I got scammed by a famous actor

Chapter 50: Normal Communication

We always pay extra attention to our likes and dislikes.As soon as he entered the balcony, Gao Shuai smelled the strong smell of coffee.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Wen Xue turned her head subconsciously, just in time to meet Gao Shuai's eyes.

"Why haven't you slept yet?" They said in unison.

"Can't sleep." Again in unison.

Looking at each other and smiling, the two of them leaned against the low wall of the balcony in the same posture, looking downstairs.

Gao Shuai pointed to the cup in Wen Xue's hand, and said, "Of course I won't be able to fall asleep if I drink coffee at night."

The original intention was to tease, but when the words came out, they became a concerned tone.

Wen Xue looked down at the cup, and replied in a relaxed tone: "It can no longer control my sleep."

"Why?" Gao Shuai was very curious. For him, coffee was like a stimulant.

Wen Xue smiled slightly and replied: "When I was in college, I was in charge of writing manuscripts at the school radio station. I like to write quietly, and if there is any movement, I will lose my train of thought. So I always wait for everyone to rest at night and write. I will drowsiness. Whether it is refreshing at night or renewing my life in the morning, coffee has naturally become my indispensable companion. At the beginning, it really worked, let alone drinking it, just smelling it can make me feel more energetic. But , After drinking it for so many years, my body has become immune to it." Wen Xue raised her glass, looked at it and said, "Now it is more like a favorite drink for me."

drinks?It is unimaginable for Gao Shuai to regard coffee as a drink.

Speaking of coffee, Wen Xue remembered Gao Shuai's resistance to coffee, and asked curiously: "Why do you hate coffee so much? Don't you often stay up late when filming? Are you not sleepy?"

Gao Shuai looked a little sad, and said softly, "Actually, I don't hate it, but every time I smell coffee, I think of some bad memories."

Wen Xue felt the sadness in Gao Shuai's tone, but didn't know whether to comfort her, so she hurriedly said, "Do you feel uncomfortable when you smell it? Then I'll put the cup in the room."

Gao Shuai hurriedly called out to Wen Xue who had turned around, smiled slightly, and pretended to be relaxed and replied: "No, it's okay, I used to feel uncomfortable, but now it's much better. Actually, it's not a bad memory, I When I was a child, I was very playful. I accidentally broke the coffee pot at home and was beaten up. I think I don’t like coffee. In fact, it’s more like an instinctive rejection of the body. Once the bitter taste enters the mouth, I just felt sick, like, uh."

Gao Shuai suddenly didn't know how to describe it. Wen Xue smiled and said for him: "It's like when I saw Xiaoqiang, my whole body was itchy, I just wanted to escape, the farther the better."


"Cockroach." Before the words finished, Wen Xue actually shivered. She couldn't even bear to say the name herself. It seemed that she was really annoying.

Gao Shuai couldn't help teasing her: "You also have something to be afraid of? Great, I finally know how to restrain you when you bully me."

Gao Shuai suddenly made a joke, Wen Xue was caught off guard and looked at him blankly.

Gao Shuai realized that what he said was a bit too much, scratched his head in embarrassment, and explained: "No, I mean I know what to do"

Wen Xue smiled lightly, and said first: "It's okay, you're right. We used to get along well in the noisy way, but I thought too much. I'm sorry, I shouldn't lose my temper with you and throw I ordered the ice cream you brought me."

Gao Shuai lowered his head slightly, then raised his head again and put on a smile again, and said, "Look, you said you got along with each other, but you still said sorry to me first. Didn't I say that? I think you bullied me. It was fun when I was."

Wen Xue was a little disappointed, but she deliberately put on a straight face and said, "Hua Peacock, the driver wants to drink porridge tomorrow morning, don't forget, good night."

Gao Shuai also smiled, waved to Wen Xue, and deliberately replied emphatically: "Okay, driver, I promise to complete the task. Good night."

Wen Xue smiled with satisfaction and went back to the room.Gao Shuai looked at the position where Wen Xue was standing just now, and said softly, "I just want to say that I finally know you better."

Wen Xue was cleaning the cup, recalling the late-night conversation with Gao Shuai on the balcony. This should be their first "normal" communication. Although they agreed to get along in the same way as before, Wen Xue still prefers this normal way of getting along model.

Not only Wen Xue likes this kind of normal communication, but Gao Shuai also enjoys this kind of communication.With a good mood and exhaustion from filming, Gao Shuai fell asleep soon after returning to his room.

A little boy about three years old was running happily in a large yard, followed by a beautiful woman in her 30s.The woman and the little boy happily chased each other, and the yard was full of laughter.

The phone rang, and a 40-year-old woman in ordinary clothes who was standing nearby handed the phone to the beautiful woman.The pretty woman gently rubbed the little boy's hair, and took the phone.The beautiful woman suddenly looked gloomy, hung up the phone and walked towards the beautiful three-story building behind her, she didn't even say a word during the whole call.

The little boy who was waiting for the beautiful woman to continue playing saw that she was about to leave, and called her anxiously: "Mom, where are you going? Mom"

The beautiful woman went straight into the building as if she hadn't heard her.The little boy wanted to chase, but was hugged by the middle-aged woman. He had to cry for his mother, but he didn't let his mother come back.

The middle-aged woman watched helplessly after the beautiful woman left, and gently comforted the little boy.

Adults always say: children, it is normal to cry and fuss, they don't understand anything at such a young age, and they forget after crying for a while.In fact, not crying is not forgetting, but being forced to accept.

Accompanied and comforted by the middle-aged woman, the little boy gradually calmed down.The middle-aged woman took the little boy to the small playground on the first floor, and said to him: "Little baby, play by yourself for a while, and I'll get you some fruit to eat."

The little boy nodded obediently, watched the middle-aged woman leave, and played with his favorite car.

The little boy played with the car, the slide, and the swing for a while, but the middle-aged woman still didn't come back.He ran to the kitchen to look for it, but found that there was no one in the kitchen, so he climbed the stairs to the second floor.The second floor was very quiet. He walked slowly towards his mother's bedroom, and suddenly heard a loud noise. He ran quickly to his mother's room in fear, only to find that his mother was accusing the middle-aged woman loudly. There were broken pieces on the floor of the bedroom. There was a broken glass and a big pool of liquid, and there was a strange bitter taste in the air.The little boy was trembling slightly, standing at the door, not daring to enter, calling softly, "Mom?"

The pretty woman looked at the little boy, the expression on her face was no longer gentle and friendly, but also irritated and disgusted. She said to the middle-aged woman, "Take him down quickly."

The little boy's begging eyes did not change his mother's decision, and the beautiful woman waved her hand to the middle-aged woman again, signaling her to hurry up.

The little boy didn't cry or make trouble, and obediently followed the middle-aged woman out, but his eyes were always on his mother.

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