"I didn't catch what Chairman Qin said about the conditions just now."

Hei Lang put down his gun and stared fixedly at the woman in front of him, his provocation and threat were obvious.

"My condition is to trade within the border."

Qin Zhuoru repeated again.

She can't back down, she can't come in vain.

Hei Lang looked at Qin Zhuoru who was still insisting on his own opinion, a flash of disbelief flashed in his eyes, and he soon returned to normal.

"Director Qin is not sincere about our cooperation!"

Trading within the territory, once they are discovered, they will undoubtedly die.

"Where is this? I'm already here, so I'm not sincere?"

"Mr. Qin should know that if you trade in the territory, if you are found out, you will die!"

"Boss Black Wolf, I believe you understand the principle of seeking wealth and insurance better than I do. What's more, Chenghong Group is engaged in serious business. How can we bring this batch of medicines into the border? We each take what we need, and I will pay for it. It’s a good deal for you to ship the goods.”

Women's smiles are even worse, success or failure is in one fell swoop.

Black Wolf hesitated.

She looked at the woman in front of her, she looked very weak, but she felt very strong.

"Where's the money?"

"Don't worry, didn't you bring the medicines too? The business is settled, so we can pay for it and deliver it!"

"Okay, tomorrow afternoon, the abandoned resort by the border river is traded, and you bring the money yourself."

"it is good."

The woman secretly breathed a sigh of relief and got up to leave.

"Wait a moment."

Black Wolf spoke.

"Why, what else is there?"

"We need guarantees."

"Oh? What kind of guarantee law?"

"The boy next to you, stay here." Hei Lang stared at Qin Zhuoru's face, and sure enough, there was a slight fluctuation in the woman's eyes.

"What does this mean? Don't you believe me?" Qin Zhuoru restrained the panic in his tone.

"Dong Qin, we have already made the biggest concession. You should know that if you bring the police tomorrow, we brothers will confess everything!"

"Boss Black Wolf, we..."

"I'll stay." Fu Yuanhang said.

Qin Zhuoru felt her heart tremble.

The man stood between the two of them and explained: "I'll stay, and I'll go back tomorrow after Mr. Qin's deal is over."

Fu Yuanhang understood that if he didn't stay, Heilang and his group would never be able to truly rest assured, maybe Qin Zhuoru would be in danger too!If you stay by yourself, you can also monitor their every move. This is the best opportunity to catch them all, and you must not miss it.

Moreover, he could see that Qin Zhuoru's heart was disturbed, and he was afraid that she would be overwhelmed if she showed her flaws.

There was a sigh in the conference room.

"Xu Ju, the captain is too impulsive, if you negotiate with Chairman Qin again, maybe there is still room for turning around!"

"That's right, it's too dangerous to be a hostage there!"

"If you don't enter the tiger's lair, you won't catch a tiger's cub. Comrade Zeyan doesn't want to arouse the suspicion of the enemy. This is also the best way."

Xu Shi understood Fu Yuanhang's intentions, and was sweating for him.

"Is there something wrong with Mr. Qin? Are you unwilling to give such a little sincerity?" Hei Lang saw the strange emotion in the woman's eyes and became suspicious.

"If you think this is sincerity, of course I have no objection, but I hope that the boss of the black wolf understands that this man is just my assistant. I won't feel sorry for such a person if he dies a hundred times. He is not a bargaining chip at all. !"

Qin Zhuoru is making the final fight.

She didn't want to keep Fu Yuanhang here.

"Hahaha, I will make my own judgment, Mr. Qin, go slowly, and don't forget the deal tomorrow afternoon."

Qin Zhuoru was forcibly sent away.

When she left the factory, she took one last look at Fu Yuanhang. The man's eyes were firm and clear, which made Qin Zhuoru feel relieved for no reason.

Fu Yuanhang will be fine.

She won't let anything happen to him.

There is no sound from the earpiece.


"Go and meet Miss Qin."

It was already the next morning that Lu Zheng knew the news.

The Border Administration came to the Armed Police Foreign Aid Force, and he also saw the people he had just seen two days ago.

"Lin Sheng? Why are you here too?"

"I'll send the money."

Lin Sheng was taken aback when he received Qin Zhuoru's call.

The woman asked her to draw $500 million from the company.

Where can I find so much money in a short time?This is not a small amount!
Although Chenghong is a large international group, it has recently invested a lot of money in the development of new projects. With so much money all at once, there will definitely be problems with the company's turnover.

But Qin Zhuoru's tone was very firm, so Lin Sheng had no choice but to raise 500 million US dollars from the company with Qin Zhuoru's warrant, which was the fund for starting a new project. Therefore, it also caused dissatisfaction among the company's shareholders.

Qin Zhuoru couldn't take care of that much anymore. Originally, in the original plan, she was only responsible for gaining the trust of the other party and luring them out for a deal, but now the other party is not talking about it, and has taken Fu Yuanhang as a hostage. She can't let Fu Yuanhang be in danger. .

She will not make the mistake of five years ago again, and she will not let Fu Yuanhang disappear before her eyes again.

"What money to send?" Lu Zheng had a somewhat ominous premonition.

"I can't explain it for a while, it's just..."

"Everyone, come in for a meeting!"

Due to the urgency of the incident, all personnel will participate in this clean-up operation, and the central government has also sent armed police forces to support it.

Lu Zheng saw a familiar figure.


"Lu Zheng, we have received an order to cooperate with you in this event."

Lu Zheng: ...

How come he doesn't know anything?
"Everyone, it is a last resort to gather everyone here..."

After the meeting, Lu Zheng almost slumped on the chair.

It's only been one day, and Fu Yuanhang is now in the enemy camp. He doesn't know whether he is alive or dead...

"Why? Why did you leave him alone again?"

The woman was about to step out of the door and stopped.

Lu Zheng got up, and regardless of Jiang Haoxuan's obstruction, he walked to Qin Zhuoru's side, but his tone was unusually calm.

"Qin Zhuoru, do you think Fu Yuanhang is particularly easy to deceive, or does he really want to be a hero?"

The tone was full of sarcasm.

Fu Yuanhang could deceive others but not Lu Zheng, the reason why he chose to stay was because he was afraid that Qin Zhuoru would cause suspicion and he would not be able to escape.

After all, he still couldn't let her go.

Listening to Lu Zheng's questioning of her, the woman also asked herself in her heart: Obviously she wanted to atone for her sins, but in the end, she still implicated Fu Yuanhang...

"I'll bring him back."

"Why do you? If there is something wrong with the long voyage, how do you bring him back, bring the body back!"

"He is dead, I will never live alone!"

Both parties' emotions reached their peak, and their eyes were flushed.

"Lu Zheng, this is Yuanhang's choice and his mission."

Jiang Haoxuan comforted Lu Zheng, he looked up at Qin Zhuoru, but did not make a sound.

in the afternoon.

Soon it will be time to trade.

"Sister Qin, I'll go with you."

"No, this time is very dangerous, you can't go."

"Sister Qin, I'm already here, how can I watch you go by yourself?"

Lin Sheng understood the danger of this operation. If... if there is any accident, she will return this life to Qin Zhuoru.

"Lin Sheng..."

"Sister Qin, this is the first time I'm begging you."

And the last time I beg you.

"Okay." Qin Zhuoru couldn't say no.

When necessary, she will protect Lin Sheng.

Everything is ready, and the troops are all prepared in advance.

"Miss Qin, are you really going to trade?"

Xu Shi looked at Qin Zhuoru.

Women don't have to go this time.

"Director Xu, I have to go. Captain Fu is in their hands."

Looking at Qin Zhuoru who had made up his mind, Xu Shi couldn't say any words of persuasion.

"We will do our best to protect you."

"Excuse me."

Before leaving, Lu Zheng came to the guard room to bid farewell to Yu Mei.

"I'm leaving. I don't want to do meritorious service, but my brother is the hostage. If... If anything happens to me, I hope you don't forget me. Don't forget that there is a coward who likes you but dare not tell you!"

After Lu Zheng finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave without looking at Yu Mei.

"I'll wait for you to come back and tell me bravely."

A woman's voice came from behind.

Lu Zheng stopped his movements.

"I'll wait for you...coward...you only have one chance."

Yu Mei's voice trembled slightly, tinged with tears.

Lu Zheng didn't look back or answer, and left quickly.

He couldn't make any promises.

Today's sun is very poisonous, as if it wants to dry people.

People from the border administration ambushed on the east and south sides, while Jiang Haoxuan led the armed police forces to ambush on the west and north sides to prevent the enemy from escaping.

On the way, Lin Sheng and Jiang Haoxuan briefly said a few words.

"Why are you here?"

"Sister Qin is here, I have nowhere to go."

"Aren't you afraid of dying?"

"My life is given by Sister Qin."

"We will protect you."

"If there is any accident, protect sister Qin."

Speaking of this, Jiang Haoxuan turned his head and saw Lin Sheng's straight profile.

Women are still the same as before, nothing has changed.

Qin Zhuoru and Lin Sheng came to the trading place, which was an abandoned resort closest to the border, next to the endless border river.

"Boss Black Wolf, we're here with money."

No one answered.

"Sister Qin, be careful of fraud."

Just as Lin Sheng finished speaking, a wooden stake suddenly rose from the top of the resort. Looking carefully, there was another person tied to it.

"Sister Qin, then...is that Mr. Fu?!"

Lin Sheng trembled, she couldn't believe that the bloody man she saw with her good eyesight was Fu Yuanhang!
Qin Zhuoru followed Lin Sheng's gaze, and the dying person on the stake was clearly Fu Yuanhang!
"Boss Black Wolf, what do you mean? I have already brought the money according to the agreement. If you don't show up and hang out my people again, what do you mean?"

Even though the woman's heart is twisted like a knife, she still has to pretend to be calm.

She can't be messed up, she wants Fu Yuanhang to be safe.

The last sliver of sanity that the woman was trying to maintain completely collapsed with the opening of the wooden door.

The wooden door opened, and Hei Lang led a group of people out, but this time, Hei Lang did not stand in the middle.

The man in the middle is Qin Zhuoru who has been facing each other day and night for five years.

The black hand behind the scenes turned out to be Gu Fengyuan!

"Long time no see, Zhuo Ru, I miss you very much."

Gu Fengyuan still had a gentle smile on his face, and his tone was as humble and considerate as ever.

"It's you!" Qin Zhuoru trembled slightly.

"Of course, why, didn't you already guess it?"

Gu Fengyuan knew Qin Zhuoru's movements in the past five years like the palm of his hand.

He knew that she had never believed him and had been looking for someone to investigate him.

What if Qin Zhuoru finds a clue?So what if Gu Fengyan told her the truth?Gu Fengyuan didn't care about these things, Qin Zhuoru's heart is dead, even if he is a walking dead, as long as he keeps her by his side, she will always belong to him!

However, God is unfair!Fu Yuanhang didn't die!

The moment Gu Fengyuan heard the news, he couldn't sit still!
Five years ago, he was able to kill Fu Yuanhang, and five years later, he can too!
"This is all...you did it?"

Qin Zhuoru looked at the handsome man in front of him in disbelief.

It turned out that the real murderer was always by her side, but she didn't find out...

"Of course, this is all my work, do you like it?" The man laughed crazily.

"Why did you do that?" The woman's voice was very sad, mixed with anger and confusion.

She admitted that she didn't love Gu Fengyuan, but she never thought that he was the mastermind behind the scenes!

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