I got scammed by a famous actor

Chapter 88: A Hug of Encouragement

In the conference room of the hospital, the speech platform at the front served as a temporary review platform, and Gao Shuai was doing the review with a guilty expression.You can feel his deep apology, but you can feel the slightest tension.

In the audience, the medical staff and the dean sat in the first two rows on the night of the incident, while Na Lan, Wen Xue and Xiaoyu stood behind, and Wen Xue recorded on her mobile phone.Gao Shuai specially requested to keep the video record. He said that it should be used to remind himself at all times and never make the same mistake again.

Gao Shuai didn't take the initiative to mention the trouble in the hospital to Wen Xue, even if Wen Xue asked, he just prevaricated.Wen Xue knew that the real culprit should be her. If she had been more attentive in driving, if she hadn't fainted from hypoglycemia, and if she kept a distance from Gao Shuai, Gao Shuai would not be so impulsive.However, she still couldn't say a word of apology, and she couldn't even open up to talk about what happened that night.

Na Lan looked at the handsome Gao on the stage with a solemn face, and soon fell into deep thought.The youthful and reckless boy back then has now transformed into a mature and steady man.He is no longer the little actor who relies on Nalan. Although he knows that this day will come sooner or later, when it comes to the real face, Nalan still finds it hard to accept.

That year's spring was very windy, and that stubborn boy suddenly appeared at the corner of the road in shorts and shorts. The galloping boy abruptly knocked down Na Lan who was walking on the road.The boy quickly got up from the ground, looked at Na Lan and hesitated for a few seconds, but in the end he didn't help Na Lan who was knocked down by him. He just said "I'm sorry" quickly and ran away.

Na Lan's assistant helped her up, and muttered in a low voice, "That's really rude."

Na Lan just looked at the young man's thin back, and continued walking with his assistant until he disappeared around the corner.

On the way back, Nalan was still thinking about the boy who was wearing shorts and shorts in the cold weather. She was not curious about the reason why the boy was dressed like this, but she was a little worried.

While waiting for the assistant to pick up the car at the entrance of the parking lot, Na Lan accidentally found the boy huddled in the corner, walked over without hesitation, squatted in front of the boy, and said lightly: "I can't accept your apology just now." .”

The young man frowned and glanced at Na Lan, trembling slightly but still said stubbornly: "Anyway, I apologized, it's up to you to accept it or not."

Nalan sneered, and teased, "Dress so casually and be so impolite, you really aren't a gentleman, you're a coward."

After Nalan finished speaking, she stood up and was about to leave. The young man stood up, clenched his fists, and asked, "Why do you call me a coward?"

Na Lan turned around and replied in a cold voice, "It's because you don't even dare to apologize."

The young man took a few steps forward, stood beside Nalan, raised his head and said stubbornly, "Isn't it just an apology, I'll tell you now."

Nalan stopped immediately: "No need." She looked the boy up and down, and said, "I don't accept apologies from people with disheveled clothes. You should know that disheveled clothes are the greatest disrespect to people."

"You" the young man was speechless, but he was not convinced.

Nalan turned around and walked a few steps, then stopped, turned back and said to the young man, "My name is Nalan, and I'm the manager of a performing arts company. I think you look pretty good, and there just happens to be an advertisement that needs a young actor." , come with me if you want to earn yourself an outfit."

The warm applause brought Na Lan back to reality. It seems that Gao Shuai's review has been approved by everyone.

On the way back to the ward.

"Why didn't Jing Shen come?" Na Lan asked suddenly.

Wen Xue's face changed and she looked at Gao Shuai.

Gao Shuai replied with a natural expression, "You must be busy, right?"

"Probably?" Nalan suddenly remembered the action of Cheng Jingshen closing the door in the video, and asked, "Are you two...arguing?"

Gao Shuai smiled indifferently, and replied: "It should be counted, maybe they will break up the relationship. Sigh, people's hearts are unpredictable!"

Gao Shuai's sudden exclamation shocked the other three people, this was not like the Gao Shuai they knew.

Nalan couldn't think of the reason why the ferromagnetic two people would make a decision. She glanced at Wen Xue beside her and said nothing.

Nalan and Xiaoyu sent Gao Shuai to the door of the ward and left in a hurry.

Gao Shuai took the initiative to open the door, turned sideways and respectfully said to Wen Xue: "Master Driver, please come in."

Wen Xue was also polite and modest, and entered the room first.

After Gao Shuai closed the door, he walked in and said to Wen Xue, "Master Driver, I was so nervous just now that my heart was about to jump out."

Wen Xue sat by the bed and said lightly: "I didn't see how nervous you were."

Gao Shuai sat beside Wen Xue's bed, and suddenly said seriously: "It's not because the warm hug from the driver gave me endless strength."

Wen Xue looked down at the video just now with some embarrassment, and said in a low voice, "That's not because you are too annoying and my heart is too soft."

When Gao Shuai asked Wen Xue to hug him, Wen Xue refused immediately, but Gao Shuai did not give up, he began to pretend to be weak and pitiful, and even brought out the sisterhood that he himself hated. One, almost crying bitterly.No matter how good Gao Shuai's acting skills are, Wen Xue also knew that he was pretending, but she found him annoying and had no choice but to agree to it in order to end his impromptu performance.

Although it was not the first time they hugged, it was the first time they hugged in a calm state.Wen Xue was a little embarrassed and awkward, even the experienced (acting) handsome Gao was a little at a loss, the two of them didn't know how to start, and they bumped into each other awkwardly in a panic.After all kinds of panic and bewilderment, they finally completed this encouraging hug.

It is precisely because of this encouraging hug that Gao Shuai can overcome his nervousness, and also be able to strengthen his heart and face the coming storm with his head up.

"Can't you really feel nervous? Let me see." Gao Shuai leaned in Wen Xue's direction and looked at the phone.

"Hey, I really can't tell that I'm nervous. It turns out that my performance is like this when my heart is beating wildly." Gao Shuai said while watching the video.

Wen Xue took a peek at Gao Shuai, hesitated for a moment and asked, "You and Cheng Jingshen...are you really going to break up?"

Gao Shuai looked at Wen Xue, and took a long time to reply: "Who knows, friendship is the same as love, what is twisted is not sweet, just let nature take its course."

Wen Xue once again fell into self-blame, self-criticism, and breaking up friendship. It seemed that she brought Gao Shuai endless troubles and disrupted his originally peaceful life.

It is not easy to have a true friend in this life.Although Wen Xue doesn't know the story of Gao Shuai and Cheng Jingshen very well, she can see that the relationship between the two has gone beyond friendship and is more of a family relationship.If this family relationship is broken because of her conflict with Ye Muyun, then she will spend the rest of her life blaming herself.

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