"Tell grandma honestly, have you not eaten well during this time? You have lost weight." Mrs. Luo said so many words just after waking up, and fell asleep again after a while.

When the family members received the news from Luo Yuning, they were also completely relieved.

Li Yunrong was also relieved. Although she had been taking care of Luo Yutong this month, she did not forget to visit Mrs. Luo.Luo Yutong injured his brain and lost his memory, and Li Yunrong couldn't do anything about it. What's the truth about this matter?
She didn't dare to think about it.Because I still don't want to believe that the child I brought up will be such a ruthless person.

"Mom, do you have something to do?" Luo Yutong could see that Li Yunrong was not in the mood, she was thinking about something, and she frowned, it was obvious that things were still difficult.

Although Li Yunrong was sitting next to Luo Yutong, she was thinking about how to explain in order to keep Luo Yutong.


"Tongtong, are you awake?"

"Are you hungry? Mom brought me something to eat. Eat some first." Li Yunrong heard Luo Yutong call herself, stood up subconsciously, asked her if she was hungry, and then began to pass the things she bought to her. Luo Yutong.

Ever since Luo Yutong lost her memory, Li Yunrong has been by her side almost every step of the way. This child is also very clingy to her and cannot leave her at all. This makes Li Yunrong feel that she has found the pride of being a mother in Luo Yutong. feel.

"Mom, I'm not hungry."

Luo Yutong who was lying on the hospital bed looked very pitiful, her head was covered with gauze, and her complexion was also snow white. It might be scary to go out in the middle of the night.

Luo Yutong struggled to sit up. For some reason, she felt that Li Yunrong, the so-called mother, was weird recently. When she was sick, shouldn't ordinary families worry about expenses?But looking at her, she didn't seem worried at all.

On the contrary, she always had a frowning look on her face every day, which made her a little unaccustomed to it. What's more, she felt that Li Yunrong looked at her with conflicted eyes. She didn't know what she was thinking, and she felt as if she was about to abandon herself.

"Mom, you won't leave me behind, right?" Luo Yutong thought so in her heart, she realized that she had already said the words, she looked at Li Yunrong pitifully, that pitiful look was even more exciting It aroused Li Yunrong's desire to protect.

Li Yunrong's heart moved, as before, as long as Luo Yutong showed a weak appearance, Li Yunrong would go to comfort her. Tried and tested repeatedly, Luo Yutong had already pinched Li Yunrong to death.

"Tongtong, what are you talking about!" Li Yunrong grimaced, wondering what the hell happened to this child recently, he felt insecure at every turn.

"Mom, I can feel that you are hiding something from me. Did I make it difficult for you?" Li Yunrong looked at Luo Yutong suspiciously, what's wrong with this child?After amnesia, the questions I asked were exactly the same as those I asked at the beginning.

"Tongtong." Li Yunrong looked at the weak girl in front of her, and doubts arose in her heart. Luo Yutong is indeed very sensitive, but the questions she asked herself twice were exactly the same, not to mention that Mrs. Luo was injured this time. She couldn't get rid of her relationship with Luo Yutong, so there was no guarantee that Luo Yutong wasn't pretending to be pitiful to soften her heart.

"Tongtong, tell mom the truth?" Li Yunrong looked at Luo Yutong sternly for the first time, and asked what she thought was right.

"You don't have amnesia, right?" It's not been a day or two for Li Yunrong to ask this question. For so many days, it's not like she didn't feel it. Luo Yutong has been testing herself all the time.

She didn't know what Luo Yutong was looking for, but she did feel that this child was unusual, and this child's mind was indeed deep.


"Mom, what are you talking about?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Luo Yutong avoided looking into Li Yunrong's eyes, obviously feeling guilty.

At first, Li Yunrong naively thought that she was overthinking, and even wronged Luo Yutong. After seeing Luo Yutong's reaction, she suddenly realized that she was the fool for so many years.

"Tong Tong."

"It turns out that you have been lying to me for so many years. You are the one who took advantage of my guilt towards Yu Ning to deprive her of her mother's love, and finally wanted to cure grandma to death."

Li Yunrong wasn't looking at Luo Yutong anymore, this daughter was so strange to her, she didn't know this daughter at all, she really didn't look like her own daughter at all, her daughter couldn't be really vicious.

Luo Yutong never thought that one day her mother who loves her the most would say such things to herself, and she would actually see through her disguise.

Luo Yutong panicked instantly, it wasn't like this, she really didn't want to admit this matter, but under Li Yunrong's eyes that could see almost everything, she gave up sophistry.

"Mom, I'm sorry."

Luo Yutong lowered her head. At this moment, Li Yunrong only thought that Luo Yutong was ashamed, but she didn't know that Luo Yutong was actually brewing her own emotions, and how she could win her sympathy.

In just a few seconds, Luo Yutong raised his head, with a dejected and self-blame expression on his face, tears fell away like he didn't want money.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn't pretend to have amnesia,"

"I, I just don't know how to face you. I was wrong. I shouldn't disobey grandma, and I shouldn't move my mind that shouldn't be moved just because grandma said a few words to me. I was wrong. I didn't mean to , At that time, I just felt that my brain was hot, and I didn't know what I had done, as if my brain was out of my control."

What Luo Yutong said was sincere, and she was telling the truth. At that time, she really hesitated. If her grandma didn't give her a little response, how could she go to the worst extreme.

Li Yunrong's eyes moved for a moment, seeing Luo Yutong's sincere self-criticism, Li Yunrong felt indescribably in her heart, she did something wrong, but she is not a saint, she can do nothing wrong!

"Tongtong, do you know how outrageously wrong you are this time? I have never told you that you were wrong about the things you did wrong before, but now,"

Li Yunrong was hesitating, she didn't know if her words would hurt her, she hesitated for a while, but in the end there was no room left

"You are really intensifying now. You don't dare to hurt grandma now. Is it possible that I will be next?" Li Yunrong couldn't imagine what kind of mentality she would have if one day this child really did something to her.

"Mom, you are really a Holy Mother. You don't even have such patience with your own mother, and you spend so much time with an adopted daughter." Luo Mingxuan walked in during the stalemate between the two, and looked at Luo Mingxuan. When Yutong pretended to be pitiful to win sympathy, he felt sick for a while.

In my heart, I kept rejoicing that my own sister was Luo Yuning. If Luo Yutong was my own sister, he would have strangled her to death with his own hands.

Luo Mingxuan walked up to Luo Yutong step by step.

Looking down at her still looking down, Luo Yutong, who was lying on the bed with constant tears, frowned slightly when she touched Li Yunrong's body with her pretty brows. His mother is really a good mother.

"Luo Yutong, how long do you want to play this kind of trick?" Seeing Luo Yutong like this, he was furious. The victim pretended to be pitiful here, and the victim just woke up. Here I am going to find a way to get Luo Yutong off the hook.

"Mom, the mistake Luo Yutong made this time is impossible for the family to forgive, let alone forgive."

Luo Mingxuan looked at Li Yunrong word by word. After all, she was his mother, and she was good to him all these years. Her mother's heart was very soft, and this woman Luo Yutong took advantage of her mother's weakness and kept going. Use the mother's kindness to satisfy your own selfish desires.

"Brother, it's my fault. I shouldn't hurt grandma. At that time, I felt that I was being controlled by something. What I did was not my original intention. I hesitated at the time, but I really couldn't control my body. "

Luo Mingxuan didn't believe it, and looked at her with unfamiliar eyes. This woman is still sophistrying at this moment, it is really unforgivable.

It was only at this time that Luo Yutong realized that something was wrong. She was really hesitant at the time. Although she didn't like grandma, there was absolutely no harm in wanting to hurt grandma.

She looked at Luo Mingxuan pleadingly, and quickly told Luo Mingxuan how she felt at that time, but the more Luo Yutong talked at this time, it would only make Luo Mingxuan feel that she was still quibbling.

Luo Yuning came to look for Luo Mingxuan, and happened to walk to the door. Hearing this, she involuntarily walked into Luo Yutong's ward; seeing Li Yunrong calling her mother, she walked directly to Luo Yutong's hospital bed.

Luo Yutong looked at Luo Yuning who was walking towards her, feeling a little scared, and subconsciously burrowed into the quilt. The last time she was pinched to the point of suffocation by Luo Yuning, she still remembers it vividly. This kick of my own made me even more afraid. He was afraid to the bone.

"What did you just say? All these things you did were controlled by others. I advise you to answer me after thinking clearly." Luo Yuning couldn't help but think of a person when she heard the word controlled. Those who are sent to hell cannot survive in the world-Ai Rui.

"I, I didn't lie. What I did and said at the time was completely out of control. Although I have some opinions on grandma, I will definitely not have the intention of hurting grandma."

When Luo Yutong was talking, Luo Yuning kept looking into her eyes. When a person is in a panic, the eyes are the least likely to lie. Luo Yuning looked carefully. Luo Yutong didn't look like that. lying.

"Have you been in contact with any strangers recently?" Luo Yuning's words made Luo Mingxuan feel that something was wrong. Although Luo Yutong was a little cautious, with her courage and life-saving degree, she was Absolutely will not do things that kill people.

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