I got scammed by a famous actor

Chapter 206: The Savior

The bottom of the well is cold, and the space is not large, but fortunately, it can accommodate an adult to move freely.

After quickly observing the surroundings, Master Wang began to search, but he searched the entire bottom of the well, but he still couldn't find Su Yunxi.

Even a well-trained person would be a little flustered in the face of such a situation. Master Wang stood still in the middle of the well. The cold water of the well wrapped his feet and legs, and the chill slowly climbed up.He furrowed his brows deeply, and his expression was unusually solemn. At the bottom of this cold well, beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

In addition to being worried, he was also very apprehensive. He didn't know whether he should breathe a sigh of relief or worry more about the result.

If Su Yunxi was not at the bottom of the well, at least the risk of him drowning could be ruled out.However, Aunt Wang clearly said that Su Yunxi fell into the well, and Master Wang believed that she would never lie.Then how to explain the current situation, is she wrong?
Master Wang denied his idea.Aunt Wang is a very conscientious and careful person, especially when it comes to taking care of Su Yunxi, she is absolutely dedicated, careful in everything, and takes care of everything. It is absolutely impossible for her to misread such a big matter.

Trying to suppress the worries in his heart, Master Wang once again raised the flashlight of his mobile phone to start the second search.

This time, instead of groping underwater, he searched carefully along the well wall.

Seeing that the search was about to be completed, but still found nothing, Master Wang also began to become anxious.

In desperation, a turning point was finally ushered in. Master Wang found a big gap in the wall of a well, and immediately went to check it.

Due to the dim light at the bottom of the well, the reflection of the water surface, and the same moss growing in the gap as on the wall of the well, Master Wang did not find a gap here during the first search.

In fact, the gap is not small, it is as much as ten centimeters above the water surface, and the width is even wider.

Master Wang held the flashlight of the mobile phone on the edge of the gap, and the moment the light entered the inside of the gap, he saw Su Yunxi's pale face at a glance. He closed his eyes tightly and remained motionless.

Fortunately, Su Yunxi did not drown in the water, but lay reclined deep in the gap, and the depth of the well water only reached his neck.Although this state does not guarantee that he is safe, at least it is much better than drowning in water.

Master Wang was overjoyed, and immediately tried to pull Su Yunxi out of the gap.He took off the cotton jacket, tied it around his neck, bit the phone in his mouth again, bent slightly, and slowly inserted into the gap while holding the wall of the well with one hand and the other.

Fortunately, the gap was not too deep, and he could easily touch Su Yunxi's arm.After grasping it firmly, Master Wang pulled it carefully, but Su Yunxi did not move, and at the same time, Master Wang also felt resistance.He tried to increase the intensity, but it still didn't work.It seems that Su Yunxi was stuck in the gap.

Master Wang didn't dare to continue to work harder, he was worried that it would hurt Su Yunxi, so he had to give up temporarily.

The fastest and best way is for him to get into the water and hug Su Yunxi out, but if that happens, the only coat that can keep Su Yunxi warm will get wet, and Su Yunxi, who is soaked all over while waiting for rescue, still needs to endure the cold , which will do him more harm.

This way does not work, Master Wang can only find another way.

Master Wang lay on the edge of the gap again, carefully observing the situation inside the gap, and quickly thinking about how to deal with it.

After a moment, he bent down to try again.

This time, he didn't pull Su Yunxi's arm again, but grabbed one of his shoulders, and didn't pull it hard, but pushed Su Yunxi's other shoulder with appropriate strength.Su Yunxi finally moved, and his body began to slide slowly to the bottom of the water.

Master Wang took the opportunity to grab his shoulders tightly, tested his strength, and after confirming that there was no resistance, he quickly increased his strength to pull Su Yunxi out of the gap.

Master Wang half squatted in the water, let Su Yunxi lie on his lap, checked Su Yunxi's breathing for the first time, and he let out a long sigh of relief after finding that he was breathing normally.Before he could be happy, he quickly checked Su Yunxi's injuries, and found a large lump on the right side of his forehead and scratches on his cheeks.

Fortunately, the injury is not serious, which is good news.

Master Wang quickly took off Su Yunxi's cotton coat, wrapped him tightly with his own coat, and carefully carried him on his shoulders to keep him away from the water.

After doing all this, Master Wang felt relieved. He took out his mobile phone and wanted to call Aunt Wang, but found that the mobile phone had no signal at all.

After sighing helplessly, he turned his head slightly to look at Su Yunxi lying on his back, slightly twitched the corners of his mouth, and looked up towards the direction of the mouth of the well.He has done everything he can, and he knows that he can't take Su Yunxi up, so he can only wait patiently for the rescuers.

Soon after the rescue team arrived at the scene, Su Guohui and Zhao Bonian also rushed over.

Seeing Su Guohui approaching, Gao Jin, who was originally desperate and powerless, immediately had hope in his eyes. He held Su Guohui's arm tightly, crying and begging: "Guohui, please save Yunxi quickly, please save him quickly. I beg you."

Su Guohui, the head of Yunhui Group who has always been calm, did not show obvious panic, but he still couldn't hide his inner worries.

Su Guohui gently pulled Gao Jin into his arms, and said softly, "Jin'er, don't worry or be afraid. I'm here, and I will definitely save our son. Tell me slowly, what's going on, Yun Xi how is he?"

Gao Jin lay in Su Guohui's arms, weeping sadly and replied: "Yunxi fell into the well, and Master Wang has already gone down, but until now, there is no response."

Su Guohui patted Gao Jin's back and comforted him: "Don't worry, the rescue team is already trying to rescue him, and Master Wang is a veteran, so he must have a way to save Yunxi."

Gao Jin suddenly broke away from Su Guohui's arm, pointed angrily at Aunt Wang who was standing aside and anxiously looking in the direction of the mouth of the well, and scolded sharply while crying: "It's all her fault, if you insist on taking Yunxi out to play, it's not good Take care, I didn’t even see the mouth of such a big well, and let Yunxi fall, it’s all her fault.”

When Aunt Wang heard Gao Jin's accusation, she immediately lowered her head and apologized in a low voice: "Chairman Dong, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm right"

Su Guohui looked at Aunt Wang, who had disheveled hair, pale complexion, and shaking like chaff, and didn't intend to blame her.Su Guohui understood Aunt Wang's intentions for Su Yunxi, and knew that she could not be blamed for this matter, not to mention that the matter had come to this point, and there was no use blaming her.

Su Guohui lightly supported Gao Jin's shoulder, and comforted him softly: "Okay, Jin'er. Now is not the time to pursue responsibility. The most important thing now is to rescue Yunxi as soon as possible."

The rescue team reported the situation to the rescue team leader: "Captain, it is currently impossible to predict the depth of the well, nor can we know the situation of the people trapped in the well. We only know that the diameter of the well mouth can accommodate an adult to pass through, but the diameter of the well cannot be judged."

The rescue captain frowned slightly, his eyes were determined, and after thinking for a while, he decisively issued an order: "Go down to the well to rescue immediately."

After the rescue team tied the rope, they were ready to go down the well. The captain gave an order, and the rescue rope was lowered slowly, and the rescuers gradually disappeared at the mouth of the well.

The temperature in the well dropped gradually, and Master Wang, who was dressed thinly, was shivering slightly due to being soaked in the well water for a long time.The arm holding Su Yunxi was sore and trembling slightly due to the prolonged lifting.

Master Wang raised his head and stared at the direction of the wellhead intently, looking forward to the arrival of rescuers. He was worried that too long a delay would cause irreversible damage to Su Yunxi.When the bright figure appeared in sight, he finally pulled his blue lips, showing a smile full of expectation.

After the rescuers found Master Wang at the bottom of the well, they asked loudly, "How are you? Are you injured?"

Master Wang shook his head with difficulty, opened his mouth but did not make a sound, paused for a moment and spoke again, but his voice was low and hoarse: "Leave me alone, send the child up first."

Only then did the rescuers see Su Yunxi lying on Master Wang's shoulder, and immediately asked, "How is the child? Where is the injury? Are you conscious?"

"My child. He was probably injured and passed out when he fell down, and his breathing is normal." Master Wang tried his best to adapt to the stiff lips and tongue, trying to bite every word clearly.

The rescuer replied: "Okay, then give me the child quickly."

Since the inner diameter of the well can only accommodate an adult standing, the rescuers are always in a suspended state, and Master Wang is always in a state of raising his head.

Master Wang explained: "My body is a little stiff, and I can't use my arms. Please go down a little and pick up the child."

The rescuers slowly descended to a suitable height, gently took Su Yunxi from Master Wang and put it on their shoulders, and said to Master Wang: "Wait a moment, I will give the child to you first, and then Come pick you up again."

"You don't need to come down, just put the rope down. I am a veteran, and I know how to tie the rope." Master Wang said quickly.

"it is good."

After the rescuers agreed, they pulled the ascending mechanism and took Su Yunxi away from the bottom of the well slowly.

Master Wang finally heaved a sigh of relief. He raised his head and watched them disappear into the darkness, then fell powerlessly to the bottom of the well.

As soon as Su Yunxi was brought to the ground by rescuers, the waiting medical staff put him into the ambulance.

The team members who went down to the mine to rescue summarized the underground situation to the captain: "Captain, there is another adult male trapped in the mine. He said that he would tie a fire rope and let the rope go down for rescue."

"How's his condition? Is he injured?" the captain calmly confirmed.

The team member replied: "No injury, but looks tired, seems to have frostbite. But he said he is a veteran."

The captain immediately issued an order: "Let the rope go for rescue."

The rope descended slowly and stopped after reaching the predicted length, but there was no response from the underground.

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