I got scammed by a famous actor

Chapter 289: Notes with the same content

"It's Na Lan." Zhao Bonian replied.

Su Yuntian bowed his head and whispered: "Sure enough, Dad knows about the relationship between Nanxin and Nalan."

"It seems that you have found a lot of information, so you must already know about Nanxin and Nalan.

The acquaintance of the chairman and Nan Xin was purely accidental, they had never been in love.That year, a few of us were filming a movie together in a mountainous area. The day before we left after filming, the village held a farewell banquet for us. Everyone was very happy and drank a lot.Nan Xin who was in charge of receiving us had a lot of drinks with the chairman...

We left the next day and they haven't been in touch since.Nan Xin...is a very stubborn and independent person. She didn't even tell the chairman about her pregnancy. She was always the one who became pregnant, gave birth, and raised the child. Even if the child got a serious disease later, she never I thought about coming to the chairman.

The child became weaker day by day and endured the torment of the disease every day. Nan Xin tried her best and was exhausted, but she still came to the conclusion that there was nothing she could do.

Even so, Nan Xin was still unwilling to tell the chairman.When all kinds of persuasion failed, Na Lan secretly found the chairman. She believed that the chairman must be able to provide better medical conditions for the child, and he would definitely be able to save the child's life.

The chairman has always felt guilty about what happened back then, and he was even more guilty when he learned that Nanxin had worked hard to raise his daughter. He immediately contacted the best specialist doctors and foreign experts at that time.

That day, the chairman told your mother about the matter, and decided to take her daughter to the hospital for treatment. Your mother couldn't accept it for a while, and thought that the chairman had something to hide, so the two quarreled. "

It turned out to be like this, the original happy home was changed because of these.Finally got the truth he was looking for, but Su Yuntian felt even more sad in his heart.

Su Yuntian asked weakly: "Uncle Zhao, what happened to that girl afterwards? Why did my father send me abroad in such a hurry?"

"That night the kid... left suddenly."

Tears fell quietly, Su Yuntian lowered his head, not wanting to be seen.It's always sad to hear the news of a passing away, let alone a child who didn't get to see the world.

Zhao Bonian patted Su Yuntian's arm lightly, and continued: "The sudden death of the child made the chairman deeply saddened and guilty. He attributed all his faults to his impulsiveness back then. He believed that he had harmed Nan Xin also harmed the child.

The chairman locked himself in the room without eating or drinking or seeing anyone. He had passed out when I broke the door and entered.

When the chairman was still deeply sad, your mother fell into depression because of this incident.The chairman knows that none of them can take care of you, so he decided to send you abroad.

When he lost a child back then, the chairman cherished you and Yunxi even more, but the methods were too extreme and selfish.Therefore, he regretted it all these years.He told me that we should not send you abroad so early, and let you face the strange world alone when you are young. You should not be indifferent to Yunxi, blindly demanding, blindly controlling. "

Su Yuntian quickly wiped away tears, looked up at Zhao Bonian, and asked: "Uncle Zhao, Wen Xue...she really..."

"That's right, she is your sister." Zhao Bonian replied with great certainty.

Su Yuntian opened his mouth but couldn't make a sound, how could Wen Xue be his sister, how could it be possible?What about Yunxi?what should they do
Zhao Bonian knew Su Yuntian was worried, but he had no choice.

"Yuntian, I know you are very worried about Yunxi, and the chairman is also very worried, but... he and Wen Xue must not continue.

I came to Wen Xue today to tell her that going on would only cause more harm, but she...she couldn't listen at all. "

Zhao Bonian sighed heavily, looking helpless.

Su Yuntian was finally able to make a sound and asked, "When did Wen Xue know about it?"

"It's been a few days, and the chairman went to her house to explain the situation in person, but she didn't believe it at all, and she was still with Yunxi."

"That is to say, Yunxi... still doesn't know about it." Su Yuntian asked.

Zhao Bonian nodded, and replied: "Yes. I went to find Yunxi, but he didn't give me a chance to speak at all. I really had no choice but to come to Wen Xue.

Yun Tian, ​​the chairman is still recuperating at home, and I have no other options.Can you talk to Yunxi or Wen Xue, they should still listen to you. "

Su Yuntian didn't say a word, but he knew in his heart that they would not listen to any of them when it comes to matters such as feelings.

Various ingredients and tools for making cakes are placed on the stove in Wen Xue's kitchen, and the cake liquid in the oven is slowly solidifying.

In the study, Wen Xue, who was standing by the bookshelf, silently looked at the books in her hands and shed tears. The mobile phone on the bookshelf kept ringing, but she didn't think she heard it.

She holds a book in each hand, her left hand is her favorite novel, and her right hand is Gao Shuai's favorite film and television novel.

The covers of the two books are one dark and the other light, and the content is also sad and happy, so two completely different books each contain a note with the same content.

One was written by Wen Xue, and the other was written by Gao Shuai. It contained a list of dreams that Wen Xue wanted to realize. The only difference was that the one written by Gao Shuai had many ticks.

The snail is Wen Xue’s dream, RV travel is Wen Xue’s dream, outdoor cinema is Wen Xue’s dream, seaside walking is Wen Xue’s dream, and outdoor barbecue is Wen Xue’s dream...

Wen Xue tried her best to recall every second she spent with Gao Shuai, deeply imprinted them in her memory, and carefully collected them.They will support her to continue living, and will be the only warmth and happiness in her future life.

"Ding ~"

The oven reminded that the work had been completed, Wen Xue sniffed, and put the two books back in place.

In the bathroom, ice water splashed on the face, washed away the tears, took away the temperature, and awakened Wen Xue who was immersed in memories.

After simple cleaning, Wen Xue began to practice smiling in the mirror until the facial muscles were completely relaxed. After confirming that there were no traces of crying, she returned to the kitchen.

At this moment, Gao Shuai is driving home.He dared to ask Wen Xue, who doesn't like to cook, to make cakes for him by himself, which can be described as audacious.

Uneasy Gao Shuai dialed Wen Xue's number right after the filming was over, but he didn't hear a familiar voice as he wished. He dialed again before departure, but still couldn't get through.

The regretful Gao Shuai couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "You, you, even if Xue'er is very gentle and obedient, you can't get carried away. If you want to eat cake, why don't you go buy it? It's really disgusting, let's see you go back How to beg for mercy."

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