Host, pick up your character

Chapter 217 The Paranoid Bamboo Horse and His False Sweet Green Plum (13

Although Lu Yuan would use Wei Xiaohai's silver ring hidden by him to test whether the milk contains toxicity every time, but it didn't work at all, because in Lu Yuan's memory, he was knocked down by sleeping pills.But in order not to have accidents that differ from his previous life, Lu Yuan had no choice but to make a bad move.

That day, after Lu Yuan came home from school, he was doing his homework in his room as usual. Just when he was about to finish his homework and was about to take out his planner and start writing the plan, the door lock suddenly turned, and Lu Yuan With sharp eyes and quick hands, he hid the plan book in his homework, and looked at the stepfather who pushed the door in.

"Don't look at me like that," the stepfather raised his brows, and put a glass of milk on Lu Yuan's table, "Your milk." Although the stepfather's behavior has been going on for a week, does Lu Yuan have a previous life? People with memory still clearly remember when they were knocked down by sleeping pills.Lu Yuan looked at the milk in front of him, turned around and looked at the homework in front of him, "Okay, I'll drink it later, you put it away first." The stepfather was not in a hurry, nodded, "Okay, I'll go out first."

After the stepfather went out, he came to the living room on the first floor, saw Wei Xiaohai opened his mouth to ask, but he covered his mouth with his hand in advance, "Okay, don't yell." Wei Xiaohai nodded, indicating that he would not yell, and the stepfather Only then let go. "Is this really okay?" Wei Xiaohai lowered his voice and asked, "This is breaking the law."

The stepfather sneered, "This is a foreign country. If you want to have the life you want, you have to be more courageous. I will give you the child. Take this as a farewell to the past." Wei Xiaohai didn't pay much attention to Lu Yuan in the first place. , Now it’s even gone, and I only think about the 6000 million dollars that I can get in the future, “We’re rich! A total of 6000 million is enough for us to spend a while.”

The stepfather smiled and touched Wei Xiaohai's head, "If you want to have a good life, just listen to me, I will help you get everything you want, as long as you are obedient." Wei Xiaohai only recognized money in his heart, "Okay, in the future It's up to you, my dear."

While the two poisonous snakes were whispering, Lu Yuan used wide tape to tie all the things he needed to his legs. Knife, bandages, matches... Although the things he brought were not many, they were all necessary for Lu Yuan's next journey. Something that helps a lot.After tying up these things, Lu Yuan read his plan once more, then threw it into the fireplace in his room, watched it gradually turn into ashes, then hugged the rabbit tightly, and drank the Milk with sleeping pills, waiting for consciousness to fade.

"Drip! The threat value of the target plane is +5%, and the current threat value is 91%."

"Crack!" Accompanied by the wailing of the glass, Lu Yuan also fell on the carpet, but he never let go of the hand holding the rabbit doll.

The stepfather and Wei Xiaohai who heard the glass shattered instantly showed expressions of surprise. They forcibly suppressed their excitement and came to Lu Yuan's room. They saw Lu Yuan lying on the ground hugging the rabbit doll tightly.The stepfather called a few times cautiously, "Lu Yuan, Lu Yuan, are you okay?"

Wei Xiaohai also called out a few times, "Lu Yuan, Lu Yuan?" After that, the stepfather boldly walked over to check Lu Yuan's breathing. It was very stable, and then rolled Lu Yuan's eyelids, proving that he had fallen asleep. When he was familiar, he picked him up and said, "Go, go downstairs."

Afterwards, he put Lu Yuan in a suitcase in the trunk. The stepfather wanted to take the rabbit out of Lu Yuan's arms, but he underestimated Lu Yuan's arm strength. In the end, the stepfather, who was afraid that Lu Yuan would wake up, had to take the rabbit out. The rabbit gave up, "Well, let you think about it, this is my last mercy." Then he zipped the suitcase.

Afterwards, he drove to an abandoned factory, took out the suitcase from the trunk, and handed it to a man in a black suit, "I gave it to you, remember to pay." The man in black took it After opening the suitcase, he opened it and looked at it, then zipped it up again, and bowed slightly to his stepfather, "Sir, I will not forget your support, and I will send it to your account later, and we will leave first. "

Afterwards, the man carried the suitcase to the helicopter in the abandoned warehouse, and then left in the helicopter.The stepfather looked at the helicopter going away, "Don't worry, the girl you miss will also be given to you, Lu Yuan."

Shen Jiuan, who received the increase and change of the threat value, was stunned in place, and even forgot to avoid the football flying towards her. Fortunately, 203 reminded in time, "Host!!!"

Shen Jiuan subconsciously raised her back, supported her hands, and directly performed what is called a "one-handed backflip" on the spot. She escaped the football attack and stood gracefully on the playground. "My god, what kind of fairy operation is this..." Mu Lianqing, one of the culprits, was stunned on the spot, and then he came back to his senses and rushed to Shen Jiuan, "Junan, you are all right..."

"Get out," Shen Jiuan said with a dark face, without thinking, "Don't bother me." Then he walked away, and Mu Lianqing and several other students looked shocked, "Is she angry or not?" What's the matter? Mu Lianqing, don't you tell me you know her, why would you still throw face at you?" Mu Lianqing swallowed subconsciously, "She has been like this since she was a child, every time I make her angry, she will be like this , Now it's over, she's ignoring me again..."

Shen Jiuan didn't pay attention to Mu Lianqing's mood at this time, but just wanted to find a place to find out what happened to Lu Yuan.After finally finding a secluded place, Shen Jiuan sat down leaning against the tree root, took a few deep breaths, "203, tell me, what happened to make Lu Yuan's threat value go straight to 91%?"

203: "His stepfather sent him to the person sent by the laboratory, and got the 6000 million, and Lu Yuan carried your rabbit into the laboratory, and it is now in the laboratory compartment. "

Shen Jiuan: "When did it happen?"

203: "Just this morning, it was night in country A, so... Also, his stepfather seems to be planning to attack you, probably in the past few days, with you joining, the plot will be different Changes. Host, you have to be careful, these guys are not good people."

Shen Jiuan took a few deep breaths, "I see, all we can do now is to prepare everything in advance, and then, we have to wait. 203, find out the silver crossbow given by Udall before, and put it in my under the pillow, and my mother must not see it."

203: "Got it, I'll look for it, alas, since I let you know that I have a supreme space that I am proud of, that space has become your supreme warehouse."

Shen Jiuan: "Do you dare to say that there are no snacks and desserts for you in the warehouse? Every time I go back, I have to bring out the garbage for you. Do you still have the nerve to blame me?"

203: "...Well, I'll help you find something, host, let's turn this matter over, hahaha..."

Shen Jiuan: "Hehe, it's okay to turn over the chapter, you go back to the factory for repairs first."

203: ...Yes, my ancestors, I can't afford to be offended, I really can't afford to be offended, I'm still young, I don't want to go back to the factory for repairs.Alas... Tongsheng is too fucking difficult, I must let that iron cock raise his salary when I go back!Strike if you don't raise!

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