Host, pick up your character

Chapter 207 The Paranoid Bamboo Horse and His Pseudo-Sweet Green Plum (3)

Gao Chen narrowed his eyes, "This Lu Guocheng was originally a rich second generation, but because of his gambling addiction, he was finally kicked out by his father. This person also has several drunk driving records, which shows that he is still an alcoholic. We rest assured that with you, at least the child will not be involved in the future. This child is also a poor person. Although the mother is a rich lady, she only likes shopping and doesn't take care of the house. The father is not only a drunkard, but also a prodigal son who likes to spend time and drink After that, all decisions will depend on how the court handles it, thank you for your hard work."

Lin Yan shook her head, "It's nothing, master, it's just that this child is so pitiful, it makes people feel distressed." After Gao Chen and others understood the situation, they left.
Just like that, Lu Yuan temporarily rested at Shen Jiuan's home.

Shen Jiuan was lying on her little bed, looking at the ceiling wondering what she was thinking, but she was actually accepting memories.

The original owner, Shen Junan, had a short lifespan, only 17 years old.Because at the age of 17, a prisoner who was sent to prison by Lin Yan was diagnosed with gastritis and was taken out of prison for treatment.But the prisoner was a killer with a backstage before. After being sent to prison by Lin Yan, not only did he not have the heart of repentance, but he had the heart of revenge. In the prison, he found the photos of Lin Yan's family through some forces, and there was plan for revenge.So, he ran away on the way to the hospital, and came to the school where the original owner attended with the mentality of dying together. It happened that it was just after school at this time, and the original owner had just stepped out of the school gate before reaching Shen Haiming's side. As soon as the prisoner hijacked him, he took the scalpel from the ambulance and sent it directly to the original owner's neck, without even the police having time to intervene.So far the original owner is offline.

Although the prisoner was finally arrested and sentenced to death, in the end Shen Haiming and Lin Yan still couldn't accept the reality of the original owner's death. One suffered from depression and the other suffered from schizophrenia. Later, they both committed suicide by jumping into the sea.What was once a happy family is broken up.

As for Lu Yuan, his father and mother are both rich second generations, but since their marriage is a commercial marriage, they don't have much emotional foundation. Although they have children, they basically live their own lives.However, because Lu Guocheng's behavior was too indulgent, he not only used Lu Yuan's mother's money to gamble, but also used her money to support Xiaosan.Lu Yuan's mother became furious instantly, and quarreled with Lu Guocheng every day, and finally divorced.In the end, the court ruled that Lu Guocheng left the house without leaving the house, and the custody rights belonged to Lu Yuan's mother.

More than a year after the divorce, Lu Yuan's mother remarried, but this time, although the married person did not cheat or anything, he sold Lu Yuan to an underground human laboratory on the other side of the ocean and made Lu Yuan a living specimen. , and even got a lot of money.But Lu Yuan's mother didn't even have any objection to this, and thought it was normal, spending money everywhere with her current husband.

After Lu Yuan was sold to the laboratory, he experienced countless pains and tortures unimaginable to ordinary people, but finally escaped by himself at the age of 13, and took away two loyal subordinates by the way.In the end, relying on the knowledge and experience accumulated in the laboratory, he successfully opened his own era abroad, and successfully became the world's richest man and powerful boss. Anyone who saw him would respectfully call him "Yuan Ye".Catering, entertainment, real estate, arms... There is no industry that he is not involved in, so he makes a lot of money.At this time, Lu Yuan's mother and her husband had already owed a huge amount of loan sharks, and in order to avoid debts, they went abroad to continue living.After learning that Lu Yuan was still alive, Lu Yuan's mother had the cheek to take her husband to confess her relatives. There was an uproar and the whole world knew about it, but Lu Yuan didn't give her this opportunity, and turned his mother's backhand. Sent to prison with her husband, let them spend the rest of their lives in prison.Later, his mother and his mother's husband died tragically in prison because they defaulted on loan sharks.

After Lu Yuan heard the news that the original owner had been killed, he dug out all the forces behind the prisoners without saying a word, and made them disappear. revenge.But because he was tortured by human experiments in his early years, he was mentally damaged after being injected with illegal drugs by those mad scientists, and often had sequelae and became bloodthirsty.After the death of the original owner, he suffered a lot of blows. Five years after the death of the original owner, he was completely reduced to a complete lunatic.Not only supported the development of a highly lethal infectious virus, and even put it into use, but also completely disrupted the world's economic rules. In the end, the plane manager had to shut down and restart with one click to restore the plane.

Shen Jiuan: "...Madman, what a fucking lunatic, this guy is ten thousand times more dangerous than Udel, okay! No, I want to change the plane, 203, let's go, let's abandon this plane."

203: "This doesn't look like your style at all, host, you are still the King of Shadows after all, can you have some courage?"

Shen Jiuan: "Aren't you afraid?"

203: "...not being afraid is a lie."

Shen Jiuan: "Then what are you waiting for! Run and hurry up!"

Before 203 could say anything, Shen Jiuan noticed that someone had entered her room, and hurriedly closed her eyes and pretended to fall asleep.After a while, a small hand stretched out and grabbed Shen Jiuan's hand, "I know you are asleep, so I dare to tell you this." It was Lu Yuan. At this moment, his expression became very gentle, but And frighteningly paranoid, "I'm sorry, I failed to protect you in time in the last life, I will protect you in this life, I will come back, but I will just leave for a while, when I come back, remember not to be afraid of me This time, I will accompany you, grow up with you, grow old with you, and love you."

Shen Jiuan: "203, can you still have this kind of male lead?"

203: "It can still be saved, use your love to influence..."

Shen Jiuan: "You just know how to talk about something useless, so shut up."

203: ...What did I do wrong again?
The next day, when Shen Jiuan woke up, she found that the black feather mark still existed on her hand, but it seemed that in the eyes of her parents, this thing didn't exist?Shen Jiuan looked at the black feather marks on his fleshy arms that had spread to his back, and then looked at Lin Yan who seemed to have not noticed this thing, "203, they can't see this?"

203: "I hid it for you, otherwise you wouldn't be able to explain it, right?"

Shen Jiuan: "You did a good job this time, so I won't send you back to the factory for repairs, just make you semi-disabled."

203: ...It's better to return it to the factory for repair.

At this time, Shen Jiuan was standing on a small bench to get her own sink, a little decadent, "It's so short..." Lin Yan couldn't help laughing when she heard her girl's complaint, and put down the towel in her hand to wipe Shen Jiuan's face, "Baby, do you want to grow taller?" Shen Jiuyan nodded instantly like a chicken pecking at rice, "I want to dream!" Lin Yan then began to "fool" Shen Jiuan, "Then you can't be picky eaters, you must eat vegetables, I have to drink milk every day, and I have to get up early every morning to exercise..."

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