It should be his wife!Ling Wenyi smiled and said, "What's going to happen next!" Everyone looked at Ling Wenyi directly, their hearts already in their throats, and they were all looking forward to Ling Wenyi's answer.

"Look at the update!"

Ling Wenyi's disappointing answer made several people say a word, and Fu Xiaoyi next to him said directly: "Do you know that you are such a sister-in-law? You are so stingy, and you don't even talk about the plot behind it. You want to earn more money for us Buy chapters! I can tell you, now you can read it on Baidu.”

Ling Wenyi smiled slightly after hearing this, but he didn't say anything. He didn't write this book. He earned a damn money!Ling Wenyi said lightly: "Thank you for liking this book!" Ling Wenyi planned to play with a few people, but unexpectedly, this made them think that Ling Wenyi was the author.

"Fu Xiaoyi, you are mistaken, he is not a great god at all, a great god looks like this."

Everyone gathered around to take a look. Seeing Sophie He who was ugly, Ling Wenyi couldn't bear to come over and take a look. Seeing Ling Wenyi inside smiled, is she a master?This is completely hearsay, what a beautiful woman his wife is!How could it be so ugly?

At this moment, a girl who had seen Sophie He's true face came out to uphold justice. She said in the group: "The Great God doesn't look like this at all. You were deceived by the Great God. The Great God is very beautiful, like a fairy, and very cute. What about her husband and children!"

Everyone thought the girls were talking nonsense, but there were more than 20 people who saw Sophie He, and those 20 people were talking, but a few people wanted to post photos but couldn't find them because their photos had been deleted. The small soup is removed cleanly.

After reading this passage, Ling Wenyi frowned, but he didn't go, so who is that man?She cuckolded herself?Ling Wenyi immediately joined the group, gave himself a pseudonym, the master came to my bowl, and then went up to ask a few people.

Then tell me, what does that man look like, and how old is that child?As soon as the words were said, everyone started gossiping, and replied to Ling Wenyi's words, Ling Wenyi frowned after seeing it, feeling that there was a large green grassland on his head, and his face was extremely ugly, no wonder he didn't dare to face him, It turned out to be having an affair with another man outside.

the other side

Sophie He got out of the car, and suddenly saw a message from Xiaotang on her mobile phone. She smiled slightly after seeing it. It's good that he has a woman he likes. In this case, she can feel at ease before leaving after the transaction is over.

Su Hongsheng next to him snatched Su Feihe's mobile phone, and smiled slightly when he saw this picture: "Who is this, Mommy!" After making a deal, seeing that he has someone he likes, he can leave with peace of mind.

Su Hongsheng understands this truth very well. She said that before playing chess, she took Sophie He's mobile phone and read Sophie He's manuscript at a glance. Fortunately, she has the ability to read quickly and recognize characters. After all, she is on the plane , Watching the video saved by Su Feihe, she already understood everything.

Sophie He also thinks that this guy has a quick understanding of the world. It seems that she still has to find a way to send these two little guys to kindergarten. Sheng and Ling Wenjing, Hai Lanchen looked a little unhappy, he looked at Su Feihe and said, "Sister He, are you worried at all because that guy is like that?"

"Lan'er, I'm not in a hurry but I'm happy. He and I were a deal, and it would be better for me if he had other women in his heart. I was afraid that he would be sad after I left. It seems that I can leave with peace of mind. gone."

Ling Wenjing said that she didn't believe that the one on the video was her elder brother. If she hadn't gotten up last night to look for the bathroom, she wouldn't have seen Xiao Tang watching the surveillance cameras in the community. That's the only thing Ling Wenjing could believe. matter.

"Sister-in-law, my brother..."

Ling Wenjing was very guilty and didn't dare to look up at Su Feihe, Su Feihe smiled and said: "Don't do this, I said, I just traded with your brother, after the transaction is over, just don't make your brother sad, your brother now If there is another woman, I won't be sad!"

Su Feihe was really happy for Ling Wenyi, and Su Feihe continued to say, "Let's go! Go find Guo Zhizhu." Several people nodded, and it was only now that they knew that Guo Zhizhu was a painter.

The painting attribute is a very evil attribute, he can put people in the painting, there is only one way to get in touch, that is to kill that person or let him touch the painting attribute, several people walked towards Guo Zhizhu's shop.

As soon as a few people passed by, they saw a dark light surrounding everything. Several debtors stood outside and dared not go in. One person went in to explore the way and did not come out for so long. After letting people go in, no one came out. come out.

Su Feihe saw those debtors and said slowly: "Why don't you go in!" Several people shook their heads and asked: "You guys are also here to ask for debts, why don't you go in first?"

Sophie He was afraid that there would be poison inside, and several people needled each other and walked in. The poisonous gas inside was very thick, and this black one was the world in the painting. When a few people passed by, they would enter the painting. No wonder the girl would be there, but this The realm was easily broken for Su Feihe.

Several people saw the back of Guo Zhizhu's painting inside, and Sophie He smiled slightly: "Mr. Guo, you are serious!" Seeing the fast light, Sophie He moved his hand, and a blue shield made the attack disappear. .

"Sister He is wrong! This is an animation trial drawing method, he has reached the early stage of yellow."

The water attribute in Hai Lanchen's hand next to him hit it directly, and a drop of blood appeared in his hand. This formation can be broken. Hai Lanchen had words in his mouth, and the last one broke, causing the whole house to vibrate , making everything disappear for everyone.

The surroundings lit up, and Guo Zhizhu spit out a mouthful of blood while drawing there, Su Feihe frowned and watched the light in Guo Zhizhu's hand gather, and hit Guo Zhizhu, a big blue The consummate breath rushed towards her face, making Su Feihe frowned and stepped back countless steps to the outside. Fortunately, Mo Binliang who had just walked over caught her.

"Be careful……"

Seeing a ray of light approaching, Sophie He hugged Mo Binliang and turned around to avoid the attack. The building next to her blew up and collapsed towards the road. Sophie He said slowly: "You take Let them go, don't come here, it's dangerous here."

Sophie He's words made Mo Binliang obedient and took a few people out of here. Sophie He walked over once and saw an old man in a cheongsam. He gave people a very kind feeling, but the inside It's insidious, but only Su Feihe knows about it.

"Miss He, are you okay!"

After Su Feihe heard this, she said: "I'm fine, don't worry." Su Feihe's words made Hai Lanchen nod, now only a few people joined forces, Hai Lanchen looked at Su Feihe and smiled faintly .

"Sister He, this old man is the master of the Giant Eagle God of War and also a person in the cultivation world. He is nicknamed Old Man Landao, and now he will be called Master National Teacher."

When Su Feihe heard this, she looked at Hai Lanchen next to her and said, what does this mean?Hai Lanchen smiled and said: "That's because he will never be able to break the blue Dzogchen, even after 100 years."

Sophie He glanced at Landao and said with a faint smile: "So it's the Imperial Master of the Giant Eagle! What's the use of coming to Dragon Kingdom?" Sophie He's words made Landao frowned, a little doll actually questioned him?

"A woman, who is supposed to be a husband and a child, is here to speak eloquently with the old man, don't you think it's shameful?"

The idea of ​​this feudal society made Sophie He frowned. Why should a woman be a husband and a child, why can't a woman be eloquent, why should a woman feel ashamed?She, Su Feihe, wants to have a better life than a man, and to live a wonderful life.

"Let me cure your mind!"

Su Feihe glanced at Su Hongsheng next to him, Su Hongsheng seemed to understand something, she turned into a fruit and passed through Su Feihe's head, this is the power of Su Hongsheng, this plus Su Hongsheng Sophie He has blue The power of Dzogchen.

"The red sacred fruit recognizes the master? It's interesting."

His power erupted immediately, Hai Lanchen set up a barrier to prevent innocent people from being hurt, Hai Lanchen looked at Lan Dao and said slowly: "Your name is Lan Dao, you are insulting this name, this puppet, you It’s been a long time since I’ve been out of control!”

Hai Lanchen's words made Lando smile and said: "Little baby, you are looking for death." The power of the blue Dzogchen fully opened up Hai Lanchen's temperament, and he felt a little depressed. The blue light gathered into a group and blocked Lan Dao's attack. After Su Feihe saw it, a blue light strengthened and hit towards Lan Dao, making him take a step back.

"Girl baby, you are very nice, I can give you a chance to ask me to be your godfather."

Su Feihe sneered when she heard it, what is he compared to the monarch?The monarch can give her paternal love and pamper her, can he do it?Sorry, he can't, he is far from the monarch!It is not much worse than the Dragon King, even if there is no monarch, it is not his turn.

"Sorry, even if all the boys in this world are dead, I can't possibly recognize you as my godfather."

Sophie's words angered Ran Dao, he frowned and said slowly: "The female doll does not eat the fine wine if she toasts, then don't blame the poor." A very strong light hit Sophie , the blue and red light in her hand was very bright, and she hit it directly. Against this light, Sophie He was caught off guard by Landao's surprise attack next to her.

But Hai Lanchen, who had quick eyesight and quick hands, suddenly saw the light in his hand hitting the light of the surprise attack, Huang Lu directly helped, and then the light of the surprise attack disappeared.

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