Tang Wenrong nodded, and a few people started to eat. Tang Wenrong was very polite at first, but when he saw a few people drinking to their heart's content, he was no longer restrained. He even felt for a moment that this was his own home, and the monarch was like a few Like a personal brother, awe-inspiring.

When it came time to wash the dishes, it was Huang Lu and Hai Lanchen who did the washing. One was in charge of doing the washing and the other was in charge of washing. This was only fair, and the monarch was very satisfied with the way the two of them did it. Pei Hewei looked at Sophie He and said, "Sister He, you Get up, I will let you understand that math test paper tonight."

Sophie He felt that she had to work overtime tonight, but after thinking about it, her math grade was still in the past, and Xiao Yuchao also went with him. He also has some research in the field of mathematics, and he can also learn a little knowledge, just like this four people Learned at three o'clock in the morning.

Xiao Yuchao and Su Feihe understood the math test paper, and Tang Wenrong and Pei Hewei also understood the mathematics knowledge they wanted to know. Tang Wenrong was really shocked tonight. Is this the IQ that a teenager should have?This mathematical knowledge can be said to be at the top of the mathematical world.

At this moment, Ling Wenyi called. He was waiting at the school gate for Su Feihe to accidentally wake up. After falling asleep, the first thing he did when he woke up was to call Su Feihe, Su Feihe After answering the phone, I replied, wait for me for half an hour, Ling Wenyi said a good word, and the three of them left. The driver first brought Su Feihe and Xiao Yuchao to the school gate, and then sent Tang Wenrong home.

When Su Feihe got out of the car, Ling Wenyi saw Tang Wenrong sitting in front of him. In the middle of the night, a teacher?This made Ling Wenyi hate Tang Wenrong even more. So Feihe got out of the car and came in front of Ling Wenyi. Ling Wenyi said, "Sufeihe, don't you have a point in your heart? With a hypocrite who is not what he looks like, you will Are you not afraid of accidents?"

Xiao Yuchao said in a very sensible way: "Uncle, don't scold Mommy! Uncle Tang has given Chaoer a lot of knowledge!" Xiao Yuchao promised Sophie He that he would never tell the monarch and the others that it belonged to the two of them. Secret, no matter who it is, he won't say a word, even if it's his father, and Su Feihe has also told Tang Wenrong, these things must not be said to the public, otherwise there will be no good fruit for him, and Tang Wenrong also promised to keep it secret thing.

"You went to his house? Su Feihe, you are not a little bit courageous. Tell me, what do you think of me? Do you think of me as your husband? "

Ling Wenyi was very angry because his zero IQ made him think that Sophie He went to Tang Wenrong's house, but in fact Sophie He just went to Tang Yanfeng's villa. Sophie He shook her head and said, "You should know us very well. The relationship between the two of you, stop making trouble, let's go back!"

Su Feihe's words made Ling Wenyi stay there, why didn't she notice her own efforts?Why can't she see how nice I am to her?Why is he always being lukewarm to him?Why can't she see her tolerance?Now Ling Wenyi has figured it out, he also wants to be indifferent to Su Feihe, go on a business trip if he has nothing to do, go to the company every day, he wants to see if she will worry about him.

After returning home, no one said a word to anyone, Sophie He asked Xiao Yuchao to wash after taking a bath, and after Xiao Yuchao fell asleep, she turned on the computer, watched her computer send a text and fell asleep without going to the website Because Ling Wenyi was angry, Su Feihe went to bed too late and forgot to turn on the alarm clock, so Su Feihe slept until 10:30.

She woke up and saw her phone, the last Chinese class, this is not to be missed, after washing, she rushed to the school when the bell rang for the Chinese class, everyone looked at Sophie He with strange eyes, whispered Muttering about Sophie's math grades.

Ling Wenyi, who was the first in the math test in the class, said that he was ashamed and thrown into outer space. Sophie He didn't care at all, looking at Sun Zhencheng who walked over, and you actually look down on my math scores, so you can't climb high from my language scores.

"Okay, put your phone away, it's time for class! Let's distribute the test papers. The first Chinese test in our class is Sophie He, with 140 and [-] points..."

Sophie He went up to get the test papers. Many people were asking why Sophie He was not the representative of the Chinese class but the representative of the Math class. Classes represent gossip about how bad your math grades are and how good your Chinese grades are.

Sophie He felt helpless for a while!Her math scores are so unsatisfactory. What can she do? Sophie He is helpless when she hears about Ling Wenyi's Chinese scores. She got 30 points for the composition and made up a little bit of the previous questions to get more than [-] points. Could it be that This guy has a low EQ, so it's because he can't speak Chinese!Isn't his Chinese score the same as her math score?It's embarrassing to despise her!This made Su Feihe not know what to say.

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