I got scammed by a famous actor

Chapter 44: Uninvited Guest

Zhao Bonian was obviously taken aback, but quickly regained his composure and said, "You have personally talked with Shuo Nan's Editor-in-Chief Nan, and you should know better than me."

As the veteran of the company, Zhao Bonian has been following Su Guohui since Tianhui was founded. The reason why he can stay in Tianhui all the time is because of his affection for Tianhui and his loyalty to Su Guohui.Therefore, such an answer was expected by Su Yuntian. He smiled slightly and replied, "Editor Nan only used eight words for his reply."

Zhao Bonian didn't seem to be curious, but just looked at Su Yuntian calmly.

Su Yuntian turned and looked out the window, and said Nan Xin's reply: "I just don't want to, there is no reason."

The moment Su Yuntian said the answer, Zhao Bonian slightly lowered his head and took a deep breath. It seemed that his heart was not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

Su Yuntian turned around, looked at Zhao Bonian, and continued to ask: "Uncle Zhao, you have been in the business world for many years, and of course you understand the importance of business cooperation better than me. I would like to ask you, as a businessman, Chief Editor Nan does not rely on interests and business development. The most important thing is that it is strange to make business decisions in an emotional way? Shuo Nan can be the best in the industry, could it be because of emotion?"

Su Yuntian seemed very respectful, and Zhao Bonian really had no reason not to answer such a direct question.He adjusted his glasses and replied: "Editor-in-Chief Nan is a very powerful woman. To be able to achieve today's results, she is naturally well versed in business. Of course, everyone has their own principles and style of doing things. As for why she made such a decision, I think maybe this is her usual style of doing things."

Zhao Bonian is indeed a veteran of the business world. His answer was very ingenious. He not only made a reply but also bypassed the sensitive point of the question. The key point was that it prevented Su Yuntian from continuing to ask questions.

Su Yuntian knew that he couldn't get the answer he wanted from Zhao Bonian, but he didn't want to give up. Since Zhao Bonian has been avoiding questions, he might as well just ask what he wants to know.

Su Yuntian half-jokingly said: "Uncle Zhao is right, maybe it is really like what others said, women's minds are hard to fathom."

Zhao Bonian finally stopped keeping a straight face, and after a slight smile, he said, "If Mr. Su has nothing else to do, I'll go out first."

Su Yuntian hastily stopped him: "Uncle Zhao, wait a moment, I will delay your time for a while, and ask some questions other than work, is that okay?"

Zhao Bonian nodded in agreement.

Su Yuntian pointed to the sofa and said, "Let's sit down and chat."

Zhao Bonian hesitated for a moment, he couldn't figure out Su Yuntian's intention.Although Zhao Bonian watched Su Yuntian grow up, he didn't know him very well.Especially during the years when Su Yuntian went abroad, Zhao Bonian only remitted him living expenses and confirmed his safety on a regular basis according to Su Guohui's request.During the year after returning to China, Su Yuntian only talked about work, and he suddenly took the initiative to talk about things other than work, which surprised Zhao Bonian.

After Zhao Bonian sat down, Su Yuntian also sat on the sofa opposite him and said, "Uncle Zhao, I think you should have guessed what I want to talk about, so I won't beat around the bush. Back then you picked me up from school After I got home, I also saw my parents quarreling. It was the first time I saw them quarreling. I always wanted to know why they quarreled? You must know, right? "

Zhao Bonian was silent, Su Yuntian continued to ask: "Uncle Zhao, if you know, please tell me?"

Zhao Bonian finally spoke, but he didn't give an answer: "It's the chairman's family business, how would I know as a subordinate?"

Su Yuntian lowered his head to adjust his emotions. He doesn't like being perfunctory, and he hates being deceived even more.

"Uncle Zhao, you know the reason why I went abroad, or the reason why I was forced to go abroad." Su Yuntian raised his head, his eyes were slightly red, and he was a little emotional, and continued: "I lost my happy home because of that quarrel, I was also forced to go to a strange country alone. I was 7 years old that year, but I had to pay for the adults, can’t I know the reason that changed my life?”

Zhao Bonian did not expect Su Yuntian to be so excited, of course he knew that what happened back then had a great impact on Su Yuntian.Back then, little Su Yuntian cooperated with the adult's arrangement without crying or fussing. It turned out that behind not crying and fussing was deep hurt.

Although what happened back then had nothing to do with Zhao Bonian, but many things were handled by him alone, and he has always felt guilty towards Su Yuntian.When Su Guohui asked him to assist Su Yuntian who had just returned to China, he was very happy, and he could finally relieve some guilt.

Zhao Bonian was both guilty and distressed, but he still couldn't say anything. He sighed softly and said, "Xiao Tian, ​​I know you have experienced a lot and endured a lot these years. Everything is fine now, and you have returned to China. I can be with my mother again, let the past things go, and entanglement will only make you more painful. Uncle Zhao sincerely hopes that you can be happy and happy."

Su Yuntian actually laughed, he suddenly felt that he was ridiculous.It turns out that the things he has been concerned about and struggled with are nothing but a past for others.

Zhao Bonian worriedly called Su Yuntian: "Little Tian."

Su Yuntian finally stopped laughing, he slowly got up and walked to the desk, and said coldly: "Secretary Zhao, it's more appropriate for you to call me President Su."

After Wen Xue and Gao Shuai separated, she did not return to the shooting scene, but went to the car. She was too excited and out of control, and needed a quiet environment to calm herself down as soon as possible.

Wen Xue sat behind the driver, lying on the back of the chair to reflect on her impulse, and suddenly found someone lying on the windowpane and looking in.Even though she knew that the glass of this car could not be seen from the outside, Wen Xue was still taken aback, and shrank herself to hide behind the driver.

After hiding, Wen Xue secretly observed the uninvited guest. The man was wearing an ordinary blue mask. From his hairstyle, he should be a man. He was lying on the window glass and looking in. Wen Xue concluded that he must be is a thief.

Although the man couldn't see inside, Wen Xue could see him clearly. Being stared at by the thief at such a close distance made Wen Xue feel uncomfortable and scared.

Don't look at Wen Xue living alone, and she is not forgiving.In fact, she is very timid. Every time she comes home, she will immediately lock the door, check every room, and always turn on the night light when she goes to bed at night. Generally, she is reluctant to go out after dark. If she has to go out I will definitely go home before ten o'clock, and I will hardly go to places with few people and remote places alone; even if I take public transportation, I will try my best to choose the bus instead of the subway.She also has one of the biggest characteristics, that is, her imagination is extremely rich. I don't know if this is an advantage or a disadvantage.

The man couldn't see inside, so he was a little anxious and pulled the door handle roughly. Fortunately, Wen Xue habitually locked the car after getting into the car, otherwise she couldn't imagine how terrible it would be to confront the thief head-on.Even so, Wen Xue was still very scared. She had read online before that thieves had special tools that could open any car door. What should she do?

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