The president went bankrupt after marrying me

Chapter 93 Don't Try to Escape in This Life

When Sun Zhencheng heard this, she raised her head and thought about Su Feihe. It just so happened that she had finished copying and had nothing to do, so let's change her test paper!Sun Zhencheng asked Sophie He three times, isn't she going to check again?Su Feihe shook her head, meaning it was unnecessary.

Sophie He handed in the test paper, and Sun Zhencheng corrected it with a red pen. The test papers were all ticked, so Sophie He nodded in satisfaction. For the 150-point paper, Sophie He actually deducted a point for the composition. Sun Zhencheng was surprised by such a paper.

"Go outside and wait! I changed it after you read it."

Sophie He nodded, took her mobile phone and went outside, saw Lin Xiaojing's message in the group, parents' meeting tomorrow night?Su Feihe's mind froze for a moment, asking her master to go?Will he say yes?Su Feihe became worried. Anyway, it was impossible for Su Ju to go. Su Feihe was afraid of what Ling Wenyi's parents would think, so Su Feihe came up with a very good idea to make her master look like Su Ju, instead of Su lifted up.

But Su Feihe knew that her master was a very proud person, so how could she agree to this matter?Besides, Su Feihe also knew what kind of person Su Ju was, and she felt sorry for letting her master downgrade him!So she just reluctantly asked!

Su Feihe opened WeChat and told the monarch about this matter, once the monarch heard it, was it okay?Immediately replied that I will go tomorrow, but it's fine to pretend to be him. As for Ling Wenyi's parents, they are busy.

Su Feihe is also helpless to the monarch. Her master doesn't know what she will do, but no matter what she does, she must bear certain consequences!But he believed that his master could help her handle everything.

Sophie He replied with a good word, and logged on to the novel platform to read the comments under her article. At this time, Xie Miaoying came out and saw Sophie He was reading the comments and immediately said: "You also like to read the past and the past. You are my Qingxue in November! Let me tell you, it’s really great. The article she wrote makes people feel like this and it’s not the only one. It looks like a romance movie, but it’s actually a "fuck Career" article is really unexpected."

Su Feihe smiled faintly, turned off her phone and put it in her pocket. Sophie He said slowly, "Yes! The article she wrote is very good. I just caught up with the card point. What do you think she will write later?" Xie Feihe Miao Ying shook her head, she could guess everyone's writing style, but only this guy couldn't figure out how to write it.

"I don't know, but the only certainty is that the heroine is extraordinary."

No matter whether it is Sophie He or Sophie He's article, it must be extraordinary, because what Sophie He wrote is exactly what happened to her. Xie Miaoying also said when she heard this, yes!The articles she wrote are indeed strange and unexpected, and they will also surprise people.

Su Feihe was helpless. When she just wrote the article, she liked that someone could read it, but she didn't know that there were so many people who could read it completely, which made her very pleased.

Seeing more and more people coming out, Sophie He left here and went to Tang Wenrong's office to do homework. She didn't expect Tang Wenrong to play chess with a teacher surnamed Xie in the office. This teacher Xie is very good at chess , but Tang Wenrong was still a little short, and Su Feihe just caught up with the killing chess when she passed by. How can I not see how beautiful this chess is?

Sophie He immediately confronted Tang Wenrong with the chess pieces. After a few rounds, there was no solution to the lore. This also made Tang Wenrong and Xie Jinqiu raise their heads and saw that it was Su Feihe's Tang Wenrong with a faint smile: "You can't do it today!" So it's here, this is the host teacher of the calligraphy club, Xie Jinqiu, and also the No. 20 four in our chess world."

Su Feihe smiled and nodded to Xie Jinqiu. When he saw Su Feihe, he looked at Tang Wenrong and said slowly, "This is the designer who issued 660?" Tang Wenrong shook his head when he heard it. .

"His girlfriend."

As soon as these words came out, Sophie He felt helpless!What if He Yi heard this?Su Feihe smiled and said, "Teacher Tang, he is my younger brother." Su Feihe had to clarify this matter, she would always regard Tang Yanfeng as her younger brother, and Huang Lu and the others as her younger brothers.

Ling Wenyi, who just came over, frowned when he heard this, why didn't he know that she had a younger brother?Thinking of Ling Wenyi, he walked in. Hearing this, Tang Wenrong continued to speak: "He is your brother? Then you said you have a boyfriend!" Su Feihe was helpless!Did she ever say that she has a boyfriend?
"She doesn't have a boyfriend, but she has a husband."

Ling Wenyi, who came over, hugged Su Feihe and kissed him: "In this life, don't try to escape." Su Feihe didn't say that she wanted to run away either!It's just that she will choose to leave, which is a different concept, and isn't this guy a bit too domineering?

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