I got scammed by a famous actor

Chapter 275: Wen Xuenu Searches for Nanxin

The car was speeding, but the roar still couldn't cover Wen Xue's hysterical cries, the brakes sounded sharply, and the car stopped at the edge of the mountain depression.

After getting out of the car, Wen Xue staggered towards the edge of the mountain depression, screaming with all her might, "Go to fuck's fate, go to fuck's life experience. You don't want me anymore. Why are you disturbing my new life again? Why. Why? "

As if she had exhausted all her strength, Wen Xue knelt limply on the edge of the mountain, crying and said: "I try my best to accept that I am an orphan, I try my best not to be entangled in my life experience, I try my best to live my life well." Life. But why. Why can't I just live a good life? Why gave birth to me and abandoned me? Why did you make me suffer? What kind of shit life is this, bastard"

Wen Xue lay limp on the ground crying heartbreakingly, crying out all the unwillingness and grievance in her heart, the sound of crying echoed in the mountain depression for a long time.
When she was three years old, the dean's mother held a picture book with various beautiful patterns and told stories to the children. That was the first time Wen Xue knew that there were people called mom and dad in this world.

The little boy in the story is very naughty and always gets into trouble, but he is always tolerated by his gentle mother, and the man called father always appears to protect his mother and the little boy in critical moments.

When she was five years old, Wen Xue's best friend was taken away by a pair of young men and women. She cried and asked the dean's mother to save her friend, but the dean's mother smiled and said to the weeping Wen Xue: "Xiao Xue , we should be happy for her, because she has her own home and parents."

Wen Xue stopped crying, and when she looked at her crying friend again, she was somewhat envious.Although she didn't know what home was, Wen Xue decided that home was a good place because there were father and mother there.

Every time Wen Xue heard a story about her parents, she would ask the dean's mother: "Dean's mother, is the mother in the story the same as you?"

The dean's mother always smiled and rubbed her little head, and replied softly: "It's the same but it's not the same."

Little Wenxue always scratched her head and asked puzzledly: "Mother of the Dean, are they the same or different?"

The dean would gently scratch her little nose, and reply with a smile: "This, we Xiaoxue will naturally understand when we grow up."

The dean was right. Wen Xue was finally no longer bothered by this problem after entering elementary school.

The difference between them is that the mother in the story is the mother of the little boy, only the mother of the little boy, while the dean's mother is the mother of all the children in the orphanage.

What they have in common is that they all love their children.

In fact, there was another question that troubled little Wenxue when she was a child, that is: where are her parents?
Little Wenxue has always dreamed that one day she will have her own home and her own parents.However, as Wen Xue grew up, she became more and more aware that those longings were just longings.

When she left the orphanage to go to college, the dean's mother put a beautiful silver bracelet on her wrist and told her that it was left for her by her mother.

That was the first time Wen Xue heard the dean's mother mention her own mother, the mother that belonged only to her Wen Xue.

At that time, she smiled and expressed her gratitude to the dean's mother, but she burst into tears when she turned around.

It turned out that she also had a mother, and her mother left a gift for her.Since then, that bracelet has become something more important than her life, the only link between her and her mother.

During college, Wen Xue has been doing one thing, which is to find the mother who abandoned her but left her a gift.Unfortunately, nothing was gained.

It is very difficult to find a familiar person in the vast crowd, but Wen Xue knows little about the person she is looking for.

Countless disappointments accumulated into despair. When she was about to collapse, someone said to her: "Everyone can't choose their own birth, but every life must be respected. This respect not only comes from others, but also comes from Self. In this world, there are many puzzles, but only a few can be solved. We must go all out and know how to let go at the right time. Respect yourself, move forward positively, and live up to this life.”

Nan Xin's words were to encourage Wen Xue to persevere in creation and actively face bottlenecks, but they unexpectedly untied Wen Xue's knots in her heart, so that she would no longer be entangled in her own life experience.

From then on, Nan Xin was no longer just a teacher who taught her writing in Wen Xue's heart.

In the front hall of Shuo Nan Network Company, a figure appeared. The front desk staff had just got up, and the smiling expression was not finished yet, the figure had already entered the office area.

The front desk staff has never seen Wen Xue in such a hurry, and she always smiles and says hello every time she visits.

Nan Xin was working when the door of the office was suddenly opened.Nan Xin raised her head, her displeasure was written all over her face, she was obviously very dissatisfied with the trespassing behavior.However, when she saw who was coming, she immediately put on a completely different happy expression.

"Xiaoxue? Why are you here?" Nan Xin immediately got up and greeted Wen Xue who broke in with a smile.

Wen Xue went straight to the desk, and slapped the letter tightly in her hand on the desk.

"Editor Nan, I need you to give me a reasonable explanation." Wen Xue's tone was cold and emotional.

This is the first time Nan Xin has seen such an angry Wen Xue. She frowned and looked at the letter that was slapped on the table by Wen Xin, and asked puzzledly: "Xiaoxue, what do you mean?"

Wen Xue pushed the letter in front of Nan Xin, and said emphatically: "This is the letter written to me by the mother who abandoned me. In the letter, she said that my name is Nan Meng, Nan from the south."

"Nan Meng? Your...name is Nan Meng?" Nan Xin asked in disbelief.

At this moment, in Wen Xue's eyes, Nan Xin's acting skills are comparable to the actress.

Wen Xue was so cold that she looked at Nan Xin silently, so Nan Xin quickly picked up the letter to check:
"Daughter, I am the cruel mother who abandoned you, maybe I can't be called a mother, because a real mother will never abandon her child.

You don't have to try to find me, an irresponsible person, let alone worry about the so-called life experience.

Your life is very simple,
Your biological mother, surnamed Nan, is an ordinary person who has no courage to fight for happiness.Although it gave you life, it never left a trace in your life, never gave you a trace of warmth, and will not have any impact on your life in the future.

As for your biological father, an ordinary person, a person who is not worthy of your knowledge, he does not need to appear in your life at all, and you do not need to be curious at all.

When you were born, I named you Nanmeng, but this is just my selfish wishful thinking, you don't have to care about it at all, you can call you any name you like.

When you read this letter, you should already be a big girl, and you must have your own home and family.

Although I have no position to say this, I still hope that you can live a good life and don't waste your energy for unworthy people and meaningless past. Your current home and family are your happiness.

The purpose of my writing this letter is to tell you, don't look for it, don't have to entangle it. We chose to abandon it back then and never thought of being found by you. "

Nan Xin asked in shock, "This is?"

Wen Xue wiped away her tears, and replied coldly: "It was given to me by the dean's mother, and it was left to me by the person who abandoned me."

"Editor Nan, who are you?" Wen Xue asked word by word.

"Xiaoxue, listen to me..." Nan Xin stepped forward and took Wen Xue's arm, and said anxiously.

Wen Xue took a step back, pulled away the arm held by Nan Xin, and asked with tears: "The noble person in my life, Teacher Nan who trained me to write, and Editor-in-Chief Nan who helped me publish and adapt books, who are you... ?”

Wen Xue's emotions became more and more agitated, and her voice became louder and louder: "For so many years, you have been by my side, in another capacity. It made me think that there are really so-called noble people in this world, really There will be people who don't care about everything and treat me well. In the end, all of this is a lie, and everything is just your self-redemption to alleviate your guilt."

Wen Xue grabbed Nan Xin's shoulders excitedly, and asked loudly, "Why are you so cruel? Why did you show up again? And why did you let me know all this?"

Wen Xue released Nan Xin, gritted her teeth and said, "You are right, you are an irresponsible person, and you really are not worth being found."

After finishing speaking, Wen Xue left the editor-in-chief's office quickly, Nan Xin just stretched out her hand, she didn't have the strength to take a step at all, so she could only say sorry softly.

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