Host, pick up your character

Chapter 224 The Paranoid Bamboo Horse and His False Sweet Green Plum (20

203: "Huh? What a horse? Ah, that's it. It's okay. The Buddha statue didn't bend over. Did you read it wrong?"

When Shen Jiuan went to look again, the Buddha statue had returned to its original appearance, and he couldn't help but doubt himself, "Really, I saw it wrong? I really, saw it wrong?"

203: "Absolutely misread it. You must have misread it because you didn't have a good rest before."

Shen Jiuan also had to believe that he was wrong at this time, "Oh, that's a mistake, then it's okay, I'll go to the abbot to buy a safe talisman later."

Only then did 203 breathe a sigh of relief, "It scared me to death."

A thick voice smiled, "Are you afraid she will know?" 203 sneered, "What qualifications do you have to accept her kneeling? When the demon gods attacked the heavens, you were the first to stand up and clear yourselves. I have nothing to do with myself, so I took my own people and ran to the west to seek refuge! Could it be that this is you! If they hadn’t tried their best to protect the entire three thousand planes, you would still be alive?! A joke!”

The voice paused for a while, "As expected, you are the one beside her..."

203: "Shut up! This is not something you should say! If you dare to say a word more, that person will never let you go lightly! He is guarding outside the temple! You weigh it yourself!" As if to prove 230 The words were ordinary, just as Shen Jiuan stepped out of the hall, a ray of lightning struck straight at the glazed golden tiles of the hall, "Crackling!"

That voice stopped talking for a moment, and after a long time, he said: "What an offense, what an offense." Lian Lei struck again as a warning.After Shen Jiuan stepped out of the hall, the clouds above his head disappeared without a trace, revealing the clear sky and scorching sun.Seeing that the rain had stopped, Shen Jiuan was going to find Shen Haiming to go down the mountain, but unexpectedly ran into the abbot.The abbot held three amulets made of peach wood in his hand, "Please accept this, this is the most effective amulet in Yinling Temple, it can prevent disasters and eliminate disasters, the Buddha just gave his disciples a revelation, asking the gods to accept these three amulets amulet."

Shen Jiuan didn't know what to do for a while, "203, this..."

203: "Ask him if he needs to leave anything behind."

Shen Jiuan looked at the abbot, "Then do I give money?" The abbot shook his head again and again, "No, no, no, the Buddha said, you just need to leave your signature." Shen Jiuan was a little strange, but still took the abbot The yellow paper and brush I brought, when I planned to write the name of the original owner of this plane, was told by the abbot that it was my original name.

"...You can see it?" Shen Jiuan paused her hands, her eyes turned cold, and she looked at the abbot, "Or, did the Buddha see it again?" The abbot slightly bent over, "God calm down, The poor monk can still see that your soul does not match the body of this sentence, so please leave your original name."

Shen Jiuan was silent for a while, "You should keep your mouth shut."

"As you wish, if you disobey even the slightest bit, you will be punished by the God of Thunder in the Nine Heavens, and you will not die." Seeing that the abbot swears the poisonous oath to such a degree, Shen Jiuan can only sigh, and write down his original name with a pen : Shen Jiuan.

The abbot saw that when Shen Jiuan wrote the pen, a golden light flew out of the name instantly, covering the entire Yinling Temple in it. This is a protective barrier, which can keep the Yinling Temple unbroken for a hundred years, and the temple is undefeated. "Thank God."

After that, Shen Jiuan left Fanjing Mountain with three amulets and Shen Haiming, and took a look before leaving, "203, can you see where he put my name?"

203: "...This monk has framed your name and hung it on the wall of the Golden Palace."

Shen Jiuan: "...What kind of fairy operation is this?"

203: "Let's go, anyway, I don't understand this wave of operations, let's go, let's go."

Afterwards, Shen Jiuan spent her summer vacation in a joyful (?) atmosphere, and was promoted to the fourth grade after school started.And Lu Yuan is also preparing everything intensively, this time Lu Yuan doesn't want to wait until he is 13 years old, he just wants to go out quickly and build a business empire that can protect Shen Jiuan.

Soon, two years later, Shen Jiuan graduated from elementary school in the summer, and in the autumn he will enter a key junior high school, and Lu Yuan is already 12 years old, and he has already thoroughly explored the entire experimental base, and is still guarding it. While paying attention, he carefully placed the explosives he picked up from the arsenal in a blind spot where the surveillance camera could not see.

After their observation, between three and four in the morning, when the guards are most relaxed, the monitoring in the monitoring room will also be turned off.This is the pattern that Yan Hao discovered after three days and three nights of sleeplessness. At around 03:30 in the morning, the red dot on the camera in his room will disappear, and it will not move after turning to the corner.That's why Lu Yuan took this opportunity to place the bomb in a dead corner of the monitoring area, and even escaped the search personnel's inspection.

At this time, Lu Yuan had stuffed all the things he needed into the rabbit doll that Shen Jiuan gave him, and the doll that Pei Yanhuan removed the listening device from.After Lu Yuan, Pei Yanhuan and Yan Hao checked the contents of the doll, they found that there was nothing missing, so they prepared to do it in the dead of night.

Lu Yuan looked at Pei Yanhuan, then at Yan Hao, "Are you afraid?" Pei Yanhuan shook his head, "There's nothing to be afraid of, brother, I'm not a child anymore." Yan Hao rolled his eyes at him , "It's not a child who wants to grab candy from me, cut..."

Pei Yanhuan: "...can you say a few words, Yan Hao?"

Lu Yuan smiled, "Okay, don't be poor." It was already 10:30 in the evening, and it was already the time for the base to turn off the lights, but the laboratory staff let these children gather together, presumably it was this group of people I feel that some children can make waves, and after so many days of taming, they have already gotten used to it.In addition, Lu Yuan and the others are very cooperative with the experiment, so the three of Lu Yuan and the others will not be used in general destructive experiments, and they have relaxed their vigilance against them, so even if the three of them sleep in the same room for three nights, they will not feel uncomfortable. Strange.

After so many days, those people saw that there was no light in the eyes of most of the children, so they were relieved to turn off the surveillance at around 03:30 in the middle of the night, so that they could sneak in for a while.

But it was this mentality that allowed Lu Yuan and the others to find the doorway, and they were ready to fight back.

The three of Lu Yuan and the others were lying on the bed. They seemed to be sleeping, but they were actually hiding under the quilt and watching the time with the watch they had stolen before.

"Da!" There was a slight sound, and the pointer came to the position of 03:30.At this time, Yan Hao showed his head, and carefully looked at the camera in the corner of the room. Sure enough, it was adjusted to the corner, and the red dot showing the power on had disappeared.

"elder brother."

Lu Yuan quickly packed up his things, and put them into the bag that those people sent in to please the doctor. After getting dressed, he opened the locked door with a hairpin, and hid the rabbit doll in a spot. The Viper and the silencer were passed to the people behind him, and then they left with the bag and the rabbit on their backs.Over the years, those people felt bored and began to teach them how to shoot. Among them, Su Luyuan was the best, and Yan Hao was in the middle.

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