President Jiaofu is sweet and wild

76. You are not suitable.

Lin Sheng's words shocked Qin Zhuoru to the core.

This is Yuanhang's mother?Just met?Are you still in a hangover state?Still wearing a floral suit?Haven't prepared anything yet?

"Auntie, hello, I'm Qin Zhuoru."

After all, Qin Zhuoru responded calmly and bowed slightly as he was a person who had gone through strong winds and waves.

"Son, let's talk." Song Yuhua looked at the well-behaved and humble woman in front of him, unable to speak harsh words, and his tone became calm.

"Alright Auntie, Lin Sheng, go get ready first."


Lin Sheng looked at the backs of the two going away, and couldn't help but sweat for Qin Zhuoru.

Sister Qin, you must succeed!
The two came to the coffee shop near the company, and Qin Zhuoru chose a private room out of safety and privacy considerations.

"Auntie, what would you like to drink?" Qin Zhuoru handed the menu to Song Yuhua.

Song Yuhua didn't answer.

"Plain water is fine, I'm not used to coffee." Song Yuhua obviously meant something.

Qin Zhuoru pursed her lips.

"Waiter, bring us two glasses of warm water."

"Okay, ma'am."

The waiter closed the door intimately after filling the water.

"Auntie..." Qin Zhuoru wanted to say something to relieve the awkward atmosphere.

She was very confused, would Song Yuhua know the cause of Uncle Chen's death?Did she recognize herself?How should I explain myself?

"I already know about you and Yuanhang." Song Yuhua cut to the chase.

"Auntie, we didn't want to hide it from you..." Qin Zhuoru felt it was necessary to explain.

"Miss Qin, I disagree with you and Yuanhang."

Song Yuhua was straightforward, she looked at Qin Zhuoru's well-maintained face, and the blue color in the woman's eyes was faintly visible.

She has heard a lot of gossip about Qin Zhuoru, but she also knows that it is no accident that Qin Zhuoru achieved what she is today, she must have put in a lot of hard work, but she must not be with Fu Yuanhang, she must stop it!

"Auntie, Yuanhang and I are together and will not be separated." Qin Zhuoru's tone was very gentle, but his eyes were firm.

"Miss Qin, the gap between you and Yuanhang is too big. I don't need to say that. We are just an ordinary family. Yuanhang is still a student and can't give you the future you want. Do you want him to eat soft food? Not from the same circle Why bother hard melting?"

Song Yuhua restrained her emotions. Whenever she saw Qin Zhuoru, she seemed to see the dead Feng Zhi, and she would think of her dead husband.

Why should the grievances of the previous generation involve the next generation?Song Yuhua advised herself over and over in her heart that even if she could barely avoid blaming Qin Zhuoru, she would never let her son marry the woman who killed her husband.

"Auntie, the relationship belongs to the two of us, and the future also belongs to the two of us. Yuanhang can't afford it alone, and I am the same. This requires us to support each other and work hard together. What do you think?"

Qin Zhuoru's palms were covered with sweat, but when she thought of Fu Yuanhang, she seemed to have infinite courage.

Looking at the woman in front of him, Song Yuhua seemed to see the shadow of his son. When it comes to love, they are equally pure, firm, and sincere.

"According to your current status and appearance, what kind of person can't be found, why do you like Yuanhang?" Song Yuhua told himself not to soften his heart.

"Auntie, Yuanhang is the purest and most sincere person I have ever met. tell you the truth, the glamor on the surface is nothing. Sometimes I feel like a lifeless walking dead..."

It may be that Song Yuhua looked at him with a tinge of love, it may be that she is Fu Yuanhang's mother, or she is also a woman... Qin Zhuoru never set up defenses against her.

"But...everything is different after the appearance of Yuanhang. For the first time, I have expectations for life, and for the first time I feel what love is...This kind of feeling is not mixed with any purpose or benefit, and it is also my love. The most cherished thing is that the voyage made me alive and made me better little by little." Qin Zhuoru's voice was a little strange, this was her sincere words.

Without Fu Yuanhang, she would still be the one who walked alone in the long night without a goal, or the coward who would only build a high wall without saying anything, or the businessman who could only speak on the scene, or the one who was always in the right place from the beginning to the end. Qin Zhuoru who was alone.

If it were someone else, Song Yuhua would never believe it. How could he talk about feelings with a businessman?Are you trying to convince yourself by playing the emotional card?Do you still count the money for the other party after being played around?
But when Song Yuhua saw Qin Zhuoru's eyes, she couldn't remain calm.

The woman's eyes have always been calm and distant, without a trace of emotion, and occasionally with a slight smile, but when Fu Yuanhang was mentioned just now, Song Yuhua saw that Qin Zhuoru's eyes were full of emotions that were about to overflow.

She really loves him.

"Miss Qin, you may be with Yuanhang now because of the novelty, and so is he. You are so far behind, and Yuanhang will meet more people in the future. Can you guarantee that Yuanhang will not change his mind in the future?"

Song Yuhua's hands were bulging with blue veins, and she tightly grasped the corner of her clothes. Why did she want to hurt Qin Zhuoru?But as a mother, she couldn't let Fu Yuanhang get hurt. It was good for both of them to separate early.

Sure enough, when this was mentioned, Qin Zhuoru's expression changed, and his eyes were no longer as calm as before.

This is what she fears the most.

She knew that she should trust Fu Yuanhang the most. There is no one in the world who can let her take off the pretense and trust her body and mind better than Fu Yuanhang, but what Song Yuhua said is also the truth. The reality is cruel, and the gap lies there. Will Yuan Hang really not change his mind?If... If Yuan Hang knew the truth in the future, would he still stay by his side?

Qin Zhuoru began to regret why he couldn't be honest with each other at that time, even if it was to protect Fu Yuanhang, he shouldn't have kept it secret for so long...

"And..." Song Yuhua seemed a little unbearable, hesitated for a while before speaking: "Miss Qin, your reputation... I have heard a little bit, I only hope that Yuanhang can find an ordinary girl in the future, and have a happy and stable life." family, live an ordinary life, your situation simply doesn’t allow it, and I can’t accept a scandal-ridden woman marrying into our family.”

Song Yuhua said these words calmly, she saw a trace of hurt in Qin Zhuoru's eyes, but the woman was still smiling.

From the moment they met, Song Yuhua could tell that Qin Zhuoru was a noble and self-respecting woman, and she could only say these words to dissuade her.

Indeed, these words pierced into Qin Zhuoru's heart like a sharp knife, and she really cared about these things but dared not face them.

Although Fu Yuanhang said that he believed her, who wouldn't want to stand side by side in the sun with his lover openly and innocently?

"My child, you are not young anymore. How many years can a woman be young? There is no need to waste time on Yuanhang." Song Yuhua really couldn't bear it, so she added.

In the first half of her life, she had seen countless people, and she could tell that Qin Zhuoru was a very good girl and really loved her son, but... the gap between them, if the two knew that they still hated each other, what would happen? What about facing each other?Wouldn't that be more painful?

"Auntie, thank you for what you said." Qin Zhuoru had sadness in his eyes, but he still smiled.

Song Yuhua thought she was going to give up, but what Qin Zhuoru said next surprised her.

"Auntie, I know my shortcomings, and I will work hard to correct them. I know that I may not be a qualified lover, but I hope you can trust your son's vision! Your worries are correct, so...even...even in the future Yuanhang has changed his mind, and I have no complaints, if he finds someone he really likes, he won't have feelings for me anymore... I will let go, this is my promise, and it is also the agreement between me and you, Auntie."

No one knew that Qin Zhuoru seemed to be gouging out his own heart when he said these words.

Song Yuhua's eyes were full of shock, she knew that Qin Zhuoru's love was deeply rooted, but she didn't know that she was already in love to the bone.

Such a proud person bowed his head for love in the end.

"Can I know the reason?" There was something strange in Song Yuhua's voice, and he didn't know what he thought of.

"Auntie, I have thought about what you said countless times before, and I have weighed the pros and cons countless times. I was a coward before, and I was tempted by the voyage, but... But I didn't dare to admit it at the time, I chose to escape, I Rejecting him, hurting him... Those days were really hard, we were torturing each other... But Yuanhang didn't give up on me, it was him who never let go of my hand, we almost missed it... I I don’t want to live that kind of life anymore, so, I’m sorry, Auntie, I can’t give up the long voyage, unless...unless he personally says he doesn’t love me.”

The woman's emotions have gradually calmed down. Being with Fu Yuanhang is something Qin Zhuoru has determined, and no one can separate them.

The firmness in Qin Zhuoru's eyes made Song Yuhua unable to refute.

Back then, Fu Yuanhang's father and her husband, Fu Xuwen, were not favored by their parents either, but the two of them made it through ups and downs, even though she was left alone in the end...

"We'll talk about this later..." This is the biggest setback Song Yuhua can make. She is in a mess right now. Rationally, she knows that she should break up the two of them, but emotionally, she can't ignore Qin Zhuoru's sincerity. emotion.

For a moment, Song Yuhua felt that her son was really happy to be loved by an infatuated person like Qin Zhuoru.

"Auntie..." Qin Zhuoru's voice trembled.

"Don't think too much... Yuanhang is preparing for the final exam recently, and I don't want to distract him."

Being soft-hearted is soft-hearted, and being moved is only moving, but it doesn't mean that Song Yuhua accepts this relationship.

"I won't disturb his review." Qin Zhuoru expressed his attitude.

Song Yuhua didn't say anything, and got up to leave.

The two walked to the door of the coffee shop, Song Yuhua refused Qin Zhuoru's offer to send her off, and left directly.

As soon as he walked to the corner, Song Yuhua found that his scarf seemed to have fallen on the seat in the private room of the coffee shop. It was a birthday present that Fu Yuanhang bought her with the money from his first part-time job, so he must not throw it away!

She hurried back to the coffee shop, and found that Qin Zhuoru hadn't left yet, and beside him was a man who looked like a worker. His work clothes were full of dust and oil stains, and his face was also dirty. He probably just got off work.

Song Yuhua was not too far away from them, so he could clearly hear and see everything that happened.

The moment Qin Zhuoru approached the man, he made a small movement, and the change delicately landed in front of the man, but Qin Zhuoru didn't seem to notice.

"Miss, miss, your money!" The worker hesitated for a moment when he picked up the money, but quickly stopped Qin Zhuoru.

"Ah? My money?" Qin Zhuoru pretended to touch his pocket, and said naturally, "It's mine, thank you."

Song Yuhua: ...

Qin Zhuoru's acting skills...

"This bottle of water is for you." Song Yuhua noticed that Qin Zhuoru had an unopened bottle of mineral water in his hand.

"This... I don't have any money..." The man was at a loss, and his steps backed up slightly, but his eyes looked at the water in Qin Zhuoru's hand, and he was indeed very thirsty.

"You helped me pick up the money, that's my thank you." Qin Zhuoru handed it over again.

"No, no, no money..."

"That's the money for taking the bus when I go to work later. If I don't have this money, I might be late... You take it, I'm too late for work!" Qin Zhuoru gave the man the water, and turned to the bus stop not far away. go.

The man looked at the water in his hand, then at Qin Zhuoru who was standing in front of the bus stop as if waiting for a bus, bowed deeply and left.

Qin Zhuoru raised his wrist and looked at his watch. He left the bus station and planned to go back to the company. He ran into Song Yuhua who had just left.


Didn't she just leave?

"I forgot to take something." Song Yuhua, who had a panoramic view of Qin Zhuoru's actions just now, couldn't help but soften his tone.

Qin Zhuoru was different from those people.

"Oh, do you need my help? Ahem..."

Qin Zhuoru had no idea that Song Yuhua had witnessed everything just now.

The hangover last night and the choking wind this morning made the woman's throat feel a little uncomfortable.

"Need." Song Yuhua didn't know why he said these two words.


"Wait for me here." Song Yuhua entered the coffee shop alone.

Qin Zhuoru obediently stood there and waited.

A message comes in from the phone.

"Sister Qin, is everything going well?" Lin Sheng deleted and deleted the news several times. She knew that Qin Zhuoru should not be disturbed, but she was worried.

What if Sister Qin was attacked...what if Sister Qin was confronted coldly...what if...

Lin Sheng didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Qin Zhuoru, who was thinking about how to reply, saw Song Yuhua come out from the corner of her eye, and she put away her phone.

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