Su Feihe went to the hotel to see Ling Wenyi and Ling Wenjing. When she opened the door, she saw the brother and sister sleeping on the same bed. She opened the window for ventilation. She sat by Ling Wenyi's bed and helped him Feeling the pulse, it's really serious, it can be repaired by him, but he needs to lie down for a while, and she has to go to the immune family, these two guys will definitely get in the way.

But Su Feihe still chose to let Ling Wenjing wake up first, someone must take care of Ling Wenyi!She began to give Ling Wenjing the needle. Half an hour later, Ling Wenjing slowly woke up. Seeing Su Feihe, she hugged Su Feihe very scared and said coquettishly, sister-in-law, I am afraid.

"It's okay, the Yan family's matter has been resolved, and your Ling family's revenge has also been avenged, but you can't tell your brother about this? Remember, your brother and I are just trading."

"Sister-in-law, I understand, I understand, the deal! It will end sooner or later." On the day when it ends, I will definitely help my brother catch you. Such a good sister-in-law, she must let her brother catch her.

Su Feihe doesn't have mind reading skills, she doesn't know what Ling Wenjing is thinking, Su Feihe smiled and said: "Well, it's good to understand, these things are my business, he shouldn't get involved, and you will be honest in the future It's good for your brother to stop in Donghai City, otherwise you will be in danger, not every time someone will come to rescue you."

Speaking of this sentence, Tang Sheng's figure appeared in Ling Wenjing's mind, she glanced at Su Feihe and said slowly: "Sister-in-law, that fast, humorous and bold one is called What name!" Su Feihe also thought of Tang Sheng, the word "bold", he is worthy of it, among the three brothers, he is the most courageous, although Tang Yanfeng is also very courageous, but he will Proper, but Tang Sheng is indeed the most naughty kind of courage.

"What? You still want to see him!"

Ling Wenjing nodded immediately. Seeing Tang Yanfeng saying that Tang Sheng was in the library, Ling Wenjing disappeared immediately. Su Feihe smiled and thought, it would be good to let Tang Sheng take care of this guy, so she closed the door and began to practice and collect the surrounding All the aura, fortunately, Su Feihe's aura was covered by a spell cast by the monarch so that no one could find her, otherwise someone would definitely come looking for her through the aura.

Ling Wenjing took a taxi and went to the largest library in Tokyo. On the third floor of the library, she found Tang Sheng who was reading a book and doing some questions. Ling Wenjing walked over and quietly looked at the questions Tang Sheng was doing. Although Tang Sheng was wearing earphones, he could still hear Ling Wenjing's footsteps. He smiled lightly. If it was someone else, he would have cleared the place by sending a WeChat message. After all, this library is privately owned by their Tang family.

Ling Wenjing felt a headache looking at the messy math problems. At that time, her science scores were also among the best. Why were the problems he did so difficult?She sat down and took a good look at the question and said slowly, "Is there something wrong with the title of this question?"

Tang Sheng knew that this guy would not be quiet, so he looked at the people next to him, took their books, took Ling Wenjing to a room and turned on the air conditioner. This room was specially designed for the three brothers, and it was also his father and wife. Have a heart.

Tang Sheng hated it when someone questioned the questions given to him by his brother and Pei Hewei, because he thought it was impolite to the two of them. If he gave such a question, there must be a solution. Tang Sheng smiled and said: "This There must be a way to solve the problem, but you don't know how to solve it, if you don't believe me, look at it..."

After listening to Tang Sheng's explanation, Ling Wenjing seemed to understand something and nodded, Tang Sheng smiled and said, "Understood, right! You can go out, I still have to do the questions." Ling Wenjing heard Tang Sheng's order to chase away guests, That's not going to happen. Sitting next to him quietly looked at Tang Sheng's notes, saying that she didn't bother him.

Ling Wenjing really stared at Tang Sheng all the time. How could there be a boy who is prettier than his brother in this world?This face is better than m..., Tang Sheng finally untied it and smiled slightly, he is a big brother!I knew to give him a difficult problem, but fortunately this problem was finally solved.

After Tang Sheng untied it, he put away the book. Hearing Tang Yanfeng's phone call, he told him to come back early. Tang Sheng nodded, packed his things and walked down. Ling Wenjing followed Tang Sheng. Tang Sheng had no choice but to take the book with him. Ling Wenjing came to a cafe and sat down.

"Why do you keep following me?"

Tang Sheng's words made Ling Wenjing smile slightly: "You are so amazing! You are also so good! Otherwise, why don't you teach me math! Look! I am so bad at math, and you are so good at math, just give me some snacks." , take me!"

Tang Sheng said that he was very helpless!He met such a difficult girl so often, and he finally knew why Sister He wanted to make herself ugly. It turned out to be the reason. Tang Sheng was only fifteen this year, so it was absolutely impossible for him to fall in love. He felt that The most important thing is to help his brother in his career.

"Sorry, I'm very busy and don't have time. Besides, you have a poor foundation and wasted my time."

Ling Wenjing is not convinced anymore, she is also a math champion after all, how did she become such a poor foundation when she came to him?This also made Ling Wenjing and Tang Sheng have sex, and the two chattered over there discussing mathematics. At this moment, Tang Sheng forgot what his elder brother explained.

Tang Sheng and Ling Wenjing were arguing more and more fiercely. After Tang Sheng calmed down, he walked to the bar. Although drinking was a headache, but when he met such a difficult guy, he could only use alcohol to relieve his worries. That girl can be so calm and not argue, even her own sister, so he can't help it when he meets this guy?No, really no, he wants to drink some wine to suppress the shock.

Just the two of them went to the bar and drank. Tang Sheng, who only wanted to have a drink, was knocked unconscious by Ling Wenjing. When Tang Yanfeng came, he would do the questions in such an environment, and the boss was also very good at adult beauty, so he put the two of them in the same room.

The boss has been doing business for so many years, and this is the only thing he knows best. Tang Sheng and Ling Wenjing hugged each other fiercely and wrestled together. They were both drunk and fierce with each other.

Tang Yanfeng and a few people were waiting for Tang Sheng to eat, and Tang Yanfeng was relieved when he heard the call from the bar owner. The boss said that Tang Sheng fell asleep here when he was sleepy, but he didn't tell anything about Ling Wenyi, and Tang Yanfeng didn't know My younger brother was raped by others at the age of 15. Naturally, in ancient times, it was a normal thing to be raped at the age of 15.

In a special box in the morning bar
There were two people lying on the same bed, and there were clothes all over the floor. Ling Wenjing woke up slowly, her head hurt very much, she sat up in a daze, recalling what happened yesterday in her mind, facing the second time being raped Ling Wenjing was very calm.

She looked at the person she liked next to her and smiled faintly. She had to say that the feeling for the person she liked was completely different from that for a stranger. Anyway, she didn't care anymore. Whether he could finally accept it was another matter. Thinking that she got out of bed and went to the bathroom, the boss was very considerate and there were clothes in it. Tang Sheng woke up only when Ling Wenjing came out of the shower.

His head hurts very much, and all he can think about is what happened last night. His first reaction is, his first time is gone?What did he do to other girls last night?Seeing the clothes on the ground, he frowned. His brother didn't dare to play like this when he was his age, and it would be the first time when his brother turned eighteen!Is it considered that the blue is better than the blue?But what about her?
Seeing Ling Wenjing coming out of it like a normal person, he breathed a sigh of relief. Ling Wenjing didn't pay attention to Tang Sheng and didn't make him take responsibility but said lightly to go take a bath!Tang Sheng nodded after hearing this, and went to the bathroom.

Ling Wenjing walked down and found that her legs were limping. Is this guy so strong?So I sat on a sofa, swiped my phone, felt a little pain, so I had to sit down first, and just happened to meet Li Junhao who came to Bao Ming's evening show.

Tomorrow is Li Junhao's birthday, and every birthday he would come here to reserve the venue, suddenly he saw Ling Wenjing in the corner, and the mocking voice reached Ling Wenjing's ears, making Ling Wenjing smile slightly.

"Isn't this my ex-girlfriend? Is that so? Are you waiting for me to book a place here and get back together with me?"

Ling Wenjing ignored Li Junhao and continued to look down at the phone. Li Junhao continued to sneer and said, "Why are you pretending to be noble? Didn't you call me when you were pressed by a man? Didn't you look down on me before? Then I called you Gao Pan Sorry."

Li Junhao's eyes changed, he slapped Ling Wenjing directly, and was caught by Tang Sheng who came down, he sneered and said, "Your ex-boyfriend is such a person!" Ling Wenjing didn't speak, Instead, she nodded. She knew that she would be laughed to death by him, so she might as well not speak.

"Boy, you can't be this woman's boyfriend! Picking up what I left, don't you think it's dirty?"

After Tang Sheng heard it, he smiled lightly: "That's my business, let's go!" Tang Sheng took Ling Wenjing's hand and left here. Li Junhao looked blank, what happened?Why did he disappear before he finished speaking?

Tang Sheng took Ling Wenjing to a corner and said slowly, "I'm leaving, I hope you don't tell anyone about this." Ling Wenjing thought of the four characters irresponsible, but after thinking about it, How could such a thing happen if he wasn't pestering others?

She lost her mind and walked to the middle of the road, and a very fast BMW bumped towards Ling Wenjing. After Tang Sheng realized it, she used the wind attribute to let Ling Wenjing escape, and the two of them also Spinning in the air, it slowly landed on the street next to it.

"Do you know what the hell you're doing?"

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