I got scammed by a famous actor

Chapter 91: Change me to be a lobbyist

Early the next morning, when Gao Shuai woke up, he found that he was the only one at home. He ran to the living room and called Wen Xue's name a few times, but no one answered.He went back to the room and found his mobile phone and dialed Wen Xue's number.

It took a long time for the phone to be connected, but Wen Xue's voice was not heard immediately, only a burst of noise.

"Hey, girl, where are you?" Gao Shuai asked worriedly.

"Are you up? I'm downstairs in the restaurant. You wash up first, and I'll go up later." It took Wen Xue a long time to answer loudly, and the surroundings were still noisy.

After hanging up the phone, Gao Shuai ran to the terrace instead of going to the bathroom, and found that the quiet street last night was very lively now.It turned out that the location of the house was an alley like a snack street. There were various sounds playing in various shops on both sides of the alley, including music, opera, and discount advertisements.

Since the last time he ventured into the food street in disguise, Gao Shuai has never been to such a lively place. If he hadn’t had an announcement to catch up later, he really wanted to go for a stroll and experience this seemingly ordinary but unusual place. Warm human fireworks.

"Why are you here? Hurry up and wash up, we're leaving later."

Wen Xue came back with two large lunch boxes, but there was no sign of handsome Gao in the room, and finally caught handsome handsome Gao who was enjoying the scenery leisurely on the terrace, and couldn't help nagging.

Seeing the appearance of Wen Xue, the little daughter-in-law, Gao Shuai was so happy that he ran up to Wen Xue and said, "Little daughter-in-law, you can really talk."

"What did you say?"

When Wen Xue reacted, Gao Shuai had already run into the room.She shouted loudly, "Who do you think is the little wife?" and returned to the room.

Xiaoyu and Rong Yu drove to the destination according to the route given by Wen Xue.

Xiaoyu got out of the car first, and looked around curiously, surrounded by single-family houses in the village, and they were now in the aisle between the houses.

After getting out of the car, Rong Yu looked around and asked, "Xiaoyu, why does this place feel like it's in a village? Are you going the wrong way?"

Xiaoyu looked at the address on the phone again, and replied: "That's right, the route Wen Xue gave is here. This is not a village, but an old town."

"Are you sure that handsome guy is here?" Rong Yu was still a little skeptical.

"Sister Rongyu, why do you always call me that?" Gao Shuai's voice confirmed that Xiaoyu came to the right place.

They turned around and looked behind, Wen Xue and Gao Shuai were walking towards them.

"That's what I like to call you. Why did you come here?" Rong Yu was not as afraid of handsome as Xiaoyu.

"Sister, don't you smell the fireworks in this world?" Gao Shuai took off his hat and mask, and asked expectantly.

"No, I can smell seafood on both of you." Rong Yu replied truthfully.

"Sister Rongyu, hello, my name is..."

"Wen Xue, right? I've heard of your name for a long time."

Rong Yu actually made a hug salute to Wen Xue, which made Wen Xue stunned.

Gao Shuai smiled and explained to Wen Xue: "Xiaoyu must have mentioned you to Sister Rongyu."

Rong Yu waved his hand and corrected: "No, I remember her because of your dismissal."

Gao Shuai smiled awkwardly, while Wen Xue gave him a helpless look, and said to Xiaoyu and Rongyu embarrassingly: "Sister Rongyu, Miss Xiaoyu, I handed over Boss Gao to you intact, thank you for your hard work." you guys."

"What do you mean? You're not going?" Gao Shuai was completely out of the situation.

"Brother, Xiaoxue said something happened at home, so please come here to pick you up." Xiaoyu explained.

Gao Shuai asked Wen Xue unhappily: "No, we have been together all this time, and the news of your not going needs to be conveyed by others."

Wen Xue squinted at Gao Shuai, and said, "Boss, I have something to ask for leave today, bye." After speaking, she walked towards the direction where Xiaoyu and Rong Yu waved their hands.

"Hey, girl, where are you going?" Gao Shuai called her, but Wen Xue ignored her.

Rong Yu said: "Boy, stop shouting, don't you see that people don't want to talk to you? Hurry up and get in the car, it's going to be late."

Gao Shuai looked at Wen Xue and Rong Yu, shook his head helplessly, and got into the car.

Rong Yu looked around again, and asked curiously: "Xiao Shuai, is this Wen Xue's house? Did you sleep at her house last night?"

Gao Shuai said angrily, "I won't tell you", and closed the car door.

Rong Yu smiled and said, "You brat, you're still angry."

When Wen Xue returned to the congee room, she immediately recognized Cheng Jingshen sitting by the window and looking at her phone.

"Morning, Mr. Cheng." Wen Xue took the initiative to say hello.

Cheng Jingshen put away his phone, smiled slightly, and asked, "Have you ordered the order yet?"

Cheng Jingshen will never forget that it is here that Wen Xue taught him a life lesson called "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

Wen Xue picked up the menu on the table and put it in front of Cheng Jingshen, saying, "Just order whatever Mr. Cheng likes, I'll treat you."

Cheng Jingshen looked at the menu and asked, "What class are you going to teach me today?"

Wen Xue was a little embarrassed, and said softly: "I'm the lobbyist today, and you will teach me the class."

Cheng Jingshen smiled faintly, and picked a few items from the menu. Wen Xue immediately turned and walked towards the kitchen, and came out with a plate after a while.

Cheng Jingshen watched Wen Xue put the food he ordered on the table one by one, and joked: "Miss Wen is so diligent, the waiter will be laid off."

Wen Xue stood aside and replied: "I am your waiter today, if you have any orders, just ask."

Cheng Jingshen suddenly understood why Gao Shuai said this girl was very interesting.He changed his mind temporarily, and never took the initiative to ask Wen Xue's purpose for looking for him, it just depended on how she said it.

"Miss Wen, let's have some food together?" Cheng Jingshen offered to invite.

Wen Xue shook her head and said, "I said that today I am a lobbyist, and I must show my attitude. Today you sit while I stand, and you eat while I watch."

Cheng Jingshen couldn't help laughing, and said: "Miss Wen, please don't do this, let alone whether I can eat it, if Gao Shuai knows that I treat you like this, he will kill me."

Wen Xue was a little surprised by Cheng Jingshen's initiative to mention Gao Shuai. She thought that the two people who were at odds must never talk about each other.However, whether Cheng Jingshen took the initiative to mention it, it just happened to cut to the point.

"That day, Gao Shuai didn't target you and Ms. Ye on purpose, he just didn't want to stop others because he didn't want to get hurt."

"Others? You are nothing to him." Cheng Jingshen said with a smile.

Wen Xue explained: "To him, I am just a driver, at most he is a colleague with a good relationship. However, you must be the most important friends or even relatives to him. How could he hurt me because of a colleague with a good relationship? friends, family."

Cheng Jingshen smiled faintly and asked, "So?"

Wen Xue said seriously: "So, I'm here to be her lobbyist, I want to tell you what he really means, and I hope you can let go of your grudges."

Cheng Jingshen smiled and said, "Miss Wen, thank you for caring so much about our brother's feelings. However, I also want to take advantage of your not to do to others what you don't want. You probably don't want to reconcile with Yun'er, do you?"

Wen Xue didn't speak, not because she didn't know the answer, but because she couldn't.Cheng Jingshen was right, she really couldn't reconcile with Ye Muyun.

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