Time flies, and with a flick of a finger, another seven years have passed. I don't know how Luo Yuning got here, how many missions she took on, and how many people she killed. I only know that her small treasury has already bulged that's it.

Over the past few years, the Luo family's business has grown bigger and bigger, and the only thing they insist on is never giving up on the search for her daughter who has been missing for many years;
It gives people the illusion that Luo Yutong's existence is like a joke. No matter how hard she tries, she still can't replace Luo Yuning. The Luo family sees her cuteness and obedience, but she has no blood relationship with them after all. No matter how good you are to her, you can only do your best...

And Luo Yutong knew from a young age that in this family, she could only get everything she wanted if she kept currying favor and being good-looking.

Luo Zhenting's adoptive father had a very complicated attitude towards her, he wanted to love her but didn't dare to love her, probably because he was afraid of being sorry for his own daughter, and the only adoptive mother in this family, Li Yunrong, was sincere to her.

On this day, Li Yunrong was teaching Luo Yutong to play the violin. Looking at the girl in her early twenties in front of her, she was clearly not her own. He poured it all on her, even if he knew it, it was just the husband's helpless way of wanting to cure his illness.

"Mom, look, how did I play just now?" After Luo Yutong finished playing the piano, seeing Li Yunrong's absent-minded appearance, he deliberately called out to bring her back to her thoughts.

Li Yunrong was startled by the mother's voice, and reflexively responded cheerfully;
Looking back, she saw that it was Luo Yutong who was calling her, and the light that had just appeared in Li Yunrong's eyes disappeared instantly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing Luo Yutong looking at her expectantly, Li Yunrong chuckled, hurriedly withdrew her thoughts, raised her hand to stroke the hair that didn't exist by her ear, then looked up at her again and said; "Tong Tong It's already great, almost catching up with my mother, it's no wonder that I trained it."

As she said that, Li Yunrong reached out and hugged Luo Yutong. She knew that the child was very sensitive, and her actions just now might make her think wildly, so she hugged her to comfort her.

The family members were not particularly friendly to her, more often they rejected her, but they never treated her harshly in life.Li Yunrong sighed and said: "Tongtong, you don't have to be so sensitive, you don't have to do your best in everything, you know, from the first time you called me mother, I have already regarded you as my own daughter .”

He caressed Luo Yutong's shoulder, and comforted her silently again. Once again, she really missed her child who was born in October.

In front of Li Yunrong, no matter how much Luo Yutong pretended to be mature, her anxious expression and subtle movements would only make Li Yunrong feel more distressed.

Biting her lip, she sniffed, and twitched into Li Yunrong's arms and replied, "I know, mom, I, I'm just afraid, afraid that one day you won't want me."

As Luo Yutong spoke, tears came out, like a frightened child, that pitiful appearance once again hurt Li Yunrong's heart, she gently stroked Luo Yutong's thin back, Time can't stop the tears from falling.

"Tongtong, don't worry, you will always be mother's child, and mother will never want you." Li Yunrong only cared about comforting Luo Yutong who was crying, but did not see Luo Yutong's hang up after getting her guarantee. The face full of tears showed that bright smile, which looked extremely funny.

On this side, the mother is kind and the son is filial, while the other side is eerie and terrifying. The mountains are majestic, but the land under their feet is full of corpses. Their bodies are stained with scarlet blood, standing in this gloomy purgatory. , endless skeletons are floating, every cell is clamoring to kill.

Under the gloomy and dark sky, a blood-stained woman can be seen that her body has reached its limit, and now she is just holding on to her breath with perseverance.

In front of him was the same person covered in blood, but his appearance was a little worse. "Why did you choose to betray? Why did you betray us? Because of you, he is gone. I want you to experience the feeling of losing your life."

After the words fell, he raised the knife and dropped it, only to hear the mother voice of "噗", the sharp blade has already passed through his body quickly.He yelled out consciously, his eyes widened unthinkably, quietly, quietly watching the blood in his body dye the ground under him red in an instant, adding to the already gloomy environment. A hint of bright red.

"Haha, I'm not alone on the road to Huangquan." The man on the ground laughed wildly, and the woman's hand holding the knife visibly moved, and the next second, that man couldn't laugh anymore.

Next to him, a man pulled out his dagger vigorously, and the blood spurted out, and the bright red blood splashed all over his body, "Eleven, don't waste time, we don't have much time, let's go."

The man saw that the woman was still quietly waiting for the traitor's blood to stain the ground, and the gunshots in his ears made him think about their safety.

"Understood, Xiao Wu is injured, you take her away first, I will come right away."

The woman gave the order blankly. At this time, she didn't look like a person at all, but more like an emotionless machine.

"Muzi, I avenged you."

It wasn't until the traitor was completely dead that the woman murmured softly to the invisible place;
Then he quickly packed up his things and left. The gunshots from behind told him that if he didn't leave, he might drag his companions back. In the blink of an eye, the woman disappeared at the end of the bright moon after a few ups and downs...

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