Su Feihe was very calm when she heard this. After all, it was not the first time that Su Feihe was ridiculed by Su Yifang. Su Feihe smiled awkwardly, and said to a few people, let's change places!Several people nodded as if they understood something.

"Su Feihe, what do you think Ling Shao will feel when this photo is sent to him?"

Su Feihe shook her head helplessly, and said two words, casually, what does it matter to her if she hugs her master?Even if she hugs Tang Yanfeng, she doesn't feel that there is anything wrong. What does it have to do with her hugging her brother?
"Su Feihe, you are just the abandoned daughter of the Su family. Don't think that you can ignore me because you marry Young Master Ling. You should always talk about the mud under my feet."

Sophie He is really uncomfortable. She can admit that she is the abandoned daughter of the Su family, but she does not admit that she is the mud under her feet. After so many years, it is time to change her position. Hearing what Sophie He thinks, the monarch feels distressed Caressing Sophie's hair, his voice reached Sophie's mind.

"I will definitely make them pay the price for what the Su family did to you. Your plan has to be advanced. You are my daughter, and I will definitely not let you suffer any harm."

When Su Feihe heard this, she replied the three words Junjun, thank you, Junjun is helpless!This guy is still very strange to himself and is still talking about you. What he hopes is that Sophie He can treat him like a real father, instead of adding a layer of respect.

Su Feihe originally didn't want to put forward the plan so soon. It seems that his master is really angry. As soon as the company starts to flourish, it will put pressure on the Su family, and the deal with Ling Wenyi is about to come to an end. It's over, this matter has to be pushed to Ling Wenyi!It seems that during this period of time, I have to treat Ling Wenyi better, so as to repay my guilt.

"Let's go!"

Several people nodded and stood up. How could Su Yifang let Su Feihe go so easily?So Su Yifang sent the picture of Su Feihe and the monarch embracing to Ling Wenyi, and asked a few people to leave.

Ling Group
In the CEO's office, a gust of cold air rushed over, Ling Wenyi's mood was extremely bad, and Ling's father, who had just poured water over, was taken aback by Ling Wenyi, Ling's father immediately put the hot water beside Ling Wenyi and spoke slowly Said: "What's wrong? So angry?" Ling Wenyi looked at Ling's father with tears streaming down his face.

"Dad, why do you say that I treat her so well and like her so much, but she still doesn't like me? Why are you still hugging other men? "

Father Ling looked at the photos inside and smiled instead of anger. He slowly said, "Don't worry, this might be Xiao He's brother? You have to ask clearly! Girls! Just don't Sorry, just like your father and I chased your mother back then, they also found a man to test your father and me. If your father and I were not firm at that time, wouldn’t we have been cheated by your mother? Xiaohe is just too naughty, you have to believe it She definitely wouldn't do that."

Ling's father is also a person with a big picture, but his EQ is much higher than Ling Wenyi's. Otherwise, how could he marry a talented woman?Hearing this, Ling Wenyi nodded. It really makes sense, so he will give Su Feihe a chance to explain!In this way, he arrived home at eight o'clock, and Su Feihe also finished her work in the company, and came back only because of the monarch and several people who opened a group chat.

The most important thing is that they didn't ask about Su Yifang's affairs. Instead, they thought to themselves, it's still unknown who is suppressing who!And Xiao Yuchao was sent back by Xiao Tang a long time ago, meaning that I brought the child back to make amends for you.

When Ling Wenyi went upstairs and was about to open the door, he saw Su Feihe coming out of the elevator. He was embarrassed and didn't know what to say, but Su Feihe smiled naturally and looked at Ling Wenyi and said, "You're back ! Just to accompany me to pack Chaos."

Su Feihe's happy smile and natural look made Ling Wenyi ask, "Where did you go today? Did you hug a stranger?"

Thinking of the monarch, Su Feihe showed a smile on her face. She slowly said: "Yes, but that person is not a stranger, but someone I respect very much. I will let you get to know each other when I have time." Ling Wenyi thought, Very respectable person?Who would that be?
Ling Wenyi was very curious, what kind of reason made her say the word respect?Su Feihe smiled faintly, and said slowly: "Let's go, you must be hungry because you've been in chaos in the past." Ling Wenyi followed Su Feihe and walked over. Fans didn't spoil Ling Wenyi at all, which is why Ling Wenyi can adapt to such an environment.

Sophie He wrapped up the chaos and looked at Ling Wenyi's dexterity and smiled slightly: "It doesn't need to be so beautiful, it's just for the few of us to eat!" After hearing this, Ling Wenyi smiled lightly and said a good word.

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