I got scammed by a famous actor

Chapter 84: Alone Room 1

In the darkness, Wen Xue and Gao Shuai, who were lying on their backs on the hospital bed, stared at the ceiling silently.

"You don't need to turn against your good brother for an irrelevant person." Wen Xue broke the silence suddenly.

Gao Shuai looked sideways at Wen Xue lying on the bed next to him, and after a long silence he said, "I thought we...at least we were friends."

Wen Xue's "irrelevance" hurt Gao Shuai's heart, in his heart Wen Xue was never an irrelevant person.

Wen Xue withdrew her gaze from staring at the ceiling and looked at Gao Shuai, and said, "Even if we are friends...it can't compare to your years of brotherhood and childhood sweethearts."

Wen Xue didn't know why she used the term "childhood sweetheart". It really didn't fit the current situation, but Wen Xue said it so naturally.

Apparently, Gao Shuai also noticed this word that had nothing to do with the situation, and heard another meaning from it - a hint of sourness.He smiled meaningfully and said, "Hearing what you said, I think it's worth turning against my brother."

Not only did Gao Shuai not feel down when his brothers turned their faces, but he was able to tease him easily, leaving Wen Xue speechless.

"I said, are you careless? That's Cheng Jingshen, your Kun'er, and your baby Yun'er." Wen Xue especially emphasized Kun'er and Yun'er.

Gao Shuai propped his head with his hands on his side, and asked excitedly, "Girl, are you jealous?"

Wen Xue said softly "I'm sick" and then lay on his side with his back facing Gao Shuai.

Gao Shuai lay on his back again, and said as if he was talking to himself: "Some people can't be driven away, but some people can't be kept even if they try their best."

Wen Xue turned her body slightly, but did not turn over.

Gao Shuai looked at Wen Xue, continued to stare at the ceiling, and said to Wen Xue: "Girl, I know you can't sleep, how about I tell you a bedtime story?"

No need to respond, Gao Shuai's bedtime story began.

There was a little boy who was born in a wealthy family and had no worries about food and clothing but was sad all day long.Others thought he was greedy and moaning without illness, only he himself knew how terrifying that big cage-like house was.

Of course, the little boy is not always so sad. He will smile happily when someone is playing with him, and he will temporarily forget all fear and loneliness. After all, he is only a three-year-old child.

It's just that whenever he wants to open his heart to tell his little things, he is always ruthlessly ignored, and fear always comes suddenly when he is happy.Gradually, he lost the desire to tell, and learned to get along with fear.

The little boy thought he was going to live like this forever, and his little heart was gradually numb in endless disappointment and fear.

After staying in the dark for a long time, a ray of light will become the most dazzling guide.

When the little boy was four years old, he finally ushered in his own light, of course it was only the light he thought.

Only then did he know that he had a brother who was seven years older than him, and this brother who appeared suddenly became the only light in his dark life.

The elder brother is fair and tall, and the little boy can only look up at him. In the eyes of the little boy, the elder brother is the most handsome boy.

My brother is not only handsome, but also has a very gentle voice, always has a smile on his face, and especially likes to play with little boys.

His elder brother took him to catch fish in water, climb mountains, ride a bicycle, and taught him many fun games.The little boy never knew that he could be so happy. That time was the happiest time for him. He followed his brother like a little tail every day, and refused to leave when he slept.

The happy time is always very short, and in a blink of an eye, my brother will leave.Although he was very reluctant, his brother promised him that he would come back to accompany him during the holidays, which made the reluctance a lot less.Since then, looking forward to his brother's return has become the only belief in supporting the little boy's life, helping him resist loneliness and fear.

When he was nine years old, the summer vacation was approaching, and the little boy was immersed in excitement every day. His dear brother would come back soon, and the year of waiting and missing would usher in the dawn.

One morning before the holiday, my father came back suddenly, which meant that my brother would also come back, because my father would only come over a few times when my brother came back.

The little boy sneaked to the door of his mother's room, wanting to hear the exact time when his brother would come home, but overheard the quarrel between his parents. They were arguing over whether to let his brother come back.The mother said that she missed her son and wanted her brother back, but the father said that her brother needed to study with peace of mind and was not suitable for running back and forth.

Although the little boy wanted to know the result very much, he couldn't stand the quarrel between his parents and left disappointed.

Three days later in the afternoon, the little boy who came home from school listlessly walked towards the house, but saw his elder brother who greeted him at the door of the house.He immediately ran over and threw himself into his brother's arms, who happily hugged him and twirled around.

When he came back that time, his elder brother brought him a lot of gifts, all of which were made by his own hands, and the little boy's favorite cars and airplanes.

The holiday ended soon. The two boys were tanned but very happy. The little boy not only learned swimming from his older brother, but also experienced diving and surfing.

The day his brother left, the little boy knew that his brother would not be able to come back for a long time.Although he begged very hard and tried his best to keep him, he still couldn't stop his brother from leaving, and didn't even change the slightest.

When he was exhausted after chasing the car and fell on the side of the road, he realized that some people can’t stay if they want to. The huge sense of loss and helplessness deeply hurt his young heart. soul.

It was also from that moment that he decided not to pin his hopes on anyone, but to be his own light.

At the end of the story, Wen Xue still maintained her posture, Gao Shuai looked at her quietly sideways, and said softly, "Master Driver, can you be my light?"

Wen Xue, who turned his back on Gao Shuai, had already burst into tears. Although it was in the way of telling a story, it was the first time Gao Shuai confided to Wen Xue.Wen Xue never thought that the optimistic and cheerful Gao Shuai would have such an experience, and Wen Xue couldn't help feeling sorry for him, especially when she heard the last sentence.

"Didn't you say you don't place your hopes on others? It's good to be your own light." Wen Xue said lightly.

"It's pretty good, but as time goes on, your faith will gradually weaken, and you will also want to rely on it." Gao Shuai's tone was filled with unprecedented sadness and helplessness.

"Thank you for your trust. But, I'm sorry, I'm not your light." Wen Xue replied softly.

"Why are you so depressed all of a sudden? This is the first time we've been alone in a room in the dark night? It's just a story, don't worry too much about it, driver."

Gao Shuai suddenly lay down beside Wen Xue's bed, without any trace of sadness just now, Wen Xue sat up quickly and asked, "Why are you running here?"

"We haven't resumed the game in the afternoon yet." Gao Shuai said.

"Replay? When did we play Go?" Wen Xue asked subconsciously.

"What I mean is that we have to determine the number of wins and losses in order to facilitate the fulfillment of the promise later." Gao Shuai explained.

The sudden change of the topic caught Wen Xue off guard, but she remembered the winning and losing of the game clearly, so she quickly replied: "You three, I six, win the game."

"Is it so different?" Gao Shuai exclaimed.

"Of course." The Wen family looked proud.

"Okay, that is, I need to fulfill your six wishes, and you fulfill my four wishes. Pull the hook to confirm." Gao Shuai said.

"Pull hook?" Wen Xue asked.

Gao Shuai took Wen Xue's hand and finished the pulling ceremony by saying "Pull the hook, stamp it, don't play tricks".

Wen Xue shouted childishly but cooperated to complete the ceremony.

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