Just as Gao Shuai was racking his brains to think of countermeasures, the phone rang suddenly.

"Kun'er, why did you call?"

Normally, as long as Gao Shuai was filming on the set, Cheng Jingshen would not take the initiative to call, no wonder Gao Shuai was so surprised.

"There are more and more people paying attention, are you sure it's all right?"

Last night, Gao Shuai's relaxed tone made Cheng Jingshen mistakenly think that this matter will dissipate on its own like before.

Unexpectedly, new information broke out on the Internet early this morning, Cheng Jingshen realized that things were not that simple, and immediately called Gao Shuai who was filming.

For Cheng Jinshen, Gao Shuai has no need to pretend.

He was a little frustrated, sighed, and said, "I underestimated the enemy, I didn't expect them to play this trick."

Hearing what Gao Shuai said, Cheng Jingshen became even more worried: "The key issue now is not the few photos they posted. They are obviously trying to guide them on purpose. I am very worried."

Not wanting to worry Cheng Jingshen, Gao Shuai calmly explained: "Don't worry, he won't. I think he just wanted to give me a warning. The current situation is enough for me to work on. Now that the goal has been achieved, he temporarily There will be no new moves."

Cheng Jingshen's worry was not weakened by Gao Shuai's optimistic analysis, and asked: "You can't let it go like this every time, have you thought about a countermeasure?"

Gao Shuai was a little discouraged, and his tone was slightly low: "There is no good countermeasure yet." Soon, he changed his firm tone and continued: "However, no matter how much he tosses, he will not let me waver."

"I think you still have to think about the countermeasures. However, the most important thing now is to solve the problem in front of you. Does Sister Lan have a solution?"

"I made a deal with Sister Lan, and I can solve it myself."

"Yourself?" Cheng Jingshen really couldn't believe that the troublemaker could solve the trouble.

In fact, Gao Shuai has no idea, not because the matter is difficult to solve, but what he is most worried about is how to get rid of his "rumored girlfriend".

"The matter is not difficult to solve. My rumored girlfriend is the girl who drove us that night."

"It's her? Why didn't I recognize it?"

It was normal for Cheng Jingshen not to remember that there was almost no communication, and it was at night.

"Well, it's her."

"In this case, wouldn't it be easy to solve? Then what are you worried about?" Cheng Jinshen was very excited.

Gao Shuai sighed again and again, and explained helplessly: "Oh, the difficult thing is that my driver resigned me that night, and I have been harassing her recently. Don't ask her for help, she will be kind if she doesn't fall into trouble .”

The only way to survive is blocked by his own hands, which is really not enough.

Although Cheng Jingshen was worried, he still couldn't help teasing: "You have really planted a good mine for yourself. I have persuaded you to restrain yourself a long time ago. Now, let's play with fire and set ourselves on fire, right?"

The cause that is sown by one's own hands can only bear the fruit by one's own hands.

Gao Shuai, who knew he was wrong, could only be scolded honestly, smiling bitterly silently.

After hanging up the phone, Gao Shuai silently flipped through the message sent to Wen Xue, the more he looked at it, the more he felt the chance was slim.

How could Wen Xue, who had blacklisted him countless times, help him? He really deserved it!
The chances are slim, but there is no other way out.

Gao Shuai had no choice but to dial that familiar phone number again.

Coming out of Shuo Nan, Wen Xue walked slowly on the street alone.

The problem was solved, but Wen Xue's mood was still heavy. She couldn't explain the reason, but she couldn't be happy anyway.

In the noisy environment, what Wen Xue felt was loneliness and helplessness.

This feeling is not accidental. Wen Xue, who has almost zero communication, often feels this way. However, recently, she has been busy dealing with the harassment of flower peacocks, and has no time or energy to feel such loneliness.

Wen Xue sat on a bench by the side of the road, and found out Na Lan's number from her mobile phone.

Since there is no better way, it cannot continue to delay.

The finger still touched the phone, and the phone rang suddenly.

Wen Xue was taken aback, calmed down slightly and looked at the screen of the phone, which showed "Damn No. 3".

This damn coincidence, Wen Xue really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Strangely, Wen Xue was suddenly less resistant to Hua Peacock's harassment, and pressed the answer button for the first time.

Gao Shuai didn't have much hope at first, but he got the result he wanted most.

This was the first time Wen Xue answered his call, and he was a little excited.

Without hope there is no disappointment, and windfalls always bring great joy.

Although she chose to answer, Wen Xue didn't plan to speak first, but she wanted to see what kind of harm this flower peacock would do.

Strangely, Gao Shuai also did not speak.

They were so inexplicably silent for a while.

"Are you finally willing to answer my call?" Gao Shuai spoke first.

"Are you finished? How can you stop your childish behavior?"

Compared with Gao Shuai's calmness, Wen Xue seemed less calm, and she couldn't figure out why, as long as it was related to Gao Shuai, she couldn't keep absolute calm.

Wen Xue's tone was obviously contradictory, which made the arrogant Gao Shuai lose confidence in an instant. In desperation, he had to adopt a roundabout strategy.

"I'm calling to sincerely apologize to you. Some time ago, I was too anxious and ignored your feelings, so I promise I won't call you casually in the future, and I won't always send messages."

Happiness comes so suddenly that it is easy to doubt its authenticity.

Wen Xue was a little confused, and subconsciously asked: "Are you sure?"

"Of course." Gao Shuai replied firmly.

Wen Xue was dubious, and worried that Gao Shuai would go back on his word, so he hurriedly said: "If you can correct it in time, then I will forcefully forgive you. I have two requests: first, delete my number immediately; second, there will be no contact in the future Necessary, even if we may meet again, we will be strangers, and there is no need to mention this experience."

Gao Shuai's disappointed expression really looks like a flower peacock that has lost its luster.The word "stranger" stung him. He seemed to be fearless, but he was actually most afraid of ignorance and strangeness.

After entanglement for so long, finally the dust settled, Wen Xue should be happy.

Now that it's all over, the call should end here too.

Just as he was about to hang up the phone, Gao Shuai spoke again. Anyway, this was the last call, so Wen Nuan listened patiently.

"We can be in any other relationship, except that we can no longer be strangers. As I said, our fate is still long. I decided to re-employ you and invite you to continue to be my driver with [-]% sincerity."


Wen Xue was shocked by this sudden reversal. It seemed that she was cheated by Peacock again.

Before Wen Xue could answer, Gao Shuai spoke again: "Why are you so surprised? I didn't agree with you to leave the job. It stands to reason that you are still my driver now."

Wen Xue sighed that she was too kind to believe that the hateful flower peacock would suddenly become better.This is just his devious strategy, and his ultimate goal is to amuse her.

"Are you sick? I told you that I resigned from you. Also, I will never be your driver again. Just give up."

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