The president went bankrupt after marrying me

Chapter 317 Sleeping for 5 Years

Tang Kuohuai felt very inexplicable. He obviously didn't do anything. Why did he, a good father, treat him like this? Tang Yanfeng looked at Tang Kuohuai after hearing this, and said with a helpless smile: "It's fine if you don't, but Huai'er, Why is our money not brought by strong winds, so you can't be so generous, you know?"

Tang Kuohuai was inexplicably educated by his father, and Tang Kuohuai said helplessly, "Daddy, you can ask Nian'er about this matter, and it's still your money." Tang Kuohuai's excellent Tang Yanfeng knew it, so 10 He can take out [-] yuan in any way.

"Tell me! What's going on?"

Tang Yanfeng's words were so plain that Tang Kuohuai said it immediately. It turned out that he bumped into a girl and was going to pick up customers. It seemed that he gave her [-] yuan to make up for the loss. Tang Yanfeng had no reason not to believe it!After all, his son would tell him the truth.

He also knew what would happen if he lied to himself, so Tang Yanfeng said helplessly, "Well, let's go back!" Tang Yanfeng's words made Tang Kuohuai nod, and he went back immediately.

Zhou Mei had never made a plane before and didn't know it was a private jet, Zhou Mei smiled and said: "Yi'er, this plane looks so high-end." Zhou Mei looked around and said, but saw a woman's Time to frown.

"It looks like a country bumpkin at first glance, and he doesn't even know how to fly a plane."

The woman who spoke was right next to a tall and noble woman, and that tall and noble woman was Zhou Mei's former classmate, and she was also the school girl in elementary school. Although she was very poor at that time, Zhou Mei still finished elementary school, no matter what she looked like , or her voice, she remembers it clearly, because they were girlfriends before.

"I heard you woke up and wanted to see you."

The woman's gentle words changed Zhou Mei into a smile. Zhou Mei smiled lightly and said, "Little Lian, how did you know that I woke up?" Searched, can we not know?

Seeing the woman next to her, Zhou Mei instantly remembered that classmate who was so annoying. If she cared about her, he cared about her, and even wanted to come over to tease her. Zhou Mei was also drunk, but Tang Nian next to him couldn't listen anymore, so he said directly : "Auntie, can you have a little quality? Who can my mommy seduce? Isn't it my daddy! Who else?"

Tang Nian's words made the woman next to her very unhappy. After He Yi heard it, she felt helpless and pulled Tang Nian to the back and said, "Aunts, I'm sorry, my daughter is more impulsive, don't take it for granted." Tang Nian listened At this point, I looked at He Yi in disbelief, these two guys are like this, and her mommy is still apologizing to others?

"Mum, these two aunts are so rude, why do you have to apologize to them!"

Tang Nian's question made He Yi feel helpless, she smiled and said to Tang Nian, "The aunt on the left of Nian'er, her surname is Yuan, her name is Yuan Xiaoxiao, she is very annoying, but she is indeed your grandma's best friend, The aunt on the right is surnamed Zheng, named Zheng Nuan, who is your grandma's best friend. When your mommy was young, they often came to visit mommy and your grandma. They went straight to Zheng Nuan's company, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, and had to be busy with the company. I have to start a new business, so I haven’t been here because I’m too busy.”

He Yi's explanation made Tang Nian feel unbelievable, Zhou Mei smiled lightly and said, "Yuan Xiaoxiao, can you stop being so snarky, see how much my granddaughter hates you?" Zhou Mei was no stranger to her ridicule. up.

"This... depends on your performance!"

Zheng Nuan smiled and said: "Before you met each other, you were so calm this time?" Zheng Nuan was really a little unbelievable. After Zhou Mei heard it, the corner of her mouth smiled helplessly. It has been a long time, and she should also change. Gotta mature.

"We are all old, and we have to learn to look down on many things and become mature."

Just like Zhou Mei accepting Tang Yanfeng, she only hoped that her daughter could live happily, and nothing else mattered at all. Zhou Mei looked at He Yi and said, "Yi'er, tell me, right?" I don't know Why does He Yi always feel that Zhou Mei is not the same as before, but he also said that it is not strange, He Yi smiled and said the right word, and Tang Kuohuai and Tang Yanfeng walked over hand in hand.

Tang Yanfeng smiled fondly at He Yi, came to He Yi's side and said, "Yi'er, do you know what this brat did without telling you?" He Yi shook his head, how did she know that he was hiding it? own what.

"Tell me, what have you done?"

He Yi looked at Tang Kuohuai and said seriously, Tang Kuohuai shook his head and said: "It's nothing, Mommy just bumped into a girl..." Ah!Bumped into a girl?At this moment Tang Nian was also adding fuel and vinegar by the side.

"Yes! Mommy, I bumped into a girl and gave the girl some money."

Tang Kuohuai never expected that Tang Nian would tell all of this, but it didn't matter much that he favored his sister.

"Did you hit someone? Is it serious? Where is the person?"

He Yi asked anxiously, her son!Just to keep her from worrying, this time she bumped into someone, no wonder her family told him to go over, it turned out to be her own fault!In this way He Yi also understood everything, Tang Kuohuai shook his head, meaning nothing.

"Mum, you misunderstood, the girl was not injured."

ah!Not hurt?Then why did Nian'er tell her that her brother had lost some money?He Yi didn't understand a little bit, so he looked at Tang Nian and asked, "Nian'er, tell me, what's going on?" Tang Nian also told what happened, until the last sentence was the same, so brother lost A little money was given to that sister.

But Tang Nian was very sensible, so he didn't say how much money it was. He was afraid of scaring Zhou Mei who was next to him. Tang Ming said directly, brat, I have never seen you be so generous to me. Father!It hurts when you don't talk, right?

"Well, then I'll take the money."

Tang Yanfeng's words made Tang Ming shut up immediately, indeed!There are only a few people in this world who he can't afford to provoke, and Tang Yanfeng is one of them, and he is the biggest one. Tang Ming shut up immediately, making Tang Yanfeng smile helplessly, he is an old man!I don't know what he was thinking, but he was still afraid of his son. He said he gave it, so he must have given it!
"There is a father who is afraid of his son, grandpa, what do you think!"

Tang Kuohuai next to him said this directly, but Tang Kuohuai was also afraid of his father!Isn't this just like him?Tang Ming directly replied, "Then go and try to provoke your father." Tang Ming's words made Tang Kuo Huai feel helpless, indeed, he couldn't afford to provoke his father.

"Brother, I can't go back today."

Tang Sheng next to him reminded Tang Yanfeng that Tang Yanfeng saw a few people chatting happily, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth: "Then you take her back! Yier, let's go." Tang Yanfeng's words made He Yi nodded.

"Mom, you chat first, stay with Auntie, we won't join in the fun!"

He Yi's words made Zhou Mei say a good word, and she followed Tang Yanfeng into the room. Tang Nian and Tang Kuohuai sympathized with Tang Sheng and said, "Little uncle, it's your own fault, no wonder Dad just said that and left Go in, okay! It seems that he asked for his life on his own initiative, and his elder brother can be blamed there! We can only bite the bullet.

"Let me tell you! Don't mess with your brother, just don't listen."

Tang Ming's words taught Tang Sheng to behave. He actually had to stay in this crappy place for two days. Isn't that kind of place for people to sleep?Zhou Mei looked at Tang Sheng and said, "I can call you Sheng'er! Can you help Aunt Zheng with something later?"

Tang Sheng had no choice but to agree. He didn't expect that he would have to do hard work if he stayed. In the future, he could only restrain himself a little in front of his brother. Tang Sheng's heart collapsed!Can he refuse this drudgery?The answer is definitely no, he is a dignified son, to do these things, it also makes him helpless!
the other side

In the hospital, the smell of disinfectant was pungent, but those who had been in the hospital for a long time had already gotten used to it. In a ward, after Ling Wenjing's treatment, Ling's mother woke up in bed.

In the past five years, Ling Wenjing has not been idle, but has been improving her cultivation base instead of learning medical skills. Her mother has been kind to her, and it is impossible to say that she cannot be saved. Ling Wenjing supported her mother and sat down. up.

Mother Ling looked around, where is she?what happened?As Ling Wenjing's silver needle went down, a lot of clips immediately reminded her of the previous events. Ling Wenjing looked at Ling's mother and said, "Mom, how do you feel?"

After five years, she finally succeeded. Mother Ling looked at Ling Wenjing, feeling incredible. She smiled gently and said, "Jing'er..." The kind address made Ling Wenjing nod her head and said two words, I am here.

"Your brother, have you recovered your sister-in-law?"

This is what Ling's mother cares most about. Sophie He is such a good girl, how can she just run away like that?Besides, she is still pregnant with her little grandson, for this, she has to make a little sacrifice.

"You mean the sister-in-law?"

Ling's mother looked at Ling Wenjing in shock. She didn't even know about that sister-in-law?Ling's mother smiled helplessly: "Jing'er, are you confused, Su Feihe! Isn't she the sister-in-law you identified?" Ling's mother felt very strange, why she would ask herself about that sister-in-law.

"Mom, you have been sleeping for five years."

Ling Wenjing's words made Ling's mother take out her mobile phone in disbelief, and looked at the calendar?five years?Didn't he say to wake himself up in a month?So it will be five years?It's so hard that her son is married to someone else?So what about her sacrifice?Is it in vain too?The person next to his hospital bed actually said Ling Wenjing, so what about his son?where again?

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