Ling Wenjing is also a very smart person. The last time Su Feihe rescued Luo Erlong, Ling Wenjing happened to see her. She followed Su Feihe to the villa, and she knew everything at that time. It was only after begging Su Feihe and the monarch that she discovered the hidden attributes in her body.

Sophie He wanted to ask if Ling Wenyi had any, but the monarch said that this little doll has two attributes in its body, and the last time he saw Ling Wenyi, he didn't have that spiritual fluctuation, so Ling Wenyi has no attributes, and Ling Wenjing and Ling Wenyi just happened to be too. Twins, that explains everything, Ling Wenjing occupies Ling Wenyi's attributes.

Su Feihe and the monarch were worried that Ling Wenjing would say something, so they cast a curse on her. Seeing her brother's appearance, Ling Wenjing went to help Ling Wenyi up. Seeing the attack of the red light, Ling Wenjing screamed, a piece of land The shield blocked the attack, which surprised the Yan family. He was actually an attribute user?It seems that the genes of their Yan family have been passed on.

But none of them were stimulated, but this girl was stimulated, which made them incredible. Ling Wenjing thought that she would be disabled, but what she didn't expect was that she was not, and she was still alive?It was also because she had already lost half of her physical strength.

"Jing'er, what's your name?"

Ling Wenyi's abdomen hurts, but he still finished this sentence, Ling Wenjing is helpless!She couldn't say anything, so she shook her head and said, "It's nothing, I just think this guy deserves a beating." Does he need a beating?No, it should be damned.

"Jing'er, these two people deserve to die. My relatives can do it. If it weren't for them, my grandparents would not have died. They are all a group of people who have forgotten their original intentions for their own benefit."

Grandparents died at their hands?At that time, although she was young, she also saw the scene of two people being besieged. Ling Wenjing's eyes suddenly turned red like a rabbit's eyes looking at the two people, they really deserved to die.

"It turns out that you two brothers and sisters don't know how to live or die, then this is your funeral today."

The light in Yan Da's hand was aimed at Ling Wenjing, but Ling Wenjing's body couldn't hold it anymore. She turned a corner, and the light hit Ling Wenyi again. The light made Ling Wenyi lie on the ground and passed out. .

"Whose funeral is still unknown!"

Tang Sheng, who came over, said as he walked, Tang Sheng's appearance made Ling Wenjing's eyes shine, this boy is so handsome!Ling Wenjing was already dumbstruck and completely forgot what she was doing. Looking at the red light that was shooting towards Ling Wenjing, Tang Sheng's wind attribute jumped instantly, and hugged Ling Wenjing with her thin waist. People can't keep up with the rhythm.

"Your Yan family is very courageous, you dare to touch anyone, Yan Da, do you think your life is too long?"

Yan Da didn't know Tang Sheng. He knew everyone in the Tang family, but he had never met Tang Sheng and Tang Yuhe. He looked at Tang Sheng and said slowly, "Don't meddle in your own business, this is not your business. manage."

"Is it nosy? Should I care about my brother-in-law?"

Tang Sheng said that he treated Sophie He as his sister, but she was his sister, so shouldn't her husband care about it?What kind of nosy is this!Upon hearing this, Yan Da frowned and said slowly, "Brother-in-law? Who are you?"

Tang Sheng smiled lightly, said something you can't afford to offend someone, said Tang Sheng's wind attribute and hit Yan Da, a strong pressure made Yan Da breathless, but suddenly a green light Pressing in made Tang Sheng retreat countless times.

Fortunately, his wind attribute is like the yellow Dzogchen among practitioners, otherwise he would be injured. Hai Lanchen saw that Tang Yanfeng was still retreating, and a burst of water attribute pressure and attack collided. The two were evenly matched. up.

Green Dzogchen?This old man has made progress!The last time he met him wearing a mask, he was still in mid-green!But this was all ten years ago, and Hai Lanchen was still young at that time!He thought he didn't remember himself either.

"Little baby, you are very strong! Are you interested in being the old man's apprentice?"

The person who said this came out from inside. He walked over with a benevolent smile on his face. He looked like an old man in his 80s and [-]s. There was no mistake that this was the old man of the Yan family, Yan Tingtian.

He didn't know Tang Sheng, so he didn't know who Tang Sheng was, that's why he said such a thing. If Tang Sheng really belonged to the Tang family, he wouldn't have the guts. You must know that the strongest member of their Tang family is Tang Yanfeng, that heaven-defying genius. A young man, whose wind attribute has reached the early stage of purple, Tang Ming is the most pitiful person in Tokyo and the only person who is compared to his son. Tang Ming is only in the early stage of green color, just like Yunfeng.

"Your apprentice! Sorry, you are not worthy."

Just after Tang Sheng finished speaking, he heard the words ignorant of good and bad. Although Tang Yanfeng is undoubtedly the most talented and intelligent on their website, but he, Hai Lanchen, has also reached the early stage of blue, okay?It is also not to be underestimated.

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