Mo Jinxuan glanced at Luo Yuning's wound, and sat quietly beside her. If she was in pain, he could be there for her to rely on.

"Tsk tsk tsk, President Mo, President Mo, you are a typical wife slave!"

Liu Siyu looked at Mo Jinxuan's actions, my God, he himself had never yelled a word of pain when he was shot; now he is afraid of her daughter-in-law's pain?
Luo Yuning felt that someone was sitting next to her, and when she looked up, she saw Mo Jinxuan's stern and coquettish face. She wanted to talk, but Mo Jinxuan didn't even look at her.

Luo Yuning curled her lips, and then stopped talking; she sat on the stool and waited for Liu Siyu to show her the wound.

I have already been to the hospital in the morning, but it is not this hospital, this hospital is where Mo Jinxuan came through the back door;
"Tsk tsk, Mrs. Mo's wound is a bit serious. If you are two days late, you won't want your arm."

When Luo Yuning heard that what Liu Siyu said was exactly the same as what the female doctor said at that meeting; she couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

He also looked at Liu Siyu suspiciously, "Usually, this wound is indeed fine, but this wound is slightly black. It can be seen that the knife edge has been soaked in venom, so it is so."

Mo Jinxuan frowned; "Then why are you talking nonsense, detoxify her quickly."

Luo Yuning didn't know that the knife was poisonous at the time, and she didn't pay much attention to it these two days, but she didn't notice this detail.

"This poison is just a mild poison. I happen to have an antidote here, so don't worry."

Liu Siyu treated Luo Yuning's wound again. When cleaning the wound, Luo Yuning remembered what Fu Qingyan told her to pretend to be pitiful;
She turned her head, and then when Liu Siyu dealt with her, she frowned and bit her lips tightly, showing a very painful look.

Sure enough, seeing Luo Yuning's expression, Mo Jinxuan passed his arm over without saying a word, and said coldly:

"Bite my arm if it hurts." Mo Jinxuan's action is enough to prove that the method Fu Qingyan told herself is useful;
Without further ado, Luo Yuning bit his arm. Liu Siyu re-treated the wound and bandaged it up, and then gave her an anti-inflammatory medicine.

"Two tablets a day, one in the morning and one in the evening, avoid spicy food; nothing else." When Liu Siyu spoke solemnly, he really had the style of a doctor.

"Okay, the wound is done, Mr. Mo, don't you have to tell me when you got married?"

Liu Siyu's gossip was full of gossip, these days his Mo Jinxuan's gossip is hard to come by, any one of them is a proper headline.


Luo Yuning let go of Mo Jinxuan's arm, and she bit his arm. At first it didn't hurt very much, but afterward it was really painful, so she bit him hard.

Looking at the tooth marks on his arm, and some small blood drops looming, Luo Yuning blushed, bowed her head and apologized; "I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back just now; I hurt you."

Unexpectedly, this man didn't eat oil and salt; he retracted his arm and took a tissue to wipe it casually, then put his hand down.

Luo Yuning gritted her teeth, this guy is really reckless.

In this case, it is not impossible for him to leave her.

Luo Yuning curled her mouth, took the anti-inflammatory medicine Liu Siyu gave her, got up and left, he ignored her, and she ignored him;

Although this approach is a bit naive, she has tried her best to make herself apologize to him. What's the matter with him being indifferent to her like this?

Liu Siyu couldn't help but burst out laughing when she saw Luo Yuning got up and didn't shake Mo Jinxuan and left.

"Young Master Mo, your little wife is angry, don't you hurry to coax her?"

Liu Siyu got up; adjusted his glasses, and looked at this indifferent man who could freeze people to death.

"Shut up." Mo Jinxuan uttered two words coldly with thin lips, and then walked out with a long leg.

Seeing the little woman in front of her walking forward on her own, he didn't care if he followed up or not, so he quickened his pace;
Out of the hospital; Luo Yuning was also angry, and she was so angry that she ignored her; how could she have the face to take his car; she hail a taxi at the entrance of the hospital, and then got in without looking back the car leaves;

As soon as Mo Jinxuan came out, he saw her getting into a taxi and was blocked by someone on the way, otherwise he would not have come out a minute late.

"Damn it;" Mo Jinxuan cursed in a low voice, quickly got into the car and chased after Luo Yuning's taxi.

Luo Yuning closed her eyes and meditated in the car. She couldn't tell the relationship between the two of them now. They obviously cared about both of them, but his indifference made her feel at a loss. Could it be because they were married? ?
Just as he was thinking, the taxi suddenly slammed on the brakes and stopped abruptly at the front of the Rolls-Royce; then the door of the taxi was violently opened, and he threw a hundred-dollar bill at random, "You don't need to look for it."

Then he bent down and picked up the woman in the car by the waist.

"What are you doing?" Luo Yuning also lost her temper at this time. When he wanted to talk to her, she would show up, and when he didn't want to talk to her, could he be cold and violent?

Luo Yuning struggled fiercely, and she landed firmly on the ground within a few strokes.

"What exactly do you want? I've already said sorry, I forgot that I was injured, the bandage was too tight, and it was made of a special material, so I didn't feel normal for a short time, you didn't say a word from the beginning ;Ignore me; what do you want from me?"

Luo Yuning roared angrily, but at this time she felt a little wronged, she never thought that one day she would rely on a man.

"You don't believe what you say," Mo Jinxuan was startled by Luo Yuning's appearance, and he didn't know what to say.

Seeing the injury on her arm, he was angry and promised to come back intact, but she broke her promise.

"You promised me that you would come back well, but you didn't."

Luo Yuning was stunned for a moment, what's the situation, so he was really worried about his injury?
"I know, but the situation at that time really didn't allow me to stand by and watch, otherwise he would die." Luo Yuning's voice was low, she had never been so cowardly before, why did she have no confidence in front of this man today .

"We'll talk when we go home." Mo Jinxuan didn't want to argue with her about right and wrong on the main road, even if he said something, he had to go home and close the door before they said no.

"Well, don't be angry, I promise you, there will be no next time."

Luo Yuning was about to raise her hand to swear, now it's time to calm down the signs of Mo Jinxuan's anger.

"Understood." Mo Jinxuan stuffed her into the car; then walked to the driver's seat, this time her leaving was like a sudden grab to Mo Jinxuan's heart; he was not at all as he was before With a calm appearance, there is a feeling of emptiness;
After finally waiting for her to come back, he got the certificate from her as he wished, but she concealed her injury; it would be a lie if she said she was not angry.

Half an hour later, the car stopped firmly at the door of Sunshine Xiaozhu, and Luo Yuning was carried out of the car by Mo Jinxuan; when Luo Yuning saw Mo Jinxuan's movements, she didn't struggle;
One is used to being self-reliant; it is somewhat unaccustomed to suddenly have someone to take care of herself, but she is trying to adapt.

Mo Jinxuan went all the way without hindrance, took Luo Yuning directly to the bedroom upstairs, put her on the bed, and then took off her shoes for her intimately,

"Take a good rest. It's best not to go out these two days; I have to leave first, and I will talk about it when I come back at night."

Mo Jinxuan's meaning was obvious, he didn't have time to listen to Luo Yuning explain the reason to himself, he didn't know if it was to escape, or what, he just couldn't wait to leave.

Luo Yuning looked at the back of Mo Jinxuan leaving, and felt an indescribable feeling in her heart, that is, she felt that she was in a panic.

She didn't think so much anymore. Anyway, if he wanted to know, she could tell him properly. If he didn't want to know, why should she say more.

As soon as she lay down, she swiped Moments for a while, and one day WeChat popped in, and it was Kerry.

Kerry: Are you free tonight?

Kerry: Let's have dinner together. I have a plane at seven o'clock tomorrow morning.

Luo Yuning read the news and didn't know how the family should reply, she definitely couldn't go out in this state; then there was only one way;

Luo Yuning: Well, yes.

Luo Yuning: Wait a minute, I will give you your location later.

Luo Yuning hurriedly called Mo Jinxuan, she had to deal with this matter, and the relationship between the two of them was uncertain.

"What's the matter?" Mo Jinxuan went to the China World Trade Center, and the assistant there couldn't handle things, so he just sent him a message; he had no choice but to rush there.

"Well, there is something I want to discuss with you;"

Luo Yuning organized the language for a long time, but she didn't think about how to say it, so she could only tell the whole story.

"Kerry invited me to dinner tonight, and I definitely can't go out like this, so I want him to come directly to the house; do you think it's okay for Mrs. Li to prepare dinner?"

After Luo Yuning finished speaking carefully, she waited for the man opposite to answer her;

"You are Mrs. Mo, you decide this matter yourself." After hearing what Luo Yuning said, the corners of Mo Jinxuan's mouth raised unconsciously. She doesn't have her own in her heart, does she?


"Yes, you can just tell Aunt Li, and I will go home early tonight." Mo Jinxuan's magnetic voice could not conceal his good mood at the moment.

"Okay, then I'll ask Lin Qing and Annie to join us. There are so many people."

Seeing that Mo Jinxuan had no objection, Luo Yuning suggested that the other two come along;
"Okay, you arrange it." Mo Jinxuan said that he had no objection.

"Well, be careful on the road, I'll wait for you to go home." Luo Yuning is also in a good mood now, anyway, it's already four o'clock, and he won't be able to sleep even more now.

"En." Mo Jinxuan responded lightly, and then he hung up the phone when he heard someone calling him.

After sending Kerry her home address, she got up and went down to find Mrs. Li.

"Ma'am, why did you come down? You have injuries on your arms, so you have to be careful." Aunt Li watched Luo Yuning come down the stairs, and she quickly stopped what she was doing.

"Are you making soup?" Luo Yuning could smell the aroma from the kitchen as soon as she got downstairs;

"Well; Sir, he will call me and tell me to order more blood-enriching medicinal food, saying that you are injured and need to be replenished; I went to buy some ingredients, no, I just stewed it for a while."

Aunt Li saw that Luo Yuning was very well-behaved and sensible, and she was also very friendly to herself, so she wanted to be nice to her unnaturally.

"Oh, all right!"

"By the way, I need to trouble you to work hard tonight, I have a few friends coming over for dinner tonight, and you prepare dinner.

Luo Yuning didn't ask others to do anything; she always felt a little awkward.

"Okay; it's a good relationship. In the past, my husband didn't go home for dinner very often, and the house was deserted. Now that I have your wife, the house can finally be lively."

Aunt Li didn't show any displeasure, and Luo Yuning was very grateful; "They don't like spicy food, so it's better if it's lighter."

Then Luo Yuning and Mrs. Li checked the ingredients again, and Luo Yuning drove to the vegetable market with Mrs. Li; Mrs. Li didn't agree

But Luo Yuning said that she couldn't find some ingredients if she didn't go there;

Reluctantly, Mrs. Li had no choice but to agree; but she asked Uncle Li to drive the two of them there.

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