Qin Zhuoru looked at Xing Yue, her breathing was disordered but she tried her best to restrain herself, blinking quickly to keep her tears from streaming down, looking at such a good friend, Qin Zhuoru couldn't say a word of comfort.

She knows Xing Yue's temperament, she has her own opinions, and she is very open-minded about everything, except for feelings...

Qin Zhuoru has always been confident in her communication and eloquence, but emotionally, she is like a blank sheet of paper. She doesn't know how to persuade her friends. After hearing about her friend's experience, she thinks of herself and Fu Yuanhang. They are eight years behind. Qin Zhuoru fell into a strong anxiety that he would not waste his enthusiasm for himself in the future.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. It's been many years, and I let it go!" Xing Yue forced a smile. She knew that Qin Zhuoru was not good at dealing with such things, so why bother her?

"Xing Yue, um..." Qin Zhuoru, who was always eloquent, stuttered.

"Xing Yue, if there is anything I can help, just ask." Qin Zhuoru finally finished speaking.

Qin Zhuoru's childhood experience and living environment made Qin Zhuoru feel a little uncomfortable with this tender moment.

Seeing Qin Zhuoru with a serious look and firm eyes, Xing Yue felt a warm current in her heart. She knew that although Qin Zhuoru looked smooth and enthusiastic on the outside, she was very alienated inside, and it was not easy for her to tell herself these things.

Xing Yue is also a straightforward person. When Qin Zhuoru said this, she immediately didn't want to hide the real topic this time.

She tentatively asked: "Okay, let me ask you a question, Zhuo Ru, do you regard me as a friend?"

friend...?These words were light, but to Qin Zhuoru's ears, they were extremely heavy.

"I have always regarded you as a friend." Qin Zhuoru said firmly without hesitation.This is her sincere words.

"Then do you trust me?" Xing Yue then asked.

As soon as this question came out, the surroundings were suddenly quiet, only the sound of each other's breathing could be heard, Qin Zhuoru hesitated.

She regarded Xing Yue as a friend in her heart, but in terms of trust, it was probably an extravagant hope for Qin Zhuoru, who was insecure since she was a child.

"Do you have anything to ask me?"

Qin Zhuoru didn't answer Xing Yue's question just now, she was not sure herself, how should she answer?What's more, in front of her is her good friend for many years, is she going to deceive her?

Unexpectedly, Qin Zhuoru didn't get an answer, and Xing Yue was not discouraged. She asked the question in her heart:
"Can you tell me about Fu Yuanhang?"

"That's why you came to me?" Suddenly serious and sharp words hit Xing Yue like a knife.

Qin Zhuoru's quick answer exceeded Xing Yue's expectations, even Qin Zhuoru didn't react, she reacted to the outside world like a hedgehog.

Xing Yue was suddenly dumbfounded, just now she felt that this was what she was talking about, could it be that she really wanted to discuss opening a branch with Qin Zhuoru later?

But after she finished speaking, she regretted it. She was not ready to meet Qin Zhuoru's questioning eyes and serious expression. Sure enough, she received Qin Zhuoru's cold knife after she finished speaking.

"I don't mean anything else! I just care about you. I didn't meet you when you came to my store for dinner that day. I heard what my clerk said later, but don't worry, they won't say anything. This afternoon, he and him A few friends came to my shop for dinner, but she didn't know that I knew you, so... I was just afraid that you would be hurt emotionally!" Xing Yue expressed all her worries and waited for Qin Zhuoru's verdict.

Qin Zhuoru, who realized that he was a bit of a veterinarian, eased his expression, paused for a while and said: "Sorry Xing Yue, I just overreacted."

Obviously it's my friend, it's obviously my problem, why make Xing Yue bear this?
Seeing that Qin Zhuoru, whose face was so dark that he could drip ink, eased up, Xing Yue's heart relaxed a little, and she said cautiously: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it, let's go out for dinner, you still have dinner Didn't eat it..."

"Xing Yue..." Qin Zhuoru paused, what he did just now was really inappropriate.

She hesitated and said, "Fu Yuanhang...is my boyfriend."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Xing Yue seriously, not wanting to let go of her every micro-expression, she wanted to know her friend's opinion on her choice.

But Xing Yue blinked, apparently still digesting the shocking news.


Qin Zhuoru: ...

"Boyfriend? You said he was your boyfriend? That boy? Just that Fu Yuanhang?" Xing Yue felt that he must have missed a link!
"Calm down." Qin Zhuoru supported his forehead, why did Xing Yue react so strongly?
"Tell me quickly, how did you know each other?" Xing Yue couldn't restrain his burning gossip anymore.

"In the bar."

"Bar? What kind of bar?"

Qin Zhuoru: ...

Qin Zhuoru talked about the ins and outs of their acquaintance, omitting Fu Yuanhang's life experience, and Xing Yue couldn't control her aunt's laughter the whole time.

"Mom, you two are too sweet, but what about your engagement!" Xing Yue couldn't help but worry about her friend.

"I'll figure it out."

"Then... does Fu Yuanhang know that you have an engagement?" Xing Yue hit the nail on the head.

"he does not know."

"Aren't you going to tell him?"

Hearing Xing Yue's words, Qin Zhuoru hesitated.

"It seems that you are not going to tell him?" Xing Yue continued to ask.

Seeing Qin Zhuoru's silence, Xing Yue, who has been there, enlightened: "Zhuo Ru, I think you should tell him, he also has the right to know, if he knows from others, how will he feel?"

Know from others?This idea flashed through Qin Zhuoru's mind, she thought of something, but didn't grasp it.

"I'll tell him when the time comes." She couldn't put Fu Yuanhang in danger.

Seeing that Qin Zhuoru had made up her mind, Xing Yue couldn't say anything more, she took the initiative to say: "You have your own plans, I wish you happiness, thank you for trusting me!"

After speaking, Xing Yue looked at the weak mineral water on the table, and felt a little embarrassed.

"Why don't we go out to eat!" Xing Yue suggested.

"Why, Boss Xing doesn't discuss about the branch anymore?" Qin Zhuoru joked, she was not angry, she just wanted to tease her friend.

Hey!Why is this woman Qin Zhuoru so black-bellied, she clearly knows that she... But she is ignorant of herself, and Xing Yue can't refute it.

"Just say whether you want to eat or not!" Xing Yue asked with a blushing face.

At this moment, the phone rang, and it was Lin Sheng.

Qin Zhuoru gestured to Xing Yue and answered the phone.

"Lin Sheng, is there something wrong?"

"Sister Qin, haven't you come home yet?" Lin Sheng's voice was noisy, it sounded like he was in a supermarket.

"Not yet, is there something wrong?"

"The uncle guard at that villa sent a message asking why you haven't returned yet. Mr. Fu is waiting for you in the guard room!"

"What?" Qin Zhuoru stood up abruptly, almost choking Xing Yue who was drinking water.

This person, why don't you tell yourself when you go to find yourself!

"I'll be right back."

Qin Zhuoru hung up the phone in a hurry, and saw the message from the guard that Fu Yuanhang was here, but she didn't check her phone while talking with Xing Yue.

"What's wrong? Something happened to the company?"

Looking at Qin Zhuoru who reacted so strongly, Xing Yue thought Cheng Hong had something urgent to do!

"No, I'm going back to the villa, sorry, I can't eat anymore!"

Seeing Qin Zhuoru's slightly anxious look, Xing Yue didn't have time to ask any more questions, so she picked up the car keys and sent Qin Zhuoru back.

In the car, looking at Qin Zhuoru who looked down at his phone from time to time, Xing Yue couldn't help but ask, "What's the matter? Is there anything I can do for you?"

After asking, she saw Qin Zhuoru turned to look at her, as if she was a little embarrassed.

"What's the matter! Tell me..." Xing Yue was almost suffocated to death!

"It's nothing, just...Fu Yuanhang came to the villa to look for me." After speaking, Qin Zhuoru was a little embarrassed, his eyes wandered, and his ears were light pink. He came out in a hurry and didn't have time to tell his friends.

"What?" Suddenly a car appeared in front of Xing Yue's car, she braked hastily, and the inertia made the two of them look like they were on a roller coaster.

"He came to the villa to see you?"


Xing Yue was a little angry, Qin Zhuoru really valued sex over friends, and because Fu Yuanhang came, he didn't eat with him?

The car started up again, Xing Yue saw Qin Zhuoru was still looking at his phone from the corner of his eye, presumably waiting for news from Fu Yuanhang.

At the gate of the guard room, Qin Zhuoru was about to open the door and get out of the car when Xing Yue stopped him.

"What's the matter?" Qin Zhuoru, who had already returned to his heart, asked puzzled.

"Because of him, I didn't finish dinner tonight!" Xing Yue said angrily.

"Boss Xing didn't talk to me about the branch, so there's no need to eat!" Qin Zhuoru responded with a smile.

Hey!Really are!There is no end to opening a branch!
Xing Yue knew that she didn't understand, so she changed the subject and said, "Forget it, then I will treat you to dinner next time."

"Okay." Qin Zhuoru answered quickly, Xing Yue felt that Qin Zhuoru was still here, and he didn't know where he was going!
Qin Zhuoru got out of the car, watched Xing Yue leave, and checked her mobile phone, but there was still no reply, so she strode into the guard room.

"Ha... ah..." This is the first time Fu Yuanhang has yawned tonight. He watched Qin Zhuoru last night, and he didn't sleep much all night. Will's yawn brings out a few drops of saline.

"Yuanhang, did you not rest well?"

The uncle guard saw Fu Yuanhang, whose eyes were red and yawning profusely. How long has it been since this young man slept well?

"I'm fine." Fu Yuanhang forced himself to wake up, but Qin Zhuoru hadn't come back yet.

"How about you go back and rest first, come back tomorrow if you have anything?"

The guard didn't say that he had notified Qin Zhuoru, because Qin Zhuoru didn't reply him, it was so late, maybe he stayed outside!
"She...has she come back so late before?" Fu Yuanhang didn't answer, but asked instead.

"Yeah, it's not just coming back late. Sometimes it's two or three o'clock in the morning, and sometimes I just sleep in the company and don't come back. I leave early and return late. It's not bad now. Mr. Qin worked harder in the past two years!"

The guard remembered that it was deep winter when he first came to work. At that time, Qin Zhuoru had just returned to China, and there were many things to deal with. He often came back in the middle of the night. Even when he returned home, the lights were always on. Work, obviously a girl in her twenties, is so cruel to herself, it really makes people feel distressed!

Work harder?Fu Yuanhang felt heartbroken when he heard these words. The way he likes someone is probably because he loves her. When he heard Qin Zhuoru's hard work in the past, Fu Yuanhang just wanted to hug her tightly and rub her into his flesh and blood.

"Oh, it's really not easy for Mr. Qin. We used to drink a lot of wine every day. That stomach..." The guard uncle suddenly stopped.

The pensive Fu Yuanhang didn't hear the following, and felt something was wrong. He looked up and followed the gaze of the guard uncle, and saw Qin Zhuoru standing at the door of the guard room in thin clothes.

"Qin... Mr. Qin is good!" The guard was a little guilty, did he just leak the boss's privacy?But the boss and Mr. Fu should be friends, right?Should be able to say, right?

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