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Chapter 126 If ​​I Haven't Met You (17)

Leng's father raised his hand and patted Shen Jiuan's head, "It's okay, if it wasn't for your father back then, there would be no me. I still have to thank your father for saving my life and giving me such a good one." Daughter. In fact, we have also felt guilty over the years. Back then...if it wasn't for our negligence, you wouldn't have suffered from that disease. I'm sorry..."

Mother Leng also came over to save Shen Jiuan at this time, and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Shen Jiuan's eyes, "Okay, our Xiaoan is a big girl, and we will spread our wings and fly high in the future. Qianfei, we will always be your backing." Shen Jiuan turned around and hugged Mother Leng, "Auntie, thank you..."

Leng Huantian on the side looked at the scene in front of him, wanted to join but was afraid that his joining would ruin the beauty of the scene.In his heart, he didn't want Shen Xiaoan to leave, but the current situation was beyond his control, so he sighed and picked the food in front of him.

Except for Leng Huantian, everyone ate this meal happily.

Thirteen days later, Shen Jiuan walked into the examination room under the watchful eyes of Leng's father, Leng's mother, Mr. Shen, and Leng Huantian, and personally participated in the first major exam since these planes - the high school entrance examination.In her own world, Shen Jiuan failed to take the domestic senior high school entrance examination due to family accidents, but transferred to a foreign country, where she finished junior high school and high school, until she was a university, a graduate student, and finally died.Although he had gone through the college entrance examination of the L Empire, the atmosphere of that examination was completely different from the "one point, one thousand people" posture in China.Shen Jiuan took a deep breath, followed the instructions on the radio to check the roll paper, and then filled in the information...

Three days later, Shen Jiuan stepped out of the examination room again, and let out a long breath, "The junior high school era is over..." To be honest, Shen Jiuan likes this kind of campus atmosphere very much, maybe because he has never been in contact with it, so he likes it very much. High school time, and junior high school time is another style, a little more frivolous and childish than high school, but overall, it is still very good.

"How?" Leng's mother hugged Shen Jiuan and asked happily, "You have absolutely no problem, right?" Shen Jiuan blinked at her, "That's natural." Mr. Shen patted Shen Jiuan's shoulder, "You deserve it It's my granddaughter, follow me!"

Leng Huantian hesitated for a long time, but still stepped forward, "Congratulations in advance on your good grades." Shen Jiuan smiled faintly, "Thank you." Afterwards, there was an awkward atmosphere between the two of them. Quickly changed the topic, "Okay, okay, now I can relax for a while."

Shen Jiuan smiled, "That's sort of it." It's just that he is about to start another tense life.

Afterwards, Shen Jiuan still left the home, and while Leng Huantian was out for an internship, she left the home where she had lived for five years with all her luggage.Shen Jiuan took one last look at Leng's mother whose eyes were red and swollen from crying, and at Leng's father who was so reluctant to give up, and finally smiled at them, "Goodbye, I will see you again in the future, really, believe me, we, " Shen Jiuan choked up for a while, but still kept smiling, "There will be a period later."

Not long after the car drove away, Leng Huantian, who was sweating profusely, ran home and asked heavily, "Mom...Xiao An, is Xiao An..." Leng's mother nodded with red eyes, "Let's go, There is a high probability that they will not come back.”

Leng Huanxia held his breath consciously, but quickly regained his breath, "Where did she go?"

"The airport," Leng's father looked at him, "but it's useless to persuade you not to go. You don't want to see you when you go to Xiao'an, and Uncle Shen won't let you see her." Leng Huantian still didn't give up, " Then Xiao An, did you leave anything for me?"

Leng's father sighed, "God Huan, if you had been nicer to Xiao An back then, wouldn't she have left today? Sometimes I wonder, if she didn't bring Xiao An back at that time, would she just leave?" She won't suffer from depression, and she won't have that knife, let alone that hideous scar, and she won't be so inferior that she dares not wear short sleeves. But it's too late to say anything now, maybe Xiao An In this lifetime, you will never come back to see us again."

Leng Huanxia said "impossible", "Why can't she come back? Isn't this her home, why don't you come back?" Leng's father sighed, "I didn't tell you Xiao An's original identity, Xiao An is The only child of the Shen family's son will take over as the head of the Shen family in the future. It's not like you don't know about the business circle. If you are not careful, you may lose everything and die without a place to die. The Shen family is for Xiaoan. I am afraid that Xiaoan is not allowed to come back because of his safety."

Hearing this, Leng Huantian felt like being struck by lightning, and muttered in his mouth: "Impossible, no, she will come back, yes, this...isn't her home, where else can she go? Here This is her home, where can she go back? That home full of calculations? No, that's not her home, this is it, and I'm her family! I am!"

After Leng Huantian roared, he realized that the person he loved was really no longer here, and it was really impossible to come back here again.But in his heart, he was unwilling to accept this fact, so he could only lie to himself over and over again, saying that Shen Xiaoan would come back, this was her home, and she only had this one home.However, when there is someone in this family who is unwilling to accept her as a family member and keeps hurting her, is she still willing to return to this family that has hurt her?

Leng Huantian didn't know the answer, so he could only look blankly at the family portrait on the wall in front of him. It was the only photo that captured Shen Xiaoan's sincere smile, because that day was Shen Xiaoan's first birthday at his house.She said that it was the first time she felt the warmth of home after her parents left, so she smiled very happily that day, and unknowingly exaggerated the haze in Leng Huantian's heart.However, instead of cherishing this smile, he destroyed it with his own hands, tore it to pieces, and stepped on it under his feet.

"Drip! The threat value of the target plane is -3%, and the current threat value is 80%."

Leng Huantian returned to his room in a daze, opened the closet, took out a sweater that didn't fit this season, hugged it tightly in his arms, and carefully smelled the remaining smell on it.It is not difficult to see that this sweater is not his style, but the clothes that Leng Huantian hid Shen Jiuan in advance.Leng Huantian knew that there would always be such a day, so why not save something for himself in advance.He went to see the room where Shen Jiuan lived before, and found that all the things Shen Jiuan used were gone, even a small piece of eraser and a piece of straw paper.Leng Huantian remembered that Shen Xiaoan had given him some gadgets, at least he would receive gifts from Shen Xiaoan every year on his birthday, but he either threw those gifts into the trash can or gave them to others.Leng Huantian regretted not keeping them intact at that time, and now it is impossible to get them back.

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