City S is a well-known international city, where good and evil people are mixed, and various forces are intertwined. Chenghong Group mainly develops the medical industry, and has close relationships with all walks of life. The capital and connections behind it determine its important position in City S. In addition, Qin Zhen, the chairman of the group, has intersected with various forces.

Chenghong Group.

"Chairman, Mr. Qin has been acting cautiously. Our people have not caught her with anything that is beneficial to us."

"A bunch of trash! Her private life abroad is so messed up that rumors spread back to the country. When you return to the country, you tell me that you can't find anything? What use do I want you to be!" His eyes are like deep wells, full of fear.

Thick cold sweat appeared on the secretary's forehead. Thinking of the information just sent by the people under his hand, he said flatteringly: "Actually, it's not that there is nothing wrong with it. We have also investigated some, but we haven't fully investigated it yet. clear!"

Immediately afterwards, the secretary said: "Last night, Mr. Qin went to Haili Bar alone. It happened that Ma Anwen, the son of Chairman Ma Changhong, was also there. I heard that there was a conflict with others. Many people saw it. Ma Anwen was taken away by the police. Yes, I heard that Director Zhao personally went to arrest the person, and there is such a big scene, so I guess, President Qin must have intervened in this matter!"

"Do you know why there is a conflict?"

"Ma Anwen wanted to forcefully drink the waitress. His intentions were wrong, and he was found and rescued by someone else. That person was a college student. Later, we photographed him standing and talking with Mr. Qin at the entrance of the hotel!"

"What is their relationship?" Qin Zhen became more and more interested in this matter.

"We haven't found this yet, but I have asked someone to find the information of that person, please take a look!"

The secretary handed the information to Qin Zhen who was sitting on the office chair, and the president Qin the secretary was talking about was Qin Zhuoru, the only daughter of Qin Zhen's dead brother Qin Kun.

Qin Zhen glanced at the file:
Fu Yuanhang, born in 1996, a native of S City, is currently studying at A University.The profile one-inch photo shows a young and handsome face.

"Follow him and investigate the relationship between the two of them. There may be unexpected gains! Maybe it's Qin Zhuoru's little boy in China! Wouldn't there be a handle by then?"

"Understood, I will arrange it now"

A big 308.

"Hey! Old Fu, let's go, warm up, basketball game in the afternoon!!"

The speaker is Fu Yuanhang's best friend and co-faculty--Lu Zheng.The two are neighbors. They grew up together, and they can wear a pair of pants if they have a good relationship.

"I'm not going."

"Go on a date?"

Lu Zheng pays the most attention to this good brother's love life, and admires his good luck the most.

From childhood to adulthood, countless girls have pursued Fu Yuanhang, all kinds of love letters are estimated to be as many as Luzheng's comic books, but Fu Yuanhang never accepts them, or just throws them away!What a waste of other girls' hearts!Occasionally, Lu Zheng was a little bit jealous, but Fu Yuanhang didn't accept it, why did so many people like him?But think about it. With a height of 186, a sixth-degree black belt in Taekwondo, and the usual self-discipline and training, she has already possessed the figure of a girl, and her face is also good-looking. He added a touch of coolness; thick eyebrows and eyelashes combined with a straight nose bridge gave a mature and deep feeling.His pupils are black and bright, and when he smiles, two small dimples form at the corners of his mouth, giving this man a youthful look.Although he is ruthless in rejecting others, he is quite polite and graceful, and has a strong sense of justice. He is the cold-faced hero in the eyes of most girls. The dumping.

When Lu Zheng sighed with emotion about Fu Yuanhang's past luck, he didn't know that the chance meeting last night was the highlight of Fu Yuanhang's life.

"I'll go to the training ground to practice my car first." The boy's voice was deep and deep, with a clear and clean magnetism.

"That's it, okay, then you should pay attention to safety on the road, and see you when you come back to the basketball court, don't come back late!"


After responding to Lu Zheng, Fu Yuanhang got on his silver-gray motorcycle and was about to start it, when the conversation with the woman at the bar door last night sounded in his mind:
"Not bad, you are young, and you are good at making girls happy. With this motorcycle, many girls will be fascinated by you!" The woman said provocatively.

"Riding a motorcycle is my hobby, not to coax girls." This is the truth, Fu Yuanhang likes these extreme sports, skateboarding, rock climbing, bungee jumping, skiing, including the current motorcycle.

"You say yes, only you know what you think!" The woman said more playfully.

Last night, at the birthday party held by the classmates in the bar, Fu Yuanhang didn't want to go because he didn't like the noisy environment, but Lu Zheng said that everyone should go, and he was too embarrassed to refuse, so he could only participate.During the party, he used the excuse of going to the bathroom to come out of the private room on the second floor to get some air.Fu Yuanhang felt that he really did not accept the too noisy environment of the bar, and planned to find an excuse to tell Lu Zheng to go first.

When we came to the corner of the first floor, we could vaguely hear the cries of a girl in the private room.He approached and knocked on the door of the private room, and the crying and shouting inside continued, mixed with the man's laughter.Fu Yuanhang kicked the door open without thinking, and found a man on the sofa with his arms around a disheveled young girl, who was forcibly pouring wine, and the girl was already in tears.

The man found Fu Yuanhang kicking the door in, stood up and cursed: "Who the hell are you, get out of here, don't spoil my good deed!" Fu Yuanhang's face quickly turned cold, and he rushed forward , grabbed the man's arm, wrestled his wrist sideways, and then fell over his shoulder. The next second the man was thrown to the ground, grinning and gasping for breath.

Fu Yuanhang took off his coat and put it on the disheveled girl. Due to the long cry, the girl could not speak a complete sentence, sobbing and thanking Fu Yuanhang, her body trembling uncontrollably.Fu Yuanhang helped the girl up and was about to leave, but the man got up in embarrassment and scolded: "Damn, you dare to hit me, do you know who I am? I told you to mind your own business, and I will let you go and never return!"

After I finished speaking, I made a phone call, and after a while, the bar manager came with security guards, and I heard the man say, "Damn it, I'm drinking there, this bitch can't seduce me, and she even hired a helper to beat me, what do you think?" what to do!"

I saw the manager nodded and bowed to accompany him, didn't he say: "Mr. Ma, you have a lot of adults, calm down, what do you think should be done?"

"What should I do? I'll make it impossible for either of them to leave today!"

"You fart! It's clear that you are forcibly drinking alcohol and plotting against others! Now the villain will sue first! If you are a man, you will admit to the shameful thing you did. Such a big bar should be monitored. Otherwise, we call The police are here to judge!" Fu Yuanhang guarded the girl behind him, his voice pierced through the entire private room, and the guests in other private rooms were also watching, knowing the situation clearly, but no one stood up to speak.

"You go call, do you know who I am? The police are here, I can live in peace, you can see if this woman can still see people in the future, she will be a promiscuous slut in people's mouth! How about it? Call the police? Go report!"

The man's rampant laughter and foul language ignited Fu Yuanhang's anger. He stepped forward and grabbed the man by the collar, gritted his teeth and said, "Apologize to this girl!"

"Oh, why, you still want to be a hero to save the beauty!"

"I'll say it again! Apologize to this girl!"

"I don't apologize for what you can do to me. Not only that, I want her to be ruined, yes, and you!"

The man's dirty laughter was in sharp contrast to the girl's cries of grievance and fear. Fu Yuanhang raised his fist and punched the man's nose hard, blood came out all at once.

"Apologize to this girl!" Seeing that he was bleeding, the man became frightened, and shouted at the top of his voice, "The security guards next to you, are you all foodies? Didn't you see that I was beaten?" The security guard hurriedly stepped forward and pulled her away. Fu Yuanhang, the girl also came over to hold him and whispered: "Don't hit him, don't hit him, sir, don't get you involved too! I accept my fate, I don't need him to apologize." The girl kept crying, Fu Yuanhang was the first time Feeling so powerless and helpless, he clenched his fists but there was nothing he could do.

The man who was released was gasping for breath, and he said viciously: "I'll let you go around today!"

Seeing that the security guards wanted to control Fu Yuanhang, the girl kept trembling, and she whispered, "I'm sorry, sir, I have troubled you." Hearing what the girl said, Fu Yuanhang didn't know how to comfort her.

"Mr. Ma is such a big show!"

At this time, a woman's lazy and cold voice came from the crowd of onlookers.As the woman approached, Fu Yuanhang saw her face clearly, it was a face he would never forget in his life.

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