said without raising his head: "If she wants my life, I will give it to her. What do you think she is?"

The school doctor shook his head after hearing this, "Tsk tsk tsk, look, look, having a wife is different, young people, studying hard is the kingly way BALABALA..." Gu Huaiyun looked irritable, but the passerby Mo Yuhuan was He was greatly shocked: "What the hell! You, you, you, you actually attacked my family, Jiu'an?! You weren't... wait, before you..." Mo Yuhuan finally realized why Gu Huaiyun always liked to find fault with Shen Jiuan. "You're so childish!"

Gu Huaiyun was furious from being pinched from left to right, and when he was about to speak back one by one, Shen Jiuan grabbed his sleeve, "Okay, pour me a glass of water, my throat is a bit dry." Gu Huaiyun hurriedly got up and found a paper cup Poured some hot water and handed it to Shen Jiuan's mouth, "Drink it slowly, it's a little hot." Shen Jiuan directly took the cup in Gu Huaiyun's hand, poured the water into his mouth, and swallowed it, "It's so long-winded. you."

Gu Huaiyun: ...Is it okay to be rejected by LP twice within an hour?
Shen Jiuan stretched out his hand to touch his forehead, it was still a little hot, "When is it?" Gu Huaiyun looked at the phone in his arms, "The fifth class is up, what class are you in?" He looked at Mo Yuhuan. "It seems to be..." Mo Yuhuan thought for a while, "Politics class."

"Help her ask for leave." Gu Huaiyun looked at the person in front of him, not even bothering to share a glance with others. "By the way, help her get her schoolbag, and I will send her back later." Shen Jiuan kicked Gu Huaiyun's leg , "No need, I can go back to class after hanging the water. Mo Yuhuan, can I trouble you to go to the door to pick up the lunch my brother sent?"


"I'll go," Gu Huaiyun said first, "I recognize him, and I'll help you get it." Shen Jiuan was speechless, "Aren't you afraid of being beaten up by my brother?" Gu Huaiyun snorted, and whispered: "Sooner or later, there must be such a Once, it would be better to be beaten earlier."


"I didn't say anything," Gu Huaiyun stroked Shen Jiu'an's hair, "You have a good rest, I'll go and pack up first." Then Shen Jiuan remembered that this guy seemed to... skipped class to find her, "You ran away again What class? To be honest, don't let me ask Xiao Huaiyue."

"It's's just a physics experiment class." Gu Huaiyun scratched his head and coughed in embarrassment, "Oh, your illness is the big deal, let's talk about raising yourself first." Shen Jiuan: "...My physics Don’t you know how many catties and taels! How dare you skip class! Is it a physics experiment class?! Do you know how many points the big physics experiment questions in the college entrance examination account for?! BALABALA..."

The school doctor looked at the scene in front of him and laughed, pointed at Gu Huaiyun and said to Mo Yuhuan who was shocked, "See, this is called one thing falling one thing."

The final result is naturally that Gu Xiaoba has a few more physical scrolls to write.

Gu Huaiyun: ...It makes you bald, alas.

"Drip! The threat value of the target plane is -6%, and the current threat value is 70%."

Shen Jiuan lay on the hospital bed, clutching his forehead and sighed speechlessly, "You can't let me worry, little brat? Studying hard is the kingly way." Gu Huaiyun nodded perfunctorily and replied: "I know, I know I'm going to help you get your lunch later, be good."

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