I got scammed by a famous actor

Chapter 303: Sudden Call

The small box carries Wen Xue's entire growth memory, and every little thing inside records Wen Xue's growing up.Wen Yang carefully packed them in small transparent boxes, and even labeled them to record the time and meaning of the acquisition.

Gao Shuai carefully picked up a small smiling porcelain doll. On the little feet of the doll was a label written by Wen Yang himself: 15th birthday gift from younger brother Wen Yang, sister should face everything with a smile like a doll.

Gao Shuai greeted this heart-warming blessing over and over again, and the arc of his mouth kept rising.

Gao Shuai's reaction gave Wen Yang a sense of accomplishment, and his hard work for so many days was not in vain.

"Brother, are you going to be filming on the Spring Festival?" Wen Yang leaned against the table and asked.

Gao Shuai still looked at the label, and replied casually: "Yes, we must shoot according to the schedule in advance, and we can't stop shooting because of festivals."

Hearing the sigh, Gao Shuai looked up at him and asked, "What's the matter? Why are you sighing?"

Wen Yang turned around and lay down beside the table, and asked curiously: "Brother, why didn't my sister come back? He can definitely bring his uncle and aunt back to celebrate the New Year. It's more convenient than the big group of us going there, right?"

Wen Xue ran to the mountains abruptly, not only recognized her relatives, but also asked her family to go there to celebrate the New Year. It is normal for Wen Yang to be a little confused.

Gao Shuai carefully put the doll back into the distance, and answered patiently: "Your sister also thinks the environment over there is very good, and she wants to let Mother Wen and Uncle Wen relax, otherwise, how could she be willing to let the mother who has worked hard for a year They're running around."

Wen Yang naturally knew that his sister was doing it for the good of his family, so he didn't mean to complain, he just felt that such an arrangement was a bit of a fly in the ointment.

"I know my sister is doing it for our own good. It's just that you can't go with us if you want to film a movie. In this case, you won't be able to spend New Year's Eve with your sister. What a pity."

Wen Yang's discouraged and aggrieved look was very heartwarming, Gao Shuai pretended to be angry and hammered Wen Yang's shoulder, saying: "Stinky boy, a man can't be like a mother-in-law."

Wen Yang obediently put on a smiling face, comforting himself was also comforting Gao Shuai: "That's right, anyway, you will spend many years together in the future, and it's not bad to separate occasionally to enhance your relationship."

The three words "many years" echoed in my ears, and Gao Shuai's heart was tightly gripped again.

On the computer screen, Wen Xue smiled brightly, causing Gao Shuai to twitch his lips.

"Yangyang, there is something I have to tell you." Gao Shuai stared obsessively at the smiling Wen Xue, and whispered.

"Brother, tell me, I'm listening." Wen Yang looked expectant after his worries dissipated.

In the shopping mall, Na Lan and Nan Xin were standing in front of the window of the men's clothing store with shopping bags in their hands.

"How about this coat? Cousin should be able to wear it?" Na Lan asked Nan Xin, pointing to the clothes on the model.

"It's pretty, but it's not suitable for my cousin." Nan Xin's tone was flat, and she didn't seem to be as interested as Na Lan.

"Why? Is my cousin fat?"

Nan Xin took Na Lan's arm and dragged her away from the window, and said as she walked, "People in the mountains have to work a lot, so it's inconvenient to wear such a long coat."

Na Lan, who grew up in the city, naturally didn't understand life in the mountains. Since Nan Xin said so, she no longer insisted.

"Lan'er, are you sure you can go back with me? Don't several of your artists want to attend the New Year's Eve party?"

Na Lan is very busy, and her work has no distinction between holidays, Nan Xin has no plan to let her accompany her home.However, when Na Lan heard that Nan Xin was going home for the New Year, she insisted on going back together, and promised to arrange work so that Nan Xin would not worry.

Even so, Nan Xin was still not completely relieved.

"Don't worry, I've made all the arrangements. They all have their own managers with them, and nothing will happen. Besides, let's go back on New Year's Eve, and I'll be back on the second day of junior high school. There will be no delay in two or three days."

Seeing Na Lan's relaxed appearance, Nan Xin finally felt relieved.

"Let's go, let's go to the store in front. It's for leisure and sports, which is suitable for my cousin."

Nalan doesn't like shopping, she only goes to the few shops she frequents when she buys clothes, and she always leaves after shopping, and never spends more than a minute shopping.But she was very energetic for shopping today, no wonder, this was the first time she went home with Nan Xin for the Spring Festival.

As the Spring Festival approached, there were not many diners in Chenxi Mi Lane. Mother Wen and Uncle were thinking about Gao Shuai and Wen Yang upstairs, closed the door early, and went upstairs with the prepared lunch.

On the floor of the living room are piles of things brought by Gao Shuai. The number of things surprised Wen's mother and uncle who had just entered the door.

"What is this?" Mother Wen asked Uncle.

"Xiaoshuai probably bought it. There are still two packs downstairs, and he told us to take it to the mountains." Uncle replied.

"This child, why do you buy so many things!" Mother Wen said softly.

"Yes." The uncle agreed and put the lunch box on the table, and then shouted towards Wen Yang's room: "Xiaoshuai, Yangyang, come out to eat."

As soon as he came out of the room, he smelled the aroma of the food. Shuai Gao rubbed his stomach and couldn't help sighing: "Wow, this smells so delicious, I suddenly feel very hungry."

"It's really time to be hungry. It's almost a little late. I should call you to eat earlier." Mama Wen was still loving.

Wen Yang sat listlessly beside Gao Shuai, with his head down, neither eating nor speaking.

"Yangyang, why don't you eat?" Uncle immediately noticed Wen Yang's abnormality and asked worriedly.

Wen Yang didn't answer or move, as if he didn't hear.

"Stinky boy, what kind of moth did you come up with? Hurry up and eat." Mother Wen is not as gentle as her uncle.

Only then did Wen Yang pick up the bowls and chopsticks slowly, but just lowered his head and kept picking rice into his mouth.

Gao Shuai was worried that his mother and uncle would see something strange, so he hurriedly picked up some dishes with serving chopsticks and put them into Wen Yang's bowl, and said softly, "Yangyang, eat some food."

This special concern did not have a soothing effect but had the opposite effect. Wen Yang stared blankly at the vegetables in the bowl for a few seconds and then burst into tears.At this time, even Gao Shuai was helpless, and Wen's mother and uncle were taken aback.

"Yangyang, what's the matter with you?" Mother Wen's tone was no longer so severe.

Wen Yang put the dish into his mouth, chewed while crying, and said vaguely: "It's delicious, it's so delicious, woohoo, it's really delicious."

False alarm, worry no more, mother Wen and uncle were amused by the funny Wen Yang, only Gao Shuai knew that Wen Yang was really sad.

Na Lan and Nan Xin stuffed the big and small bags into the car, and ended the big purchase perfectly.

"Look, there are too many big and small bags." Nan Xin pointed at the filled car and couldn't help nagging.

"It's been so long since we've been back, why don't we buy more, it's not too much." Na Lan explained with a smile.

"You, me."

The sudden ringtone of an incoming call interrupted Nan Xin's nagging.

Nan Xin, who was staring at the phone screen, changed her face suddenly, and she didn't answer for a long time.

"What's the matter? Who is it?" Na Lan looked at the phone curiously, but stayed where she was like Nan Xin.

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