Three days later, a very attractive foreign man in casual clothes came out of the airport, and he saw Luo Yuning with just one glance, because Luo Yuning is always such a different existence;
Luo Yuning was also dressed in casual clothes, and her usual coldness had softened a lot. The moment her eyes met, although it wasn't a glance of ten thousand years, it also contained too many thoughts.

Austin didn't expect that after more than half a year, Luo Yuning would take the initiative to contact him and ask him to come over to see Mrs. Luo. He thought that the parting was the farewell of the two people in this life, even if they lived in each other's heart forever, but There will never be a chance to see you again.

That glance contained too much, and the steps under his feet were as fast as flying. When he approached Luo Yuning, he slowed down. He was afraid of scaring her, "Yu, Yu, Yu Ning, long time no see."

Austin's nervous speech became stuttering, the smile on Luo Yuning's face did not fade, she walked up to him and gave him a gentle hug, "Long time no see, how are you?"

Austin heard that Luo Yuning was caring about herself, no matter how tired she was, her eyes instantly became clearer, "Everything is fine!"

"That's good, let's go, this is not a place to talk;"

When Luo Yuning spoke, Austin naturally would not refuse, "Okay," he pulled his suitcase, and followed Luo Yuning's footsteps to a red car.

There are people coming and going at the airport. Luo Yuning asked for leave today to pick up the plane. Austin is the best medical person among them. All aspects of improvement are extremely high.

"Yuning, how are you doing during this time?" Austin knew that he might not be qualified to ask these questions, but he just couldn't help but want to care about her life, even if he knew she was fine and everything was fine, he still wanted to Listen to her own words.

"I'm fine, and my family treats me very well." Luo Yuning didn't feel that she was doing badly, and she wasn't lying in front of her friends.

"By the way, Austin, this time I came here, I told you in advance that my grandma is not in good health. I don't know why, so I have to ask you."

"Okay, I'll do my best."

Luo Yuning told Austin about the actual situation, and Austin also listened seriously. He has always been 120 points for patients, and he will do his best to do what he decides to do.

Luo Yuning drove directly to the hotel. This hotel was opened by her brother herself. She has a VIP card, so she simply gave it to Austin this time.

The car stopped at the entrance of the hotel. Luo Yuning took Austin into the hotel. The front desk of the hotel knew Luo Yuning, and took Austin to the room with a very friendly attitude. Luo Yuning sat outside for a while, waiting for Austin to come out. Ready to have a meal together.

"Yu Ning, let's go eat"

When Austin came out, he saw Luo Yuning sitting there quietly drinking tea. The tranquility was so beautiful that he didn't want to disturb him, but the waiter had already passed by. Luo Yuning smiled at himself, and he couldn't help but feel To speak is to eat.

"Okay, what would you like to eat?"

Luo Yuning called Austin to come and sit down, and the two discussed what to eat, "I can do whatever is convenient for you." Austin was a gentleman and didn't order food. For him, being able to eat with Luo Yuning was already very pleasant It's not easy, what to eat is not important to him at all.

Luo Yuning has the temperament of Austin, he is usually not very picky, but now he is more silent than before.

"Then let's go, I'll take you to eat shrimp." Luo Yuning saw that the result of asking was the same as not asking, she simply decided to take Austin to eat crayfish, that tastes good, and his brother Luo Mingxuan would take her from time to time In the past, she thought it tasted good.

"Okay," Austin stood up with a smile, and left the hotel one after the other with Luo Yuning;
"This restaurant tastes good, you can try it, if you like it, you can come here often."

The proprietress was already familiar with Luo Yuning, because Luo Mingxuan and Luo Yuning came here every time, the proprietress thought it was the same this time, and asked with a smile, "Come here, is it still the same this time?"

Luo Yuning nodded, and looked back at Austin, "What else do you want to eat? You can order some yourself, I'll go to the bathroom first."

Austin glanced at the so-called old look in the mouth of the proprietress, and felt that the portion was enough for two people, so he ordered two more glasses of lemonade and found a seat by the window;

Looking up, the traffic is busy and the bustling streets make him feel that this city is very warm, more because there is a girl named Luo Yuning in this place, and a place with her is very good.

"Why are you sitting here?" After Luo Yuning came back, she sat opposite him. She thought Austin would sit in the inner seat, but she didn't expect him to find a very conspicuous place, and she could see it as soon as she came out.

"This place is very good. You can look at the scenery outside." This situation reminded Austin of a sentence. You stand still and look at the scenery, but you don't know that there are still people looking at the scenery elsewhere, and you are not in the eyes of others. landscape.

"I see. This is the first time I've come here. I'll take you for a walk in two days." The two of them didn't feel at odds with each other. They were people who could give their lives to each other. How could they care about the constraints of red tape? .

"it is good."

"Tomorrow, take me to see the old man's house, so I can prepare in advance."

Austin has not forgotten what his original intention of coming here is, and he has not forgotten that Luo Yuning has a weakness now, and he will definitely do his best to help her,
"it is good."

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